Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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[quote name='Filler2001']Did anyone see Zack and Miri yet? How was it?[/QUOTE]

I went to see it and I thought it was decent. The dialog was a bit bland for a Kevin Smith flick but it still had a fair amount of belly laughs. IMHO It could have been funnier (but the theater was laughing all the way through it) and it seemed like Kevin Smith took a few too many drinks from Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen Kool-Aid for my liking but it didn't make it any less enjoyable. I was hoping this would be Chasing Amy part 2 but Zack and Miri doesn't have as much heart as Chasing Amy but I blame that because the dialog is much weaker in Zack.
With that said I'm the wrong person to ask because I fell in love with Kevin Smith 14 years ago after I saw Clerks for the first time and have enjoyed every one of his movies, yes I even went to see Jersey Girl opening weekend and on top of that I enjoyed it for what it was :whistle2:$.
Hell Ride - Could have done without all of the Tarantino like dialog as it doesn't fit with what they were going for and I've never been a fan of a writer/director be one of the main actors in his movie but over all it was a pretty good film if you dig early 70's biker films

The Seeker - A little sloppy but a decent kid's urban fantasy film (I myself would love to see more people make urban fantasy films. Something like translating some de Lint books could make some serious money)
Speed Racer - How could you not like this movie? Orgies of color and ridiculously good SFX throughout. Only thing I could ask for would be a more prominent score like that of Giacchino's score for The Incredibles.
[quote name='Filler2001']Did anyone see Zack and Miri yet? How was it?[/quote] Saw it two nights ago, and yeah some sucking did go one LOL pretty good flick overall!! :applause:
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Meh.


I've been going through a nouveau vague "period," so what can I say. I don't know, I really enjoyed it. Reminded me of Band of Outsiders a lot, and that is probably my favorite nouveau vague film and one that doesn't receive enough notoriety.
[quote name='Malik112099']The Bridge

I didn't know that many people committed suicide off of the Golden Gate Bridge[/quote]

Yeah, that was a tough movie to get through. Chilling stuff.

[quote name='Liquid 2']Never heard of 12 Monkeys. Should I check it out?[/quote]

Most definitely, especially given your past interest in time-bending movies like Donnie Darko and Primer. It's pretty excellent.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']How was Zack and Miri?[/quote]

The missus and I quite enjoyed it, though it did feel more like "Kevin Smith makes a Judd Apatow Movie" than a real Kevin Smith movie.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']The missus and I quite enjoyed it, though it did feel more like "Kevin Smith makes a Judd Apatow Movie" than a real Kevin Smith movie.[/quote]

Once I get sometime - i.e. around Thanksgiving/holiday break - then I'll have to go see this. Too busy with school and working on another degree.
Zack & Miri: Make a Porno

I hate Seth Rogen with a passion, but he was absolutely great in this movie. I'm not a big Smith movie fan either, with me really only liking Clerks 2.. and *gasp* Jersey Girl.

I'd say this is by-far Kevin Smith's best movie, and my favorite comedy of this year so-far.
Anybody see anything this weekend worth seeing? I usually go the movies mid week, curious if there is anything that was worth shelling out for...:applause:
[quote name='farfus']Anybody see anything this weekend worth seeing? I usually go the movies mid week, curious if there is anything that was worth shelling out for...:applause:[/quote]

Not sure where your tastes run, but RockNRolla, Religulous, and Let the Right One In are 3 best movies I've seen over the last few weeks.
Big thumbs up on magnificent seven! Yeah was thinking about seeing RocknRolla but the gf said lets just stay home. Think the Transporter 3 starts next week so will catch that if its out or whenever it comes out. Ended up watching the new Ninja Warrior episodes on G4 last night...:bouncy:

It was asstastic. It started off pretty enjoyably and was edging towards being genuinely creepy but then it takes a turn for the worse and never recovers.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy

Well that was a waste of 97 minutes.[/quote]

I love that movie so much. I'm always so disheartened when someone doesn't enjoy it...

[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']Zack & Miri: Make a Porno

I hate Seth Rogen with a passion, but he was absolutely great in this movie. I'm not a big Smith movie fan either, with me really only liking Clerks 2.. and *gasp* Jersey Girl.

I'd say this is by-far Kevin Smith's best movie, and my favorite comedy of this year so-far.[/quote]

Hmm... that's interesting. Jersey Girl was alright, George Carlin really helped give it some life, but it was no Chasing Amy. I thoroughly enjoyed Clerks 2, though, so we're in agreement on that.
Let the Right One In

It's Twilight for people with brains. Wait, that's True Blood. Well, it was good, anyway.

There's too much damn vampire crap these days.
Get Smart

I'm usually not a fan of corny comedy's like Mr. Bean or Steve Martin movies, but this had me cracking up. I loved the bathroom scene when he's trying to shoot the crossbow at his cuffs, hilarious!
[quote name='Halo05']1408

It was asstastic. It started off pretty enjoyably and was edging towards being genuinely creepy but then it takes a turn for the worse and never recovers.[/quote]

Yeah i rushed out to see that in the theaters after all the reviews had me going and i was more than a bit disappointed......
[quote name='Tybee']Let the Right One In[/quote]

I was completely blown away by that movie. Happy to hear that others are getting to see it.

I just read that Matt Reeves, the director of Cloverfield, is doing an English-language remake of it next year. I'm not sure how I feel about that. ;)
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