Super Mario All-Stars (Wii) - 25th Anniversary Limited Edition Discussion

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[quote name='eau']I preordered it at yesterday. Both the checkout page and order confirmation email say "Super Mario All-Star LE" but the online order history says "KINECT FOR XBOX 360 WITH KINEC - Wii". Order price stays at $29.99. Anyone has this problem?[/QUOTE]

lmao mine says dragon age 2 wii... that would be sweet if they send you a kinect.. There has to be a glitch
I actually still have and play the SNES cartridge on a Retro Duo, so I'm not really interested in $30 for the audio/art book, to each their own, thanks OP.
Wonder just how limited this will be. Metroid Prime Trilogy was around for quite a bit for a limited run and it even had great sales for the game. I remember I got it for around 28 bucks total. If this game ever was sold for 20 bucks or less I'd be sold but at 30 I'm just a tad hesitant.
[quote name='pewpewpew']If this game ever was sold for 20 bucks or less I'd be sold but at 30 I'm just a tad hesitant.[/QUOTE]
People have mentioned that it's going to go on sale at K-mart pretty shortly after its release, $20 would seem like a likely price. I have to admit I'd be rather tempted at that price.
[quote name='ps2emotions']Well, after reading about the metroid prime trilogy collectors edition on here I went to kmart and lucked up and they actually had a couple of copies so I used my $20 kirby coupon on it and walked out a happy camper after seeing used copies brings as much as I paid for a new sealed copy. I got the games to play (eventually) and to collect as I view all nintendo and playstation titles, xbox not so much for some reason I just don't see xbox stuff as collectible (cough red rings of death cough) but I don't know why I passed on this collection to begin with. I remember it being announced that they had stopped producing them but never realized what a nice collection this is so thanks CAG gamers or I never would have discovered this gem. Now should I buy goldeneye next week for the gold controller because I'll have to dish out $70 + tax for that baby but I will be getting $40 worth of controllers leaving less than $40 for the game so I guess it boils down to whether or not the game is actually ok or excellent. By the way I preordered this mario collection from amazon to soon as I saw it was available because I would have paid $50 for it so $30 is an awesome deal for what you get. I never trust carts for lasting years down the road but these disc should last a very long time if not my whole life.[/QUOTE]
I did the same thing today and went to Kmart to check if they have Metroid Prime Trilogy in stock, and to my surprise I found not one copy but three, so If anybody is interested in this game I recommend you go to your nearest Kmart and check it out if they have it in stock.
According to the NeogGaf forums, this is a bad collection. The games are straight up roms, no optimizing for the Wii, at all, other than the controls. Everything is 4:3 ratio, with huge black bars on the side and back - VC titles have a better aspect ratio. The artbook is small and apparently slightly better than a manual. The soundtrack is just 20 tracks, most of which are sound effects, clocking in at about 26 minutes.
[quote name='dchrisd']Everything is 4:3 ratio, with huge black bars on the side and back - VC titles have a better aspect ratio.[/QUOTE]
If it was anything other than 4:3, then it'd distort the graphics. If VC titles aren't 4:3 w/ the black bars, that'd be one more reason not to buy them. I don't believe Nintendo ever said this game was optimized for wide-screen TVs, they'd have to totally reprogram the game to do so.
[quote name='dchrisd']According to the NeogGaf forums, this is a bad collection. The games are straight up roms, no optimizing for the Wii, at all, other than the controls. Everything is 4:3 ratio, with huge black bars on the side and back - VC titles have a better aspect ratio. The artbook is small and apparently slightly better than a manual. The soundtrack is just 20 tracks, most of which are sound effects, clocking in at about 26 minutes.[/QUOTE]
I'd agree with them. This is an utter ripoff. No way I will support a cmpany to do something like this. $30 for a Wii disc for 4 games that were released in a single package 17 years ago?

Get with the program Nintendo it's now the 21st century and using discs instead of cartridges. They wasted discs, but what does it matter to the Japanese people at Nintendo? It doesn't when all these people will buy it. They sell 10 copies and make money off of it.

Really it is disgusting
Nintendo should make this game available for club nintendo members download for free or charge 80-100 points.
[quote name='dchrisd']According to the NeogGaf forums, this is a bad collection. The games are straight up roms, no optimizing for the Wii, at all, other than the controls. Everything is 4:3 ratio, with huge black bars on the side and back - VC titles have a better aspect ratio. The artbook is small and apparently slightly better than a manual. The soundtrack is just 20 tracks, most of which are sound effects, clocking in at about 26 minutes.[/QUOTE]

nintendo is the king of ripping off, and raping their supporters. Ive never seen a company abuse their fanbase so much, and then the fanbase bends over and asks for more. Its what every company wishes for, and nintendo has it.
I know this "limited edition" is not a good deal for 29.00, and I don't usually let my fanboyism side to decide how to spend my hard earned money in useless stuff. But this is the fuck Mario we're talking about, for me this is just a way to say "Happy Birthday" and thank you for all the memories and happiness that little plumber has given to me and millions of people around the world through all these years.
I caved in and put a preorder down with Amazon. It's Mario's birthday and this collection looks cool so I'm in.

I probably won't open it though :p
[quote name='Edwin29']I know this "limited edition" is not a good deal for 29.00, and I don't usually let my fanboyism side to decide how to spend my hard earned money in useless stuff. But this is the fuck Mario we're talking about, for me this is just a way to say "Happy Birthday" and thank you for all the memories and happiness that little plumber has given to me and millions of people around the world through all these years.[/QUOTE]
Wait.. so are you saying it's OK to be ripped off because you're saying Happy Birthday and thanks to Mario?

Hmmm.. If anything for that reason this game should be a $10 extra bonus to a new Mario game or something. No way I'll be ripped off for a game like old All-Stars. Get real people...
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Well, crap, I wanted to wait till I got home to order from gamestop so I could use one of my coupons and my GS credit on my Powerup Card.

So I go to preorder it right now and guess what - it no longer available on the Gamestop web site! :bomb:

Hopefully that is just temporary because I can't imagine it was that limited. I really don't want to blow Amazon credit on this - would much rather use my existing GS credit which, otherwise, I'm not finding much use for. Plus I have those damn coupons to use and this would have been perfect.
[quote name='io']Well, crap, I wanted to wait till I got home to order from gamestop so I could use one of my coupons and my GS credit on my Powerup Card.

So I go to preorder it right now and guess what - it no longer available on the Gamestop web site! :bomb:

Hopefully that is just temporary because I can't imagine it was that limited. I really don't want to blow Amazon credit on this - would much rather use my existing GS credit which, otherwise, I'm not finding much use for. Plus I have those damn coupons to use and this would have been perfect.[/QUOTE]
Well, you can thank fellow "CAG's" who are looking to make a measly $3 profit (if anything at all) in a few months. I'm sure they'll sell it to you for like an extra dollar since you're a moderator here...

It's always an option to pre-order and pick up in-store too.
[quote name='Edwin29']I know this "limited edition" is not a good deal for 29.00, and I don't usually let my fanboyism side to decide how to spend my hard earned money in useless stuff. But this is the fuck Mario we're talking about, for me this is just a way to say "Happy Birthday" and thank you for all the memories and happiness that little plumber has given to me and millions of people around the world through all these years.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe22']
It's always an option to pre-order and pick up in-store too.[/QUOTE]

I do not see such an option - or do you mean preorder at a store? I thought you meant preorder online for store pickup.

Meh, if I can't use one of my $10 coupons I'm not sure I want to bother (and I can't use those in store). Hopefully it will come back.
[quote name='io']Hopefully that is just temporary because I can't imagine it was that limited.[/QUOTE]

I would think it'd be "limited" in the sense of time, rather than quantity. You should be OK.

What are the chances that this is on sale for entire 12 months of the 25th anniversary? ;)
[quote name='io']Well, crap, I wanted to wait till I got home to order from gamestop so I could use one of my coupons and my GS credit on my Powerup Card.

So I go to preorder it right now and guess what - it no longer available on the Gamestop web site! :bomb:

I had it in my cart for the last few days and just preordered it. So I guess We'll see;)
I'm going to get it but only after Call of Duty Black Ops ship out, just so I can use my $20 credit towards it lol :p

Heh, and needless to say, I pre-order it before and just now canceled so I can do this. Its worth $10. :D
hmm, i've see the occasional MPT going new for over 75. Makes me want to buy a few extra to keep sealed. Also, this is right before Christmas, and ALL mario wii games have held their value so far.
[quote name='6er']hmm, i've see the occasional MPT going new for over 75. Makes me want to buy a few extra to keep sealed. Also, this is right before Christmas, and ALL mario wii games have held their value so far.[/QUOTE]
If you're lucky you could break even, good luck.
[quote name='Edwin29']I did the same thing today and went to Kmart to check if they have Metroid Prime Trilogy in stock, and to my surprise I found not one copy but three, so If anybody is interested in this game I recommend you go to your nearest Kmart and check it out if they have it in stock.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad you found a copy too man. Yeah the kmart I went to had 1 more copy left and I was so happy to find a new sealed copy. I'm a big nintendo collector so I should have already had this from day one considering what you are getting for your money. Really nice piece.:)
I can't believe I am planning on buy these games again.
NES copies. Check. GBA copies. Check. No VC copies.
Though I traded in my SMAS for credit and then bought a copy from Goodwill for $2.99

The artwork/history, music CD and "limited edition" essence has me sold
....oh and Club Nintendo coins!!!
My only gripe with this (may have been mentioned already), is that in the first SMB, when you're small mario, you lose speed when you jump up and hit a block from underneath. It throws off the timing that you're used to from the NES version.
[quote name='M-PG71C']I'm going to get it but only after Call of Duty Black Ops ship out, just so I can use my $20 credit towards it lol :p

Heh, and needless to say, I pre-order it before and just now canceled so I can do this. Its worth $10. :D[/QUOTE]

I had the same idea :)

Maybe amazon will even add a promo credit to it.
It's available again at GS so I finally got to preorder it using my PowerUp Rewards and one of those $10 coupons from their flurry of coupon deals several months back.
What a fail, fanboys will buy anything....

This is hardly "special" short of the limited run they are claiming (possible reprints ?)

A truly special edition would have been something like this:

1 wireless NES controller and the game in a steelcase that also included at LEAST 2 more games that were missing from the original SNES version.

Now THAT is a special edition and frankly not too much to ask for a gaming icon, correct ? Yes, it would have costed more, but not much more. $40 would be fair and would sell like hot cakes.

I still don't see what makes this edition special over the SNES version ? and no, I don't count junk SWAG-like items (soundtracks, thin/anemic booklets).

Seriously sheeple, if you stop supporting these cash-ins, then the Big N gets the picture and starts putting together packages that don't suck.

"See also" the fact that every game in the galaxy today gets a 'special edition' (even shit titles).

Sorry, but Nintendo has to do better to earn my $$$

The only thing sad about this thread are the repeat trollers who have nothing better to do than say the same shit over and over again. You don't think this is a good deal? Great, say it once and GTFO.
People who don't spend their money the way I spend my money are wrong. At least that's what I take from this thread (and most on CAG, for that matter).
Actually I've remained silent on this but I really don't see what everyone is getting so excited about. Frankly this is a weak offering for a 25th anniversary edition. I could understand the excitement if Nintendo had packaged games in a format that hadn't been previously seen or was bringing something new to the table. But this release is a rehash of a rom file that was available for years before the wii came out and Nintendo found a way to profit off their classic library.

The booklet and cd are nice touches, but the core offering is just terribly weak and nostalgia is running rampant in this thread. For anyone excited about this release, good for you, it's not my right to rain on your parade but I think it's a clear fact that Nintendo could have brought more to the table than a single, previously released rom on a DVD.
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