Super Mario Bros. 3/Super Mario World (NES/SNES)



Regarded as the two best 2D Mario games ever made, and both ported to the Gameboy Advance, which one do you like the most? The last NES Mario game or its successor on the Super Nintendo?
Personally, I like Super Mario World more than Super Mario 3. I have pictures of me when I was 3 playing Super Mario 3. I only recently got to play Super Mario World when I bought the GBA version, but it just seems to have more to offer. Sure, it doesnt have all of the odd suits, but Yoshi and the Star World makes a heck of a difference. Not to say that Mario 3 is bad or anything, but my vote goes to SMW though.
super Mario world was too much of not very interesting. There were lulls in the gameplay that were huge.both on the super Nintendo and GameBoy advanced versions I found myself getting bored around the forest illusion and I stopped playing.

Super Mario3, however, never has a dull moment. I play through this game in its entirety many times as I bought it shortly after its original release on the 8-bit Nintendo. been meaning to buy it again for the GBA,but I've heard some nasty things so I've been putting off full price purchase on it.
Super Mario has all good games but I like 3 better, only because I liked the boss levels better and the music is so much cooler. I love when you go between the pipes in world 8, that music is awesome :lol:
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I hate to blow your poll...but neither. Super Mario Bros. 2 is my favorite Mario game, by far.[/quote]

I knew that someone like you would show up. "Other" option added. :)
[quote name='SS4Brolly'][quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I hate to blow your poll...but neither. Super Mario Bros. 2 is my favorite Mario game, by far.[/quote]

I knew that someone like you would show up. "Other" option added. :)[/quote]

Thank ya ;)
speaking of just plain cooler than super Mario world, why the hell did they take away my raccoon suit?

That cute huggable Mario fuzziness absolutely made the previous game!

Without it, Mario is just another fat plumber doing his damnedest to make ass crack fashionable ;-)
Aaah...a tough question indeed......but my vote has to swing to SUPER MARIO WORLD......I remember playing the game in college and thinking....."My god....the people who made this game have had to be stoned"
Great of my favorite Mario game endings.....the music was just soothing.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I hate to blow your poll...but neither. Super Mario Bros. 2 is my favorite Mario game, by far.[/quote]

That was my least favorite. I hated that game.
[quote name='greendj27'][quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I hate to blow your poll...but neither. Super Mario Bros. 2 is my favorite Mario game, by far.[/quote]

That was my least favorite. I hated that game.[/quote]

It's mostly people who suck who hate Mario 2.

Mario 2 was my favourite until i played Yoshi's Island.

now it's
Yoshi Island
Mario 2

Mario 3, Mario world tied

Mario 1

Mario is missing

mario 64, mario sunshine tied for worst ever.
[quote name='DenisDFat']It's mostly people who suck who hate Mario 2.

Mario 2 was my favourite until i played Yoshi's Island.

now it's
Yoshi Island
Mario 2

Mario 3, Mario world tied

Mario 1

Mario is missing

mario 64, mario sunshine tied for worst ever.[/quote]
Judging by all your previous posts, you think a lot of things suck. Must be nice to have such a positive attitude.
Super Mario World was the better're right Osh's all about the Goomba Shoe!!!!!!!
SMB3 is by far the best mario game ever, or so i thought.
a few weeks ago i saw a video of some guy playing mario, and he finished the game in 11 minutes. that's when i realized that SMB3 is the BEST GAME OF ALL TIME!
you should all download this video "moSMB3" you can download it off Kazaa.

when you watch this video, yor head will explode
SMW 2 is a very good game, however its technically not a mario game. Lost levels is actually SMW2. Even though i consider it part of the lineup. It was originally a different game, then had some character sprites swapped to mario characters. Thats why the game is odd compared to other mario games.
I guess I'm another freak (in the SACK!... sorry couldn't resist.)

I really enjoyed SM2, although SM3 comes as a close second. For some reason, however, I don't seem to enjoy playing SM3 on my GBA...
SMB3 Only cause i recently bought it like a week ago for GBA. So much harder to %100 Than SMW that i like it more. I remember finally getting every damn secret on the SNES with SMW, and thats why it will probably be the next GBA game i purchase.

Close tie though. But we all known the true mario victor is Mario's Fun With Counting. Owns your sorry ass.
Gotta put in my vote for SMW over SMB3. While I can beat SMB3 without warping, I've still never beaten SMW without activating any of the switch palaces. THAT'S a challenge.

Even with SMB3's Kuribo's Shoe, I've got to go SNES on this one.
certainly it's super mario world.

3 words, people: Mode 7 Scaling. :lol:
and i hate to burst any bubbles, but i've heard that 11 minute SMB3 video was admitted as false by the guy who did it. apparenlty he used an emulator that autoloaded whenever he made a mistake (im not sure of exactly of the tech aspects, that was just what I remember reading on another board).
This is a difficult one. I couldn't decide either way until someone mentioned the lulls in SMW around the forest of illusion. I found myself agreeing with him on this. I did lose interest in the game and actually put down the SNES release for a few months. SMB3, however, I played all the way through without stopping and without a single disappointing moment.

SMB3 by a small margin.
[quote name='osh kosh biotch']People, people, please, let's not lose focus. It's all about the goomba shoe.


Heh. Gotta show the respect to the Goomba Shoe. :lol:

If I had to pick one, I'd have to say SMB3. I remember when it came out. It was an event. I remember going to see "The Wizard" just because it had Super Mario 3 in it. :lol: That's not to say I didn't like Super Mario World; I loved that game too, but if I had to pick, I'd say SMB3. I spent many hours playing it with my little sister. I just picked it up for GBA for my fiancee to play. She had mentioned that she'd like to get a Mario game to play when I'm at work or in class and such, so I picked it up for her this weekend. She's hooked, needless to say and I haven't seen much of my GBA since. Oh well... :lol:
I gotta go with Super Mario World. I have a picture of me playing it as a child, I was all alone sitting "indian style" playing this game. It was my birthday..everyone was outside playing "real" things, all I need is me and my Mario....
I would buy Super Mario World over SMB:3. Mario 3 is way too short. You can beat it in one day easily. Not worth a purchase. Super Mario World is much longer and would last me at least a week.
I dont like Yoshis island much. Its too much searching for keys and solving level sized puzzles. If it was more action I would like it alot more.
Ok, here's how it lays, I like the first Mario Game ever because it was a great game and was fairly hard when I was a kid. But... it also had DUCK HUNT, remember duck hunt? That game was the bets add on. Yes, it did get boring after so long but it was really good while it lasted.

But, between these two, I would have to say Super Mario World is better. SMB 3 was just to easy to skip through and beat (then again, so was SMB1, oh well)... But, someone did say that Mario64 was last on their list, but, I think that It competes for a spot right beside these two awesome games. As for Sunshine, never played it.
It is a tough choice, but I most definetly have to go with SMB3 over SMW. I just missed all the power-ups. I remember me and my cousin spending all night playing level by level without warping or using anything like the P-Wing or Cloud. Actually play the level and not just run through it just to beat it. The best part was when he had a Star and I had 2 I would just challenge him to the original Mario Bros, and just knock that star out of him and steal it to get 5-ups. I just have a lot more fond memories of SMB3 than I ever did with SMW.

Sure SMW was longer, and definitely fun, it will still be SMB3 that has a special place in my heart.
SMB3 sucked!

It was too linear, and had no replay value at all! You couldn't go back and replay levels that you beat!

Mario World is awesome. And the extra world you can unlock in the GBA version is cool too.
oh, super mario bros 3. defenitly. i had this this when i was like 6. i played it all the time. until i stuck a screwdriver into my NES for no apperent reason and broke the system. my parents ended up selling the games and accesories to funcoland for a fraction of what they resold them for. but i am glad to say today i have a new NES and super mario bros 3.

i also have an snes and super mario world. both are great games but after a hard day at work. i would much rather sit down to a nice SIMPLE side scrolling game of Super Mario Bros 3
Oh holy hell! This is the hardest question I Have ever had to answer.
I will have to go with Super Mario Bros....3

Only because I really like all the different Mario's you can become. Raccoon Mario, Frog Mario, Hammer Bros. Mario., Etc... It is also quite it bit more difficult and takes more time. Mario World can be beaten too easily. I can't even count the number of times I have beat it 100%.
Super Mario World was just way more fun to me. Mario 3 was boring for some reason :(
I liked them both a lot, but I give the edge to Super Mario World. Partly because I could never beat level 8 on 3, and I liked all of the secret roads and stuff in Super Mario World. It was a lot more to do in it.
I love both, and while the level design in SMB3 is often more creative than SMW, SMW is overall a more consistent and balanced experience. SMW refined everything SMB3 added to the game, getting rid of many of the redundant and superflous powerups and expanding the whole world map/multiple paths concept. It just plays like a more solid and consitent game.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I hate to blow your poll...but neither. Super Mario Bros. 2 is my favorite Mario game, by far.[/QUOTE]

But Super Mario 2 isn't Super Mario at all.

Super Mario 2 is a famicon remake of Doki Doki Panic

I like Super Mario 3 the best btw
Wow, the more I'm thinking about this, the tougher it is.

Right now, I really enjoy SMW more than SMB3. But, that is really because I burned myself out on SMB3 when it was released. I only had 3 NES games for the first year I owned the system. So, I would play SMB3 all the time. Also, when friends came over, that's what they wanted to play, so we played that.
After that year, I find it really hard to play the game now. I just feel done with it.

I never had a SNES during it's run, so I only played a little bit of World. So, even though I've played it quite a bit, no where near as much as 3.

Though, if I'm being completely honest, my favorite 2D mario game right now is Yoshi's Island. Yes, baby Mario is annoying, and the game seemed a little too cheery, but it felt really deep and I loved the music.

I think I'll pass on voting right now.
Wow, this is an old thread.

But Mario 3, hands-down. If nothing else, Nostalgia puts it over the edge.

But really it's like trying to set the order of the best 2D platformer and the 2nd best. Both are fantastic. It's just that racoon tail > cape.
bread's done