Super Street Fighter 4


CAG Veteran
Im New To Cag and I Was Wondering , what do the cag's want to see change in super if anything? i play on ps3 and im somewat new to it,

PSN - Ghostreav7
more control over the matchmaking. i would prefer to fight players w/ a low latency (not sure how that rating system worked before). the skill level was pretty good for SFIV since my win/loss is almost exactly 50%.

i would love to be anonymous as well b/c there are a lot of douche bags online that like to send messages after the fact. actually is there a way on psn to only receive messages from friends and not strangers?
about the messages, im not exactly sure, im sure you can ignore others but thats probably after the initial "hater message" as i like to call it, the latency is a big problem, im sure my win loss ratio is terrible considering i go the game last week, i love the game though, and i feel as though im getting better, im contemplating on weather i should shell out monet for a fightstick. i ordered a fightpad so yeah, im sure that wil be nice!
i learned to play on my snes a long time ago so i kinda prefer the d-pad. the button layout could be better though (for street fighter anyways). hit me up if you feel like a game. i got to the second tier for ranked tournament games if that's any indication of my skill or not. it's been quite a few months since i've played though.
yeah im expecting my fightpad to come tomorrow, i first played street fighter on the genesis so like i might play better, and as far as teirs and all go, i dont know how it all works yet, i really wanna get better though =D
I've used the D-Pad since the days of Street Fighter 2 and rarely ever played fighting games at the arcades. I just bought the SSF4 TE stick and have been trying to get used to it. Any advice to stick noobs?
I was contemplating getting a stick but I went with the pad, I got it today, it's okay, I had some weird problems where I'd be pressing nothing yet I'd be crouching, and it basicly held the doown button, idk what's wrong with it it's like on and off with that, but other than that it's pretty nice!
[quote name='bobo2k4']I've used the D-Pad since the days of Street Fighter 2 and rarely ever played fighting games at the arcades. I just bought the SSF4 TE stick and have been trying to get used to it. Any advice to stick noobs?[/QUOTE]
Pick a grip, and stick with whichever is comfortable.

Just go into training and practice your favorite character's moves. Both left and right.

Another tip, be a little loose with your left hand/arm. Also, don't be afraid to ride the gate.
[quote name='Thomas96']I'd like to see everything changed... I just couldn't enjoy this game with it not being in 2d[/QUOTE]
You Mean Like Graphics? it's 2d Gameplay.
[quote name='Ghostakuma7']You Mean Like Graphics? it's 2d Gameplay.[/QUOTE]

I wish that it was drawn out like Street Fighter III. I know its 2d Gameplay as they're on a 2d plane, however it still affects the gameplay. I felt like the jumping was sluggish, and I felt that the gamplay was kind slow since the models had to be animated. THe game feels like Street Fighter EX plus Alpha.
It has all the 2D fighting game mechanics to it. Some jumps are really slow and 'floaty' but that's just the game's speed. It probably would be more exciting if it was faster, which I think is one of the changes in SSFIV.

If you don't believe me, jump towards with Gen.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Anyone else switching mains when Super hits?[/QUOTE]

Have to see if anyone is different. I'm still pissed that Fei Long was nerfed that hard. I might practice the crap out of Guy. I used to love using him back in Alpha 2.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']It has all the 2D fighting game mechanics to it. Some jumps are really slow and 'floaty' but that's just the game's speed. It probably would be more exciting if it was faster, which I think is one of the changes in SSFIV.

If you don't believe me, jump towards with Gen.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to give SSFIV a try. My heart will always be with Super Street Fighter II (especially Turbo remix) I wish they'd just release a Street Fighter with all the Street Fighter characters.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Anyone else switching mains when Super hits?[/QUOTE]

Lol, You Already Know who my main is, me and akuma have wayyy to much history. it really just depends though, i cant seem to play charge characters for shit, if i get a fight stick that may change, until then im just not sure, i may try ibuki or cody, and dudley and guy. haha there all going to be fresh so itll be hard to decide.
bread's done