store's employees asking if you need help


4 (100%)
What is the deal with every employee at the store coming up and asking you if you need help, or if they can help you find something. I went to Compusa today and while going over the clearance table had 3 different employees ask me if i needed help after hearing the other employees asking me if I needed help. If i need help i will ask you, the only thing i can figure is commission or they thought i was gonna steal something :) It really bothers me that i cant look around without someone coming to ask me if i need help every 5 minutes. Does this annoy anyone else?
They are trained to recognize when a customer actually needs help or not. That way they can avoid those customers that do need help and ask only those that don't. It's a real time saver.
[quote name='wubb']They are trained to recognize when a customer actually needs help or not. That way they can avoid those customers that do need help and ask only those that don't. It's a real time saver.[/quote]

Makes perfect sense :D
[quote name='wubb']They are trained to recognize when a customer actually needs help or not. That way they can avoid those customers that do need help and ask only those that don't. It's a real time saver.[/quote]

QFT...whenver you actually NEED floor assistance there is never anyone to be found
It just lets the customer know someone is around and if they are going to steal they are being watched, pretty much it. But I agree completely with klwillis45, when i'm at Best Buy just browsing everyone and their mother comes out of the woodworks to ask if I need something, but when I go there with something in mind I have to hunt down someone to look in the back.
Never had it happen at a Gamestop, but the EB stores I go to do this and it annoys the crap out of me. Yeah, I know it's to try to help nab a sale, but it's annoying when they ask right when I start looking. If I wanted their help, I would've asked someone.

Circuit City is also another one, if you're in the DVD/TV/Stereo section. Never had anyone come up to me asking if I needed help when I was in the game section. But as soon as I start looking at TVs, bam, employee walks up asking. Seriously, BB & CC need to train their employees in that section so they can get their crap right. Had to take a TV back for my dad cause the employee said it was high-def w/ 1080p, turns out it was a standard-def w/ no 1080p support.
It's to detour theft, mostly.

I've dropped a "Leave me the fuck alone" numerous times at Best Buy.
I was frequently bothered when browsing for price drops at BB (in my pre-CAG days). I didn't like it, but...whatever. God help you though if you were browsing the week a new Madden was released. I had four employees, one after another, approach me one day to tell me the new Madden was out.
[quote name='Brak']It's to detour theft, mostly.

I've dropped a "Leave me the fuck alone" numerous times at Best Buy.[/quote]

Never gone quite that far, when they ask me if they can help me, i tell them "No you can't" and walk by them like they are not even there. I guess im too nice...
[quote name='chakan']Ask if they can help you change your colostomy bag. That should give you plenty of personal space.[/quote]

i hate it when bb employees in the dvd department start doing this, when I just want to be left alone and look around, I can see them coming from the corner of my eye and I start walking away.. then the bastard starts stalking me until the dredded words... "can I help you find something?" comes out of his mouth. The only places where I NEED help would be in Microcenter or Compusa. I can NEVER find someone to help me out at Microcenter.... at one is around except the CS people and they aint doing shit!
I work a hardware store and my managers on hell bent on me greeting every guest. Saying "hi" every single time you see someone gets old, so a lot of times I'll just ask, "Are you finding everything alright?"

To elaborate a little on their enforcement of this: if the store manager were to catch me not saying "hi," I could get 'written up.' Essentially, that's a warning. If I get written up three times in a 90 day span, I'm suspended from work for 3 days... and possibly fired.

Plus, they also have "secret shoppers" that will walk around and when they pass employees, they write down whether or not they were greeted (along with the person's name). They come in every month or so, from what I understand.

Just something to take into consideration. I'd imagine a lot of big, corporate retail businesses operate in a similar fashion...
I get asked too much when I don't need help and when I am looking for something, the store is deserted. It really works this way without fail every time :lol:
Happens all the time to me at BB. They'll bug me every two minutes, or it's the other way and they is nobody to help me, and even when I do find a guy he isn't very helpful or forgets about me and goes off and does something else.
[quote name='Thongsy']Happens all the time to me at BB. They'll bug me every two minutes, or it's the other way and they is nobody to help me, and even when I do find a guy he isn't very helpful or forgets about me and goes off and does something else.[/quote]

Yeah I hear you, while I was at Compusa i was looking at a collectors edition of City of villians for $10 and he walks up to me with the whole Can I help you? and he notices what im looking at and tells me thats a great deal.

The game was not shrink wrapped and looked like it had been opened so i asked him if it was complete. All he said was yeah thats an awesome deal and walks off. If your gonna offer at least fuck ing try to do something. :bomb: That's why i prefer to shop online ...
i should mention that when I'm dressed nicely and look like I might have some money, they swarm. When I'm in a hoodie and tore up jeans and browsing the game section, they watch me from a slight distance ;)
[quote name='wubb']They are trained to recognize when a customer actually needs help or not. That way they can avoid those customers that do need help and ask only those that don't. It's a real time saver.[/QUOTE]

i used to work at target and asking "can i help you find something?" is something the store manager brings up everyday. it's not because people actually need help, but when costumers actually do those surveys on their experience the store gets graded and one of them is whether or not the costumer was greeted. when i was working there they started expecting us to ask at least 25 costumer's a hour in the section you were working.
[quote name='michaema']What is the deal with every employee at the store coming up and asking you if you need help, or if they can help you find something. I went to Compusa today and while going over the clearance table had 3 different employees ask me if i needed help after hearing the other employees asking me if I needed help. If i need help i will ask you, the only thing i can figure is commission or they thought i was gonna steal something :) It really bothers me that i cant look around without someone coming to ask me if i need help every 5 minutes. Does this annoy anyone else?[/QUOTE]

Well don't take a dump in the middle of the store and you won' have any problems.

You hate when the ask for help, and hate when you can't find them. Why don't people realize that they need retail employee's. You need us and you can't admit it. Even though I don't work retail anymore. Without us 90% of customers would get lost in a store, and shit on themselves.
For me, I usually only ask people who actually look like they need help (ie- the people with the confused ass look on their face, like they just saw an elephant jump out of someone's ass). Other than that, the only time I'll bug people is when we've got scheduled mystery shops. We get mystery shopped once a month. Since the shops have a specific start and end date (usually a two week period), I'll greet everyone starting on the first day until I've heard we've been shopped. Then I'll stop bugging the shit out of you for a little while.
when i worked retail, i greeted almost every customer i saw, and asked them if they needed help. nine times out of ten, they did. now, couple that with the fact that i just walked up to them and didn't see that they were previously greeted by another employee, and you arrive at your "why you got asked three times" solution. i asked regardless of whether or not they "looked like they needed help", since some people have a question but are occupying themselves by browsing while they wait for an employee to come around.

that annoys you? grab a helmet. it's gonna be a long ride. if you can't be bothered to politely tell someone "no thanks" when they offer help, even if it's the 3rd (or 4th, or 5th) person to do so, you have something wrong with you, and you're overreacting.
I was a manager at Sam Goody and we HAD to be courtesy and help people. It's a thing called "Good Customer Service." I know that's a hard concept, but it's true. Asking people if they need help finding something does a number of things.

1. Prevents a potential time waste. You know? You spend 15 minutes looking for a particular item when we could've told you the moment you walked in if we had it in or not.

2. Secret shoppers, if we don't greet them and ask if they need help, that kills our score. A bad score = a write up. Sorry, but I'd rather ask customers if they need help than to be written up.

3. Going back to the time waster. Someone comes in and we ask if they are looking for anything in particular, they get pissy and say "no." Ten minutes later while I'm ringing someone up, that same person comes up and tries to get me to help them find something while I'm with another customer. Seriously, take the help when we offer it to you.

4. Let's people know that we recognize their presence.

I'm sorry that us doing our job cramps you, but I'd rather have a store that takes the time to bug you than to not give a crap about you.

Why do you think Wal*Mart never talks to you except when you enter or leave? It's because they don't care, they just want your money.

At least with some other stores, they do somewhat care about the customer and they want you to have a friendly experience.
I was talking about this today at the mall. Every store they jump on you. At Hot Topic I had all 3 employees ask me in 2 minutes. Zummies (like PacSun) is horrible of this. They wait at the door and ask before you are completly in. And they want to talk to you. They always comment on what we are wearing.

When I'm at work I only ask people who are looking confused. The kid I work with ask them as they are walking in the door. I yell at him all the time and explain that if they find what they are looking for right away they wont browse around the store and possible buy more.

EDIT: I hate when I'm checking out and the cashier ask "did you find everything you were looking for?" Uhhh....if I didn't do you think I would be leaving?
[quote name='Limpbizkit182521']
EDIT: I hate when I'm checking out and the cashier ask "did you find everything you were looking for?" Uhhh....if I didn't do you think I would be leaving?[/quote]

oops! that's exactly why they ask you. because when people don't find what they're looking for, they DO leave.
At TRU we are supposed to ask pretty much every customer if they need help. Some people are hard to read, they may look like they are doing fine, when they are really having trouble and don't want to ask for help. You wouldn't believe just how many people today that needed help but didn't approach me, although I was only about ten feet or so away. I approached them and sure enough, they needed help.

That, and it's also to deter thieves, as already stated.

There's no reason to be a dick, as the people are just doing their jobs. As far as being asked by every employee, that is a bit excessive. We try to assign certain parts of the store to each employee to keep this from happening, but sometimes people get asked several times.

EDIT: I hate when I'm checking out and the cashier ask "did you find everything you were looking for?" Uhhh....if I didn't do you think I would be leaving?

Once again, this applied today. I was working the pick-up desk (we're still on the old ticket system) and I always ask the customers if they found everything they needed, even though they've already paid. Most of the time the people respond with a "yes" but every so often like today, there was a lady who couldn't find a certain game (can't think of the title), as there were no tickets for it. I told to let me look in back and sure enough, we had several copies of that game. I took it over to service for her and she bought that in addition to her prior purchase. That customer let even happier, and would not have been fully satisifed had I not asked her.

Remember, what may be an incovenience to you may be of great convenience to someone else.
The only times I've ever needed retail employees are when I was Christmas shopping last year for my grandma (as in shopping for gifts for her to give people) and I had to ask about recommended men's cologne and today, at Best Buy, when I was playing the new Guitar Hero II demo, an employee (dressed in some random inflatable suit with a thong?) said "It's awesome, isn't it?" and then told me to try Psychobilly Freakout because it was the hardest.
I do it because I care about my customers, and want them to feel welcome in my store. A simple "Hey" or "How are you doing" can go a long way.

Most people who post on this board probably don't need the time because they probably alreadty know what educated purchase they will be making (This is CAG after all), but there are plenty of people who walk into a store and need somebody to hold their hand.

But yea, it's also a tool to prevent shoplifters. A shoplifter will most likely not steal if he knows the employees are paying attention to their customers. If he knows he can slip into a store, steal a couple items, and walk out without anybody noticing him, he will do it time after time after time.
[quote name='allyourblood']when i worked retail, i greeted almost every customer i saw, and asked them if they needed help. nine times out of ten, they did. now, couple that with the fact that i just walked up to them and didn't see that they were previously greeted by another employee, and you arrive at your "why you got asked three times" solution. i asked regardless of whether or not they "looked like they needed help", since some people have a question but are occupying themselves by browsing while they wait for an employee to come around.

that annoys you? grab a helmet. it's gonna be a long ride. if you can't be bothered to politely tell someone "no thanks" when they offer help, even if it's the 3rd (or 4th, or 5th) person to do so, you have something wrong with you, and you're overreacting.[/quote]

I'd probably tell them to fuck off... Im sure you got that a lot and probably not even when youre the 5th person to ask the same person for help. BTW the first guy that came up to me and asked if i needed help, pretty much ignored my question and strolled off in the middle of me talking to him. After that the next 2 people annoyed the hell out of me. But its all good
[quote name='michaema']I'd probably tell them to fuck off... Im sure you got that a lot[/quote]

sure you would, tough guy. i've never heard that from any customer when i welcome them to the store, or asked if they need help.

plus, that's a load. anyone that says that's getting tossed from any store, anywhere. no employee is just going to sit there and let you tell them that to their face. i wouldn't.
[quote name='Graystone']Well don't take a dump in the middle of the store and you won' have any problems.

You hate when the ask for help, and hate when you can't find them. Why don't people realize that they need retail employee's. You need us and you can't admit it. Even though I don't work retail anymore. Without us 90% of customers would get lost in a store, and shit on themselves.[/quote]

I didnt say hate i said bothered. Dont put words in my mouth :p
[quote name='allyourblood']sure you would, tough guy. i've never heard that from any customer when i welcome them to the store, or asked if they need help.

plus, that's a load. anyone that says that's getting tossed from any store, anywhere. no employee is just going to sit there and let you tell them that to their face. i wouldn't.[/quote]

Ok I wouldn't, I am actually the guy that responds nicely to even the 5th employee. You know "No Thanks, Im just looking". :D
I used to work at EB games and I can tell you they push this really hard. In fact the employees are suppose to (at least when I worked there, a year ago) actually go up to you and ask how you are doing and talk to you and try to understand why your there and see what type of games you like and then recommend things to you.

It's quite insane if you ask me, it's not like they are selling cars or houses and yet my manager at the time and upper management pushed this like it was life or death. And thats one major reason why I quit. To this day both EB and Gamestop stores do this to me every time I go in and even when going out.

When are the companies going to relize that customers hate this? The old saying about kids works best with employees (imho) They should Only speak when spoken to. Let me look around, if I need you I'll call. Be ready for that.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']
2. Secret shoppers, if we don't greet them and ask if they need help, that kills our score. A bad score = a write up. Sorry, but I'd rather ask customers if they need help than to be written up.

Very true. Stupid secret shoppers; I got in trouble because I didn't try to "add on" to the sale (aka, if customer is trying to buy PS2, annoy them into buying a crapload of accessories and games).

And the theft thing is really true; I went into Borders once while waiting for my windows to be tinted. This guy kept asking if I needed help and I noticed that while I was there looking at books, he kept appearing in the same aisle as me for like 30 minutes straight. He looked relieved when I had had about enough and walked out of the store.
[quote name='Mosaic']I used to work at EB games and I can tell you they push this really hard. In fact the employees are suppose to (at least when I worked there, a year ago) actually go up to you and ask how you are doing and talk to you and try to understand why your there and see what type of games you like and then recommend things to you.


thats actually what happened last time i went to EB. Kind of creeped me out a complete stranger coming up to me asking about games i was looking for and what he likes to play with his friends and recommend games he likes to play. Its one thing to ask if you need help but another to become a cheap car salesman pushing games on you... I completely agree with you dude
with all due respect, i wonder if age is a factor. i have a hunch it's mostly younger CAGs who are bothered by the employees. i'm shooting for the hovering-around-18-years-old crowd.

i just really don't mind being asked stuff, even if it's everytime i visit a store. i can take a couple seconds and turn them down while i shop.
I don't bother people at work. I wait until people come up to the counter to ask them for help.

Which also WTF is up with people standing at the counter and then when I ask them for help they say, "uhhh nothing" Well then don't F'ing stand right in front, let me either ring up someone or answer a F'ing question.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']
Which also WTF is up with people standing at the counter and then when I ask them for help they say, "uhhh nothing"[/quote]

I have 2 different opinions on this. One is when ever i am in a wal-mart or toys r us and someone that obviously knows nothing comes up it annoys me, just because of the fact that I KNOW that I know more about this than the person ask me so I give them a simple "No thanks, i got it" as they are just doing there job.

I work in a Hardware store so I am constantly helping people all day with anything form tools, plumbing, electrical, paint, garage doors, fishing and hunting stuff, lawn care, etc. And it is basically my job to help people. Maybe it is just me, but I can tell when someone needs help most of the time, just by the look on there face and stuff like that. So if they look like they don't need help I don't fucking ask if they need help, but if I see a guy standing there looking confused and scratching his head I'll see if he needs help.
Maybe its just me cuz i used to work for Best Buy...

but i find it even more rude when im in a store and no one ask me for help. Even if i dont need help it pisses me off.
I see it as this....I think that every employee should make a connection...It seems that most people when they enter a store like EB/GS, the first thing the seem to look at is the employees. At that point, I just simply give the customer a little nod or some kind of gesture to let them know, "hey if you need help, im here" kinda thing.

The one thing that i do refuse to do at work though is recommend a game to someone that i think is complete trash.. You cannot make me push a game that is a complete pooper. So that is always one thing i will be honest about.

And i must say that i disagree with the age demographic for those who are asked questions, because at my store it seems to be the older people who are asked about what kind of games they are looking for just because i think that they are seen as a bigger prospective for a purchase, even though that's probably not even the first bit true....
Oh statistics, how you ruin the world.
[quote name='Weedy649']Maybe its just me cuz i used to work for Best Buy...

but i find it even more rude when im in a store and no one ask me for help. Even if i dont need help it pisses me off.[/QUOTE]

True. You don't want to be bother, but you want to at least be acknowledged.
bread's done