Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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Crank: High Voltage

What a huge fucking let-down. It had all of the ridiculousness of the first one, but it seemed they were relying too much on sex, violence and horrible (unconventional?) camera work in this one; all three that worked well in the first one, but were also used in moderation.

Don't get me wrong, I actually loved the first one, but this one was just too ridiculous. If someone told me that Tarantino had a hand in it the final scene, I'd believe it.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Oh... That A hole Tarantino touched it? That explains a lot then.[/quote]

No, he didn't. Just saying that if someone were to tell me that he did, I'd believe it. I'm not sure I want to see the third one, unless they go back to a style similar to the first.
[quote name='sp00ge']Crank: High Voltage

What a huge fucking let-down. It had all of the ridiculousness of the first one, but it seemed they were relying too much on sex, violence and horrible (unconventional?) camera work in this one; all three that worked well in the first one, but were also used in moderation.

Don't get me wrong, I actually loved the first one, but this one was just too ridiculous. If someone told me that Tarantino had a hand in it the final scene, I'd believe it.[/quote]
OMG this movie was terrible.
Little Children

Funny and sad. Reminded me a lot of American Beauty. Kate Winslet, Patrick Wilson, and Jackie Earl Haley are all fantastic in it.
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai in the Eighth Dimension
So what if the action scenes were underwhelming, Banzai is frickin' calm and collected. If only they serialized his adventures.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Oh... That A hole Tarantino touched it? That explains a lot then.[/QUOTE]
Behold: The power of reading and comprehension.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']That's a mind fuck for you.[/QUOTE]
This is true.
Pieces - 4/5 - Chainsaw killer chops up co-eds on a college campus and wants to make a human jigsaw puzzle out of the body parts. About half way through the film it focuses more on the mystery then the slashing. You find yourself guessing who is the person thats chopping up people. Pieces has a decent story, good gore, some weird characters, and of course some laughs.
The two most recent movies I've seen:

The Wrestler - great film

Crank 2 - ugh. I absolutely love the first film, but this one was so over the top it managed to even mock the original, but not in a good way.
I Am Legend. Terrible waste of time. Cool idea and even the first hour was interesting but it went nowhere and the ending was just retarded.
[quote name='javeryh']I Am Legend. Terrible waste of time. Cool idea and even the first hour was interesting but it went nowhere and the ending was just retarded.[/QUOTE]

I'm curious if you watched the alternative ending? If you did did you like it better? I thought the normal ending was fine but almost everyone that hated the ending liked the alt ending.
[quote name='spoo']I'm curious if you watched the alternative ending? If you did did you like it better? I thought the normal ending was fine but almost everyone that hated the ending liked the alt ending.[/quote]

I'm in this camp. The normal ending nearly ruined the movie, but I watched the alternate ending and came away very satisfied.
Still don't like that the dog dies, though.
The movie sucked regardless of the ending... It's like Hancock with was not only a waste of time but cheezy stupid. Will smith playing Will Smith in everything is getting old FAST like Tom Cruise playing Tom Cruise did in everything.
I thought I Am Legend had a great concept marred with a terrible ending.

Star Trek- The perfect summer action movie!
Psycho (1960)- One of the best movies I've ever seen.
[quote name='javeryh']I Am Legend. Terrible waste of time. Cool idea and even the first hour was interesting but it went nowhere and the ending was just retarded.[/quote]
I loved that movie... until he met other people. And the CG Vampires were kind of bad (the novel is pretty good though).

Saw Star Trek, fantastic. Go see it, forget the other Star Trek crap.
Crank: High Voltage - I thought the first movie wasn't too bad but this one pretty much killed whatever entertainment the first one had.
American Splendor - 2/5
it had some funny parts but I don't think I could have watched it all without the PS3's 1.5x speed
The Reader - Pretty good, way more explicit than I was expecting. I'm not mature enough to *not* be jarred when dicks are on my TV.
Star Trek - fucking awesome.
I'd call the movie out for cheating by literally rewriting canon using time travel, thereby giving them free reign to do whatever they want in the new series without technically negating the old one... but Kirk called it out himself during the course of the movie. Meta. And no, I'm not a Star Trek fan, so I don't actually know the canon.

The movie does have the same issue as almost any great origin story - it ends at the beginning, which makes it all feel like a tease for the sequel, where it all "really" begins. Can't fault it for leaving me wanting more, I guess.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Mr. Mom

Michael Keaton at his peak.

Sadly, I'm not kidding.[/QUOTE]

My three favorite non Batman Keaton movies are; The Dream Team, Beetlejuice and Multiplicity. Besides that Michael Keaton is by far the best Batman, as much as I like the new Batman films Christian Bale is an awful Batman and his Bruce Wayne is just on par with Keaton's. Michael also steals the screen in Night Shift, his first major movie. I wish someone would give Michael Keaton another great comedy script and he would accept it since he has a great comedy screen presence but I am pretty sure that Batman mostly killed his comedy career. I do like Mr. Mom but I would say it is far from his peak that he hit in the late 80's and his last last comedy Multiplicity is way underrated.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Mr. Mom

Michael Keaton at his peak.

Sadly, I'm not kidding.[/quote]

Gung Ho and Johnny Dangerously beg to differ. Also I remember My life being pretty well done.

Wife and I tried watching last night
Happy Go Lucky - lasted 15 minutes. Annoying female characters with English accents makes me want to pull my hair out.
Junebug - lasted 10 minutes. Way to overly artistic, focusing on a air mattress being blown up for more than 15 seconds does not make good cinema.

We finally settled on Match Point. Damn good movie. I thought for sure the ending would go another way but was suprised to find myself happy that he
got away with the murder.
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[quote name='spoo']I'm curious if you watched the alternative ending? If you did did you like it better? I thought the normal ending was fine but almost everyone that hated the ending liked the alt ending.[/quote]

I saw it on HBO so no, I did not see the alternate ending (I didn't even know there was one). There's no way I'm watching it again though just for that. I read a little on the movie and the book sounds really cool - I wonder what happened during the translation to the big screen...
Benjamin Button and S. Darko.

Benjamin had a certain charm to it at the beginning, but kind of bored me in the middle when I stopped seeing a little old guy and started seeing Brad Pitt. Then it refused to end and kept on going.

S. Darko...what the fuck.
[quote name='homeland']
Junebug - lasted 10 minutes. Way to overly artistic, focusing on a air mattress being blown up for more than 15 seconds does not make good cinema.
Wayyyy up there in my worst movies ever list.

I also watched the whole thing.
It actually gets progressively worse by the second.
The Dead Sleep Easy, a canadian indy film about a lucha libre wrestler who kills someone in the ring and ends up joining the mexican mob. really cool flick
One Crazy Summer - I really liked this one as a teenager but now it comes acoross as nothing more than just your average teen love flick.

The Toxic Avenger, Part 2 - I have been a fan of the original for many years now but this is the first time watching any of the sequels. It had the same great comedy, way more action but the super thin plot makes it drag. Overall I liked it but just because it was a sequel to an all time great.

Meet the Robinsons - It was way better than I thought it would be. The time travel rules seemed nonexistent but it is a kids flick after all.

Funland - I thought this was going to be a B horror movie about an evil clown but it ended up being a black comedy about a clown that lost his marbles and the amusement park he works for. Why did they market it like it was a horror movie with this cover art?

[quote name='Azumangaman']Wayyyy up there in my worst movies ever list.

I also watched the whole thing.
It actually gets progressively worse by the second.[/QUOTE]
I really enjoyed Junebug, it was very well acted and it was overflowing with black humor with perfect timing. I can understand how some may not enjoy it since it is a very, very indie.
The Paper and Much Ado About Nothing are two good Michael Keaton movies. He doesn't have a big role in the latter, but that's a great movie if you're into Shakespeare, or at least motion picture adaptations of his work.
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