Super Paper Mario Headed to Wii


3 (100%)
From the mailbag of Matt Casamassina at IGN:

Matt responds: Hmm. How should I write this? Have to be vague, you know? Let me just say that yes, Paper Mario will be headed to Wii and not GameCube. Now read between the lines, damn you! Wait. That was a terrible hint! All right, that's it for today. Time to beat Bozon.

Weep, children. Weep.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']nah, no weeping. One way or the other its being released. Was probably going to play it on the Wii anyways.[/QUOTE]
Same here
Why are we weeping again?

I don't particularly care if stuff is out for GC or Wii at this point, I'll buy it or not buy based on the game.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']How long till Twilight Princess gets the same treatment?[/quote]They can't. The people who want to play it with traditional controls, Wii owners or not, likely outnumber the people who are willing to try something new.
The biggest game of the bunch is the new version of Paper Mario, which slyly snuck into Nintendo's E3 press materials but didn't make a personal appearance at the show. Super Paper Mario for the GameCube is now set for release on October 9,

im guessing that date is cancelled or could we be shocked and see the WII come out the first week of Oct.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']nah, no weeping. One way or the other its being released. Was probably going to play it on the Wii anyways.[/QUOTE]

Agreed this is lame.

There is no need for the game to have the Wiimote used, so why not just release it on the GAmecube and say it's only for the Wii on the box?

Very lame.
[quote name='Z-Saber']They can't. The people who want to play it with traditional controls, Wii owners or not, likely outnumber the people who are willing to try something new.[/QUOTE]
Don't get your panties in a bunch. You can use the Gamecube controllers on the Wii. They have the ports to support them. Hurrray!
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Bad news. Why even announce it for the Cube at all? I'm hoping it's just a rumor.[/QUOTE]

Yea, that is kind of shitty, as I wasn't going to get a Wii for awhile (like six months after launch or so) and expected to get this on the Cube.

Kind of like a bait and switch type dealy... get people all excited and hyped up for it on the Cube, and now say "Wait, now it's on the Wii, haha!" and those people who were really hyped up say "Shit, I gotta get a Wii to play this awesome game now".

It would be like if Sony suddenly announced FFXII was going to be on the PS3 instead of the PS2.

I wonder if this game is already done and they are just switching consoles and not adding anything new to just increase the games available at launch?
[quote name='Roufuss']
I wonder if this game is already done and they are just switching consoles and not adding anything new to just increase the games available at launch?[/quote] Since this won't be just another run-of-the-mill average launch titles, it's really serving to increase the number of must-have games available at launch. I have a feeling Super Paper Mario would be much more of a system seller than Elebits or even Excite Truck - if they actually promoted it. I'm guessing the general lack of promotion (outside of "look, it exists, here's a video!") was probably due to their uncertainty over releasing it for GC or Wii.

Though since the release date had been moved back to January from sometime in the fall, they may be modifying it somewhat.

Let's keep some perspective here... when Sony puts out a game for the PS2, they have an installed base of some hundred million people. Even if half of those people have sold their PS2 in advance of the PS3 coming out, that's a ton of people to market your product to. The GameCube (and Xbox, last year) have much smaller install bases, so when we know a lot of people are selling their Cubes and waiting for the Wii, they know it makes better business sense to pump up the launch of your new console that you hope/expect will end up with a lot more owners than the previous one, meaning more people will be able to play the games - cause I'm betting a lot of new Wii owners are not going to go back and buy a bunch of GameCube games.

At least we have DK Bongo Blast and Baten Kaitos Origins. ;)
[quote name='ricdafric`']Don't get your panties in a bunch. You can use the Gamecube controllers on the Wii. They have the ports to support them. Hurrray![/QUOTE]
The possibility of GC contols for Wii games doesn't prevent Nintendo from ignoring them, even when they are already developed and fully implementable. See Twilight Princess


I believe it's been postulated in these parts that forcing Wii controls on people "encourages" people to give the Wii controls a try. I'd think that real encouragement would make both control schemes optional to allow people to adapt at their leisure rather. I don't understand why these GC crossovers like TP and SPM can't retain their already developed GC controls on the Wii and have the addition of Wii controls and 16:9 to their Wii version.

What I'm getting around to saying is that if the Wii version of TP won't support GC control, I don't see why the Wii version of SPM will be any different.
[quote name='dothog']The possibility of GC contols for Wii games doesn't prevent Nintendo from ignoring them, even when they are already developed and fully implementable. See Twilight Princess


I believe it's been postulated in these parts that forcing Wii controls on people "encourages" people to give the Wii controls a try. I'd think that real encouragement would make both control schemes optional to allow people to adapt at their leisure rather. I don't understand why these GC crossovers like TP and SPM can't retain their already developed GC controls on the Wii and have the addition of Wii controls and 16:9 to their Wii version.

What I'm getting around to saying is that if the Wii version of TP won't support GC control, I don't see why the Wii version of SPM will be any different.[/quote] If both control schemes are optional, that means developers can make them optional. Which means developers will make watered-down ports of 360 or PS3 titles with traditional controls. Which means people won't buy them because they're the same game with worse graphics.

We won't know till we see it, but I'm hoping this requirement for developers to use the new control scheme for their games will help speed up the growing pains the DS went through, where people were throwing on touch screen use just to say they used it. In that case they had the four buttons and D-pad to fall back on. They couldn't really do that with the Wii, because there isn't a whole lot else for them to use for controls - okay, so they could do it, but I would hope they recognize that they are putting out a shitty gimmick at that point.

The success of the Wii will continue to be the creation of games that you cannot play on the 360 or PS3. This cannot be done when games can "optionally" be played using traditional controls. If you aren't interested in giving the Wii control scheme a try, why are you buying a Wii?
Really doesn't bother me too much but it's gotta suck for people who won't be getting a Wii anytime soon. Why give them hope only to have it shattered.
[quote name='botticus']This cannot be done when games can "optionally" be played using traditional controls.[/QUOTE]
Yes it can. Just make sure that the control scheme for one is more compelling or engaging than another.

[quote name='botticus']If you aren't interested in giving the Wii control scheme a try, why are you buying a Wii?[/QUOTE]
I never said that. I am excited about the Wiimote, but for games that were developed with GC controls (TP & SPM), why not include them given the Wii's ability to accomodate those controls?

In my opinion, there's nothing potentially harmful about including GC controls with these specific titles. Wii owners preferring the GC control over the Wii control doesn't harm Nintendo's bottom line: they've still sold a console and a game. And it doesn't harm adoption of the controls: Wii owners eventually have to try out a title that was developed for the Wii (and not a GC port).

Your fanboyism is blinding you to the fact that while a lot of people will be intersted in the Wii, a lot of those same people will look askance at the Wiimote. Getting these people used to the Wiimote requires introductory titles like Wii Sports or Excitetruck. Forcing Wiimote control on established IPs that could be controlled otherwise, especially for launch titles, is a way to handcuff gamers who need time to appreciate the Wiimote. It's going to result in a ton of people saying, "Well, I really would have liked the game if it weren't for the control." What's wrong with giving people options and allowing them to explore on their own time? Forcing things just makes people feel like there's something wrong that needs to be hidden.

While I agree with you that eventually Wii games will need exclusively Wiimote controls, there's a transition period that you're ignoring with your black/white attitude.
What could be complicated about Super Paper Mario and the Wiimote? Let's see... D-pad... a couple buttons... sounds familiar...
[quote name='Z-Saber']What could be complicated about Super Paper Mario and the Wiimote? Let's see... D-pad... a couple buttons... sounds familiar...[/QUOTE]
Assuming that's the road they decide to take. What if it uses the accelerometers instead? I'm not saying this is bad (wait and see), but sometimes a man wants to jump/dash with A and B and not with a series of controller gestures.

Again, I'm not claiming that Wiimote controls automatically suck, I'm just asking for an option in case people want to sate their platform jones in the newest 2D Mario game without linear accelerometer funtime.
[quote name='dothog']Yes it can. Just make sure that the control scheme for one is more compelling or engaging than another.

I never said that. I am excited about the Wiimote, but for games that were developed with GC controls (TP & SPM), why not include them given the Wii's ability to accomodate those controls?

In my opinion, there's nothing potentially harmful about including GC controls with these specific titles. Wii owners preferring the GC control over the Wii control doesn't harm Nintendo's bottom line: they've still sold a console and a game. And it doesn't harm adoption of the controls: Wii owners eventually have to try out a title that was developed for the Wii (and not a GC port).

Your fanboyism is blinding you to the fact that while a lot of people will be intersted in the Wii, a lot of those same people will look askance at the Wiimote. Getting these people used to the Wiimote requires introductory titles like Wii Sports or Excitetruck. Forcing Wiimote control on established IPs that could be controlled otherwise, especially for launch titles, is a way to handcuff gamers who need time to appreciate the Wiimote. It's going to result in a ton of people saying, "Well, I really would have liked the game if it weren't for the control." What's wrong with giving people options and allowing them to explore on their own time? Forcing things just makes people feel like there's something wrong that needs to be hidden.

While I agree with you that eventually Wii games will need exclusively Wiimote controls, there's a transition period that you're ignoring with your black/white attitude.[/quote] I understand the concern with the ported titles. But currently SPM is the only case of this. TP is still a GameCube title as well, which can be played on the Wii with GameCube controls.

Fanboyism argument aside (true, but irrelevant in this case), my point is that Wii titles should not have GameCube controls. I don't even agree with its inclusion for SSBB - why not just make it a GC title as well? If they are going to let it be controlled via GC controllers, release it for GC. If they're going to use Wii controls, release it on Wii. And following the above argument, it's entirely possible that they will use GC controls for SPM, as much as I would be against it at this point.

However, another factor you're not involving yet is that people would need GC controllers. Once again, new adoptees of the Wii are not going to have these controllers, nor would they know they need them. I don't really want to see the confusion that arises when people buy a Wii, two Wiimotes and SSBB, take it home, and realize they have to go back to the store and buy 2 or more GameCube controllers to play it.

I guess I just don't get it. People complain about paying $200 or so for something that's "just a suped up GameCube," completely ignoring the Wiimote, and then others (or sometimes the same people) complain that you can't pay $200 or so for a suped up GameCube that plays the same games the same way. Either way you're screwed.

I don't want them to put SPM on the Wii instead of the Cube, but if they're going to, I want it to be a Wii game. And I have some trust that they can do this without breaking the game, or they wouldn't do it.
[quote name='Vinny']Really doesn't bother me too much but it's gotta suck for people who won't be getting a Wii anytime soon. Why give them hope only to have it shattered.[/QUOTE]

Like me :(

I was expecting to plug my GC back in for one last giant hurrah with Super Paper Mario and Twilight Princess. It'll still get plugged in for TP, but honestly I was kinda anticipating Mario more.

It was cool to see Nintendo throw some support at the GC, but it's not so cool to see them remove it. Nintendo has a bad habit of just dropping a console like nobodys business... believe me, if they didn't find a way to make two different versions of TP (one with regular controls, one without) they would have just made it Wii exclusve.
Motherfuckers. They better let me control this with a GameCube controller. I'll honestly say that the wii-mote seems like a shitty way to control a game like this and I don't want to have to force myself to try a wii-based control scheme simply to play a game that I was looking forward to.

I already have to decide whether I want to buy the crappier version of Twilight Princess with the control scheme I want, or the better version of Twilight Princess with the control scheme I'm dreading.

(in reference to)

I'm amazed that lilboo's prediction about Super Paper Mario coming out on the wii instead of the cube came true. I'm a little disappointed in Nintendo due to the lack of support for the GameCube (and the N64 when it was still alive). I know sales of the GameCube is almost irrelevent due to the cashcow DS Lite, but Nintendo should have enough resources to at least put up a fight against the ps2 (seems like they're just waving the white flag without even trying). I wonder how long Nintendo will support the wii until they abandon it for the wiiwii (or whatever the new system will be called).

Seems like I have a grudge against all 3 (Sony, Microsoft, & Nintendo).
Time for me to start on the 100+ games that I have, but still haven't gotten a chance to play. Guess I'll buy a next generation system once the dust clears (there is a good chance Nintendo will dominate, but I wouldnt' kick Sony or MS out of the race yet).
[quote name='SpottedNigel'] far as control goes...couldnt you just turn the Wii remote on the side and play it like a NES controller?[/quote]

People always say that, but that doesn't look comfortable to me at all. Sure you could do it and maybe it would be okay in small sittings, but that doesn't look to be a good way to play an entire game and I don't think it can be compared to a GameCube controller.

Plus, it's not that type of controls I'm worried about too much. It's the, well let's make Mario jump by flicking the Wii-mote up and make Mario roll up in a ball by rotating the Wii-mote in circles. It's that kind of stuff that worries me.
[quote name='botticus']
However, another factor you're not involving yet is that people would need GC controllers.[/QUOTE]
They wouldn't need them. It's optional. If all they have is a Wiimote, that's how they play. If the title supports GC controls and they have a GC controller, they can try that out if they're uncomfortable with the Wiimote. Versatility is the point here.

[quote name='botticus']
I guess I just don't get it. People complain about paying $200 or so for something that's "just a suped up GameCube," completely ignoring the Wiimote, and then others (or sometimes the same people) complain that you can't pay $200 or so for a suped up GameCube that plays the same games the same way. Either way you're screwed.[/QUOTE]
I don't hear many of these complaints from the people interested in and/or looking to buy a Wii. The "souped-up GC" argument is something PS3 devotees say. I'm excited about the Wii for many more reasons than just the Wiimote. I think that Nintendo has designed a console that provides more than enough graphics for immersion, but more importantly they've created a very flexible console that will provide access to new titles and a HUGE backlog of old and desirable titles.

Back to the topic, providing access to GC controls isn't going to take away from the Wiimote. It's just another option. In the battle to find new gamers and satisfy a larger cross-section of customers than the hardcore gamers Sony/MS fight over, Nintendo needs to consider the habits of the typical consumer. And most people appreciate flexibility in a new electronics purchase--they want the freedom that comes with knowing that if you don't like a particular feature, you will have a chance to adapt to it instead of having to abandon something altogether.
The GCN-controller issue is little deeper than you think.

Nintendo is building this entire generation on their new philosophy, that games are stagnant and are in need of a dramatic change. They'd be completely nullifying their point by saying "oh yeah, you can use that same old stagnant controller for these 'new revolutionary games' as well".

Sure, I'd like the option to play Zelda GCN style. Who doesn't like more options? But it would do Nintendo (and their new message) a lot more harm than good. After all, why would somebody buy a souped-up GCN with the same GCN controlls if they never bought a GCN to begin with?
[quote name='evilmax17']
Sure, I'd like the option to play Zelda GCN style. Who doesn't like more options? But it would do Nintendo (and their new message) a lot more harm than good. [/QUOTE]
How? Everybody keeps repeating this, but no one provides specific details. How is opening the GC controls, which were already built into TP and SPM, not worth doing? It's already there. Why hide it?
[quote name='evilmax17']
After all, why would somebody buy a souped-up GCN with the same GCN controlls if they never bought a GCN to begin with?[/QUOTE]
First, it's not a souped-up GC. There's much more to the Wii than that. Second, I'm buying the Wii version of TP because I want the 16:9 and I want to play around with the Wiimote. However, I absolutely love the GC control scheme on WW, and if that were preserved in TP (instead of being removed), then I would have liked the option to try those controls and still be in a 16:9 game. However, that's not possible. Oh well.
[quote name='shipwreck']Motherfuckers. They better let me control this with a GameCube controller. I'll honestly say that the wii-mote seems like a shitty way to control a game like this and I don't want to have to force myself to try a wii-based control scheme simply to play a game that I was looking forward to.

I already have to decide whether I want to buy the crappier version of Twilight Princess with the control scheme I want, or the better version of Twilight Princess with the control scheme I'm dreading.[/quote]

I'm also very skeptical about the Wiimote for games like this but I think like any control scheme it will become second nature once you really get into it. I'm really looking forward to it. Also, I LOVE the Zelda series - every game - but I have to admit that as great as WW was (even though it was too easy) it just felt like more of the same and I have a feeling that TP on Gamecube won't really do anything to make the series feel "new" again (like OoT did). I think a new control scheme just might do it. I'll be buying the Wii version without hesitation.
[quote name='Roufuss']Kind of like a bait and switch type dealy... [/QUOTE]

How is this a bait and switch? There was hardly anything revealed about Super Paper Mario for Cube, except a short-ish gameplay video from E3. It's not like they bombarded you with media to get you super pumped about the game and then switched it.
[quote name='alongx']How is this a bait and switch? There was hardly anything revealed about Super Paper Mario for Cube, except a short-ish gameplay video from E3. It's not like they bombarded you with media to get you super pumped about the game and then switched it.[/QUOTE]

The game also had a few previews and some hands on impressions, like this IGN one.

I also remember reading something in Game Informer about the game.

It's not like it was announced and nobody knew shit about it, there was a good deal of news about it, more so than Twilight Princess. What I meant is that people like me, who really were intrested in the game but have barely any interest in the Wii, will now start considering the Wii because I can't get the game on GC anymore.
[quote name='Roufuss']What I meant is that people like me, who really were intrested in the game but have barely any interest in the Wii, will now start considering the Wii because I can't get the game on GC anymore.[/quote]
So their strategy paid off in this case!

Nintendo has many power-play items in their repertoire. Whether you're looking for a new control scheme, old classics, or established franchises...they'll get you one way or another.

More power to 'em.
Next up, Nintendo scraps ALL of their Gamecube titles for their lacking Wii selection.

Also, def for the Wii is 480p, same as the gamecube. And widescreen is only an option, not a requirement.
[quote name='evilmax17']So their strategy paid off in this case!

Nintendo has many power-play items in their repertoire. Whether you're looking for a new control scheme, old classics, or established franchises...they'll get you one way or another.

More power to 'em.[/QUOTE]

Nah, still not getting a Wii anywhere close to launch... the only thing that would do it is if Twilight Princess became Wii exclusive.

I usually like to wait until a system has a full library of games, they've worked out some of the kinks, and the launch drought is over.
Hmmm from seeing games like TP and SPM be converted over the Wii it seems really easy to move a game from the GC to the Wii....almost TOO easy
[quote name='Roufuss']Like me :(

I was expecting to plug my GC back in for one last giant hurrah with Super Paper Mario and Twilight Princess. It'll still get plugged in for TP, but honestly I was kinda anticipating Mario more.

It was cool to see Nintendo throw some support at the GC, but it's not so cool to see them remove it. Nintendo has a bad habit of just dropping a console like nobodys business... believe me, if they didn't find a way to make two different versions of TP (one with regular controls, one without) they would have just made it Wii exclusve.[/quote]
Exactly. Why limit the audience by taking it from a console with a good sized audience to a brand new console? I'd be less annoyed if they were bringing it to both, as much as I even hate that idea, instead of moving the game to a new platform.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Next up, Nintendo scraps ALL of their Gamecube titles for their lacking Wii selection.

Juka seems like the kind of guy that goes into Officemax and complains that he only has 40 different varieties of yellow highliter to choose from.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Exactly. Why limit the audience by taking it from a console with a good sized audience to a brand new console? I'd be less annoyed if they were bringing it to both, as much as I even hate that idea, instead of moving the game to a new platform.[/QUOTE]

For three reasons.

1) The GC is dead, and any game coming out for it will be swept under the rug by the hype the Wii has.

2) The Wii is backwards compatible.

3) It makes a better business decision to Nintendo because they need all the momentum they can get on the Wii. They've already acknowledged that there was a huge drought with the GC's first year, and they want to avoid that. Might as well move all viable projects over to it since it's riding a big train of hype.
[quote name='Strell']For three reasons.

1) The GC is dead, and any game coming out for it will be swept under the rug by the hype the Wii has.[/quote]
Not until after Zelda is released.

[quote name='Strell']2) The Wii is backwards compatible.[/quote]
Doesn't seem to be any point to it if they're just killing the GC version now to put it on the Wii. This is pretty much the head-scratching part of this rumor.

[quote name='Strell']3) It makes a better business decision to Nintendo because they need all the momentum they can get on the Wii. They've already acknowledged that there was a huge drought with the GC's first year, and they want to avoid that. Might as well move all viable projects over to it since it's riding a big train of hype.[/quote]
#2 says you've got all the titles on the Cube to give them some of the momentum they need along with the games that are scheduled to hit after the launch. Any new Gamecube coming out is also a game to push for the Wii automatically, so why treat it like it has the black plague and keep anything good away from it? There's already a few hundred titles in the library for future Wii owners to enjoy just from them Gamecube, so proper care in advertising can let people know that while they wait for the new Mario, Smash Brothers, etc., they can enjoy Melee and Sunshine in the meantime as part of their Player's Choice lineup. Why ignore 20+ million Gamecube owners just because they've got a new console coming out instead of letting both groups enjoy the game? Doesn't make much sense to me.
Good. Since otherwise it probably would be just more of the same as the previous game. Maybe the funky controls will add to it. If they don't, for shame on Nintendo for not releasing it on GameCube.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Why ignore 20+ million Gamecube owners...[/quote]

They are not. They want all us 20+ million GCN owners to fork over for a Wii. Sorry, Strell is right, it's a business decision.
bread's done