Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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Just saw the Hangover and it is really good. If you have yet to see it you should. Also so a preview for Extract from Mike Judge. I'm really wanting to see it now.
Pelham 123. It blew.

I'll probably be watching Midnight Meat Train later tonight. To anyone that's seen it, is Bradley Cooper's character a jerk? I've yet to see him in a role (in movies that matter) that doesn't require him to be a total douchebag. I'm curious as to whether or not he's capable of acting any differently.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Pelham 123. It blew.[/QUOTE]

Looked like it would. I see most movies in theaters, but I really didn't care about this one.
Hanky Panky - It had it's moments but it was a little too long for what it was.
Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling - I had a good time watching the first Without a Paddle movie so I thought I would give the sequel a shot. I know the first one wasn't very good but it had a few funny parts but this one is very, very bad. Avoid this direct to video DVD at all costs.
The Brothers Bloom - Either ironically or fittingly over-plotted. The dialogue is really weird, and that messed with the experience for a while. Rachel Weisz is the best part. It is original, and probably worth seeing if you like the trailer.
Year One - I said I wouldn't see it, but I ended up going. It was actually pretty funny. Not something I will probably ever see again, but I don't regret watching it.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Pelham 123. It blew.

Well, any movie where they try to make Travolta look "dangerous" has always sucked. Whereas Pulp Fiction was awesome because he was just a greaseball.
[quote name='Pavel6969']Finally watched The Green Mile after reading the novel. Excellent movie and book.[/QUOTE]

Movie makes me sob like a little bitch every time. Especially when
that mouse comes out of the box at the end.
Sunshine Cleaning (2008)

Quirky dark comedy, similar in ways to Little Miss Sunshine (but not nearly as good), which it has a few connections to. It stars Amy Adams, who, in order to raise the tuition to send her young son to private school, starts an unusual business, a biohazard removal/crime scene clean-up service, with her unreliable sister. It had some funny scenes, and totally has that "independent film" feel. It also stars Steve Zahn, in a small role.

What Goes Up (2009)

Really odd comedy, with odd characters, played by an odd cast, Steve Coogan, Josh Peck, Hilary Duff, and Molly Shannon. It's basically about rejects and heroes, and it's set in the 80s. I liked it, but it was pretty average.

The Last House on the Left (2009)

This was awesome. If you like your horror films to be gore porn, this is perfect for you. It's not scary at all, it's just fucking brutal. I loved it.

Knowing (2009)

Well, this film had everything. Nicolas Cage, creepy kids, weird creepy pale people who come out of the woods, Nicolas Cage, a ridiculous plot, and Nicolas Cage. And what the hell genre was it? I don't know. I'm going to go with a "Mystery/Sci-Fi Disaster" film. It fortunately had some classic Nicolas Cage terrible acting moments, such as, weird pale person appears from woods, Cage chases after it with a baseball bat, but it disappears, so while of out of breath, Cage screams, "DO YOU WANT SOME OF THIS!?", *then hits a tree with the bat*. Brilliant. A lot of people seemed to not like the the ending, but fuck it, it was crazy enough to work with this damn film.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Movie makes me sob like a little bitch every time. Especially when
that mouse comes out of the box at the end.

Lol, really?
[quote name='MisterModest']

The Last House on the Left (2009)

This was awesome. If you like your horror films to be gore porn, this is perfect for you. It's not scary at all, it's just fucking brutal. I loved it.

That is discouraging that all it is is another bloody gore flick. I watched the first one not too long ago and it was the first film in a long time that scared me. The scene of
the rape in the woods and forcing one of the female characters to piss themselves
scared the crap out of me in a way no other movie has. Sure the old one had it's fare share of gore
like intestines being ripped out of a corpse
but it was so much beyond blood and gore.

I like some gore in my horror now and then but I was hopping The Last House on the Left 2009 would stay away from just being another gore porn flick. Don't get me wrong the first one had a large amount of shock value so I was figuring it would be yet another Hostel but I was hoping they would borrow more than just the gore from the original.
I saw Last House On The Left in theaters.

People actually left during the
rape scene

I thought it was an ok movie. Nothing I ever feel like seeing again.
[quote name='whoknows']I saw Last House On The Left in theaters.

People actually left during the
rape scene

I never understood the mentality of leaving a movie because you are offended. They went to a rated R horror flick what were they expecting? Excessive gory violence is ok but
is crossing the line? Don't we go to horror movies to see things that we don't want to see, to see things that bad people do?

When I saw Gangs of New York at the theater there was a family a row or two in front of us, three kids aged between 9-13 or so. They watched over 1/2 of this long movie with the usual over the top Scorsese violence with the very adult theme but they walked out during a sex scene. They shouldn't have been there in the first place but why is it ok to show children excessive violence and drug use but we need to shelter them from normal adult behavior, sex?
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Yep, what else?[/QUOTE]

I know of a few others. If you do an IMDB search they come up. Plus, I think there's a recent 2008 Finnish film that when the title is translated comes out as Basket Case.:lol:
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Movie makes me sob like a little bitch every time. Especially when
that mouse comes out of the box at the end.

Have you read the book? The end in the book pulls at the heart strings more than the movie does.
[quote name='spoo']
They shouldn't have been there in the first place but why is it ok to show children excessive violence and drug use but we need to shelter them from normal adult behavior, sex?[/QUOTE]

Yea my parents were the same way. Me and my sister could watch with them Alien, Beverly Hills Cop, The Godfather, Missing in Action, Red Dawn, The Thing, Carrie, Cobra, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, EvilDead, True Lies, Halloween, Terminator, Commando, Bloodsport, Kickboxer, Out For Justice, Under Siege, Robocop, Predator, Death Wish, Dirty Harry, etc. However, once a tit hit the screen we were forced to cover our eyes. I grew up fine but I really think this is one of the major problems with America. Our fear of showing any nudity or sex yet plastering violence and drugs out for all to see. What kind of example is this setting for the youth of America?
Some parents don't care if you're violent, maybe you'll just end up in prison, but they care if they have to deal with you getting preggies or making someone preggies.
[quote name='MisterModest']Sunshine Cleaning (2008)

Quirky dark comedy, similar in ways to Little Miss Sunshine (but not nearly as good), which it has a few connections to.[/QUOTE]

You're not kidding. Alan Arkin plays THE EXACT SAME CHARACTER in both films.
Kingdom of Heaven
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

My god, they actually fucked up Transformers worse than the first time. Easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I actually feel I need to repent for adding to that celluloid abomination's weekend gross.
Kingdom of Heaven was so much better than the trailers implied. Orlando Bloom was an odd choice as the "hero" but...mmmmm, Eva Green.

Guy at work keeps telling me Transformers 2 is cool. It's an epic struggle to just politely nod along.

I just saw a movie called Gossip that was pretty cool. Joshua Jackson is in it, if that tells you how dated it is. Still okay. The queen of Caketown was in it.
Moon - 3/5 - Trailer made it seem like Sam Rockwell is losing his mind and combating loneliness...which is true for 20minutes. I left wishing there was something more to the film. It was lacking something and I can't put my finger on it. If anything watch it to see Sam Rockwell do an amazing job. hell of a performance.
The Hangover
Enjoyable but not nearly as fall-down funny as I was expecting it to be.

Rachel Getting Married
Excruciating and unnecessarily long. Can't for the life of me figure out how this got nominated for an Oscar. Still, it was cool to see the dude from TV on the Radio in a movie.

[quote name='naiku']Moon - 3/5 - Trailer made it seem like Sam Rockwell is losing his mind and combating loneliness...which is true for 20minutes. I left wishing there was something more to the film. It was lacking something and I can't put my finger on it. If anything watch it to see Sam Rockwell do an amazing job. hell of a performance.[/QUOTE]

Dying to see it but it's not playing out in the boonies yet.
Bangkok Dangerous
Guarding Tess
The Weatherman
World Trade Center

did a Nick Cage marathon of sorts tonight. Weatherman wasn't bad and next, although laughable, was entertaining.
I saw Transformers 2 and despite the annoying juvenile humor and length, it was good. I watched Indiana and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls a few nights ago. I had heard so many bad things but I loved it. In fact, I liked it better than Temple of Doom.
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