Suikoden V $10.98!! NEW


CAG Veteran
I found Suikoden V brand new for only 10.98 at my local Toys R Us. I think this is YMNV because I went to another one 30 minutes away and they were asking 29.99. Still worth a look!
I wish I could find one for that much... I paid $30 for one because I didn't wanna risk paying more later on.
That would be an great find all the Toys R Us stores around me are out of stock with Suikoden V. Actually there is a Sears that has alot of them but they are full Price other than that just EB/Gamestop used.
anyone who does find a copy for $10ish, just pick them all up. Im sure that you could find homes for them here, id take one for sure.
You know you can return and rebuy at TRU. Buy that $30 suikoden V, and return and rebuy at that other TRU for $10.98. Just tell them the price has gone down. I did it no problem.
anyone willing to pick up an extra copy of Suikoden V for the $11? Willing to pay for the game and shipping and a lil extra or whatever. PM me if possible.
I haven't played V...the reported encounter rate and crazy load times (mostly just in or out of battles...and this is my biggest JRPG peev because encounters can be so damn high) have kept me from trying it. Any other feedback about these issues?
[quote name='Kelegacy']I haven't played V...the reported encounter rate and crazy load times (mostly just in or out of battles...and this is my biggest JRPG peev because encounters can be so damn high) have kept me from trying it. Any other feedback about these issues?[/quote]

High encounter rate? That's like every JRPG; also my pet peev but other aspects of the games make up for it. As for feedback, scroll up a bit and check out what Dead of Knight posted:

"This is an obscene deal.... this was my favorite game of 2006 and it was well worth full MSRP."

Sounds like these issues you heard of are exaggerated or the game is just that great that it doesn't matter.
[quote name='super_nerd']High encounter rate? That's like every JRPG; also my pet peev but other aspects of the games make up for it. As for feedback, scroll up a bit and check out what Dead of Knight posted:

"This is an obscene deal.... this was my favorite game of 2006 and it was well worth full MSRP."

Sounds like these issues you heard of are exaggerated or the game is just that great that it doesn't matter.[/QUOTE]
It's not exactly the encounter rate, but any game that loads in and out of battle without much speed (Tales of the Abyss for example) really starts to get on my nerves after just a couple hours these days. Separate, I can live with these cons in JRPGs, but when you have a high encounter rate AND load times to warp to a new battle, that really starts to hurt.

I've been spoiled by FFXII and other games. Been playing JRPGs since I was a kid, but in the past couple years my patience has started to wear thin. Time is not a huge commodity anymore, and waiting for load screens bugs me like no other.
[quote name='Kelegacy']Separate, I can live with these cons in JRPGs, but when you have a high encounter rate AND load times to warp to a new battle, that really starts to hurt.[/quote]
Hey, you asked for people's opinions and you got it. Why ask if you already made up your mind (seems like it), on a game you never played nonetheless:roll: JRPGs aren't the shortest games either regardless of battle. Bottom line, my opinion is that Suikoden V is a solid JRPG in all regards (battle included) and for 11 bucks it's a must buy, take it or leave it.
I hated Suikoden V too, Kelegacy. Combat sucked and the story was either unfollowable for immensely predictable.

Of course, I hated Final Fantasy XII for the same reasons.
man all this suikoden talk, I just drained a full charge PSP battery playing suikoden II~!!

it sux coz I still wanna play it, I dont have any time over the work week :(

that game is crazy tho!! like I was 25 hours in, and I'm jus walking around my Del Taco castle only to find all these brand new areas I've never seen before!!

seriously the castle is too big, I was like "oh crap so that's where all these people were chillin at!!"

edit: LOL never mind, I thought this was the RPG thread... not a deal thread. lol dang yo :/
If anyone would be willing to pick up a discounted copy for me for cost + shipping or something close to it, please PM me. I'm a huge Suikoden fan, and I'm about to finally get a PS2, so I'd love to get my hands on this one.
[quote name='Liontamer']If anyone would be willing to pick up a discounted copy for me for cost + shipping or something close to it, please PM me. I'm a huge Suikoden fan, and I'm about to finally get a PS2, so I'd love to get my hands on this one.[/quote]

Same here. :lol:
I've played every Suikoden (except Suikoden 2) and Suikoden 5 is my least favorite. The loading time is not horribly bad or anything, but it did get on my nerves a little at certain times. I hated seeing your characters pop up one at a time in battle after there was a decent amount of loading to begin with. What seemed like a fairly high encounter rate and the loading got to me at times where I just tried to get out of the dungeon instead of exploring for treasure, that sort of ruined the game for me in a way.

The beginning which goes slowly didn't bother me at all though. I'm use to slow moving games and the story of Suikoden 5 was pretty good, but overall I didn't enjoy the game all that much honestly. Not going to go into it anymore since it'll be spoilers. I actually liked Suikoden 4 and Tactics better than this game, Suikoden 4 is just too short though IMO. Suikoden 3 is still the best IMO though, that and Shadow Hearts and DQ8 are the best RPG's IMO.
Great return to the series. Best Suikoden since part 2.
Unfortunately plagued by load times and obescene encounter rates. Load times are supposedly better on the PS3 though.
Oh man suikoden, love the series best line from a game ever...
Viktor "how about white castle"
i laughed so hard i cried ...then had a weird desire for a 45 cent burger
I actually liked Suikoden 4 and Tactics better than this game, Suikoden 4 is just too short though IMO. Suikoden 3 is still the best IMO though

Blasphemy! Suikoden 4 had the worst load times ever, I hated that boat game! Tactics was pretty good though, and I also enjoyed Suikoden 3.
Is there nobody here kind enough to help out a fellow CAGer and Suikoden fan who's favorite RPG ever is the first Suikoden? If anyone can lay their hands on an extra copy of Suikoden V from this sale, please PM me , and we can work something out.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind a copy for $18 or so ($10.98 + tax + shipping + extra). Then I can return my $32 copy...
My Tru had it at $28 a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure if it has dropped since then. I should check later this month if it has.
I'm playing 2 as well on my PSP. It was released as a comp. with 1 in Japan, never released on our side of the pond, i just dumped my old school PSX Suikoden 2 and playin it off the memory card.
bread's done