Super Smash Bros. 3DS demo codes

Love threads like these.  Always go to the "Guest"  .  Looking for a code if anyone got a extra one.  Have alot of Digital Copys of new Release blu rays I will trade.

I have three codes. PM me.

Edit: Holy pm flood Batman. All gone. Glad to help some peoples out.
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I'd take one if a fellow cag's feeling generous.

Stopped bothering with club Nintendo since the reward was a pack of cards or a digital game.. Lol
If anyone has a smash code to spare, I would trade a code for one of the games you can buy with club Nintendo coins this month.
Does anybody have a free extra code for the demo? I tried trading a copy of zelda for one but the guys code didn't work after he redeemed mine......

If anyone has an extra code and doesn't want to feed a lurker can you send it my way.pretty please. ;) I'd forever hold you in the highest regard.
I have UV movie codes for Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man 1, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and The Wolverine. If anyone is interested in one of those for a code, please let me know. Otherwise, I've already got a huge backlog so maybe this is a sign to work on that.
bread's done