summary of Microsoft's recent talk to investors w/ slides


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Microsoft (MSFT)
speaker: Mindy Mount, VP & CFO, Entertainment & Devices Division

first minute of talk and the word "ecosystem" is used. xbox has gone from the "new kid on the block" to an industry leader driving growth.

halo 3 video shown. news clips reporting on the sales and launch frenzy, similar to nintendo's e3 07 clips

halo 3 is a "global entertainment sensation", beat spider-man 3 and harry potter etc etc.

counting consoles, software and accesories, 360 outsells ps3 and wii combined in revenue.

"greatest holiday lineup" revisited

halo 3 and madden are already million sellers, bioshock is almost there. 4 more million sellers expected for the season - mass effect, cod4, assassin's creed and guitar hero 3.

"we believe in our mass effect investment"

mass effect tv ad shown

wii attach rate on slide includes wii sports

"we are delivering results to our third party partners"

good talk, engaging presence. she should be the next peter moore. she's miles better than jeff bell.

comments during q&a session

expects to continue working with bungie, reiterates that MS owns halo. the split is a "natural evolution" of a creative partnership. compares bungie becoming independent to spielberg starting dreamworks or madonna starting her own label - as talent develops, they start to understand the business more and want more of a stake in their creations.

someone asks about why ps3's intent to buy among consumers is higher than 360's on nintendo's chart that was shown before. mindy blames it on dumb casuals who arent savvy to the 360's lineup of games and are loyal to the playstation brand, mostly due to the strength of ps2. thinks sony gets a bit of a free ride because of the strength of their brand. reiterates their results with third parties and their momentum.

consumers dont respond well to DLC like "buy more colors for your car" in a racing game. they prefer DLC with more substance, like new levels, maps, etc. still, it doesnt necessarily work for every title, only those with long legs. XBLA games will stay small for the time being, nothing comparable in size to retail games on DVDs, blames bandwidth speed.

in-game ads depend on many factors. advertisers want research that assures them that their money will be well spent, and that research takes time to build up.

dances around a question about long-term profits. they want to follow the sony model of ps and ps2, obviously, gradually driving down the console costs while selling more software. doesnt see any advances on the horizon that would justify new console hardware.

Microsoft slides shown in order

Alan Wake, huh? That shit will never hit the shelves. I've given up hope on that franchise.

Also, going by their slide, Lost Odyssey is coming this holiday season?!?!?!
Oh THANK GOD that Banjo and Kazooie was mentioned. I am sooooo fucking pumped for that game. Glad that it isn't cancelled.
yeah, she briefly mentioned "a new game in the banjo series" in the talk, but I thought just showing the slide would cover it. I have summaries of other game cos also, tell me which ones you want posted first. I have ubisoft, take two, midway, thq, and activision. I just have to upload the slides.
bread's done