Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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just watched Clerks 2 on DVD. One of the most transparently sappy movies I've ever seen. Kevin Smith trying WAY too hard to say "See, I can do more than dick and fart jokes in this universe!"
Picked up Shoot 'Em Up earlier (I had seen it in the theater).

Best all-action flick I have seen in quite a while.
The Man From Earth.
About a guy that has lived for 14,000 years. Pretty interesting but don't wait for special effects, it is him just talking about his experiences. Takes a little to build up.
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem - it was hilariously bad. The whole theater was pretty much laughing throughout the whole movie.
I half-watched The Science of Sleep last night. Meh.

I'm just thrilled that I was able to call "mandick" on the movie within the first couple of minutes and be proven right.
I watched Sweeney Todd yesterday. And watched Charlie Wilson's War today. Both were excellent films. I don't get to the movies often, but these were worth it.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']just watched Clerks 2 on DVD. One of the most transparently sappy movies I've ever seen. Kevin Smith trying WAY too hard to say "See, I can do more than dick and fart jokes in this universe!"[/QUOTE]
It was still all dick & fart jokes

which isn't a bad thing
I watched Kickin' It Old School (Jamie Kennedy movie) and it was a pretty funny movie, thought it would be horrible but actually enjoyed it.
The Wendell Baker Story.
Luke Wilson, Eva Mendes, Eddie Griffin, Will Ferrel, Owen Wilson and more. It has it moments (Luke Wilson and Will Ferrel store is priceless) but it sometimes feel like it doesn't know if it wants to be a comedy or a drama.
I watched Before the Devil Knows You're Dead last night. It was OK, but nothing great. Marissa Tomei is still hot, though, if you were wondering.
Juno - Great film. Loved the soundtrack.
Sweeny Todd - Awesome flick. Dug Rickman and Depp's duet.
Eastern Promises - Watching it as I type this. It's pretty good.

Gonna watch, Gone Baby Gone and American Gangster this weekend.
disclaimer: I usually only go to the cheapo movies (dollar or dollar fifty) so mine may be "older" new releases then the newest of new movies..

Stardust (it was written by neil gaiman it can't be wrong) was one of the best "fairy tale" movies I had ever seen.. take the girl to that one.. you will score.

I now pronounce you chuck and larry .. it was ok.. not bad though

Harry Potter Order of "Jean Grey" ( through out the movie I would proclaim "I AM PHOENIX" just like in the old xmen cartoon) I liked it better than the first 2 not as good as 3.. but on par with 4

Halloween (unrated ... woo) surprisingly it was a fun popcorn movie.. also made a lot of "rifftrax" style jokes in this one.. great times though.
[quote name='Brak']Eastern Promises

As great as I had hoped it would be.[/QUOTE]

I saw this at the theater with a few friends and got a phone call, so I left the room. I come back to find out that I missed the most vital part of the movie.
Went to The Darjeeling Limited last night and I was blown away. I loved it.

Watched No Country for Old Men today and thought it was good.
Finally saw Beowulf 3D. Very impressed with the 3D technology for several reasons:

- It looked DAMN good.
- It didn't require a heavy electronic headset like some IMAX 3D flicks did back in the day.
- It didn't give me (or any of the other four people I went with, young and old) a headache, even after the entire two-hour run of the movie, nor did we ever feel the need to take the glasses off.
- It didn't make me nauseous (well, other than all the pus spilling out of Grendel).
- The glasses worked reasonably well over my prescription glasses (and you got to keep them).
- It worked with standard digital projection, meaning this exemplary 3D technology is already widely available.

As far as the movie itself, I thought it was very well done. I'm a bit of a Beowulf scholar, having taken a semester of Old English in college followed by a semester focusing solely on translating and discussing Beowulf. I thought the narrative changes they made were justified and made the characters, namely Beowulf and Hrothgar, more interesting. Made it less a story of hubris and more a story of how a weakness for beautiful women to the point of abdicating duty tends to fuck things up for everyone. More nuanced a tale than Beowulf simply ducking down a hole to skewer Grendel's fat nasty mother, as he does in the original.

I'm still not a big fan of Zemeckis' motion capture technology, primarily because I still don't see the purpose of it. When your goal is to make CG actors look as real as possible and exactly like their real-world equivalents, it begs the question why not just film real actors and save CG for the effects shots? As it is, the technology just becomes a gimmick and distracts from your storytelling rather than aiding it. You spend more time deciding which elements look right and which look off than you do focusing on the narrative and performances.

All of that said, I thought this was emminently more watchable and less creepy than The Polar Express, and you could see they're getting closer to bridging the uncanny valley. But they're not there yet.
I saw Juno over the weekend and absolutely loved it, soundtrack was pretty good and the movie was just as good as I hoped it would be, if not better.
[quote name='whoknows']Saw Bee Movie, and while I only paid $2 to see it, I want my money back.[/quote]

This is the Movie you saw DID'NT SUCK thread. not the "Movies you know suck already but still spend money to see anyway" thread.

By the way Death Sentence w/ kevin Bacon, All in all it was a great movie...(although i was waiting for the moment when he gets angry and breaks out into a random dance like in footloose....didnt happen) although it reminded me alot (Like it kind of copied from) of these other Classice revenge flicks like:

Falling Down - Micheal Douglas has a really bad day and goes GTA all over Los Angles in the summer.

Taxi Driver - Robert De Niro wants to know who you talking too, saves a 12 year old prostitute Jody foster and busts a cap in a bunch of Pimps asses.

Punisher - I am frank castle, you killed my family...prepare to die.
[quote name='AshesofWake']There Will Be Blood[/quote]

I cannot wait to see this freakin' movie...they need to start rolling out into more theaters!
[quote name='joe2187']This is the Movie you saw DID'NT SUCK thread. not the "Movies you know suck already but still spend money to see anyway" thread[/QUOTE]
It's the last movie you saw thread, I don't know why it's titled like that, but this is what was made after the last "what was the last movie you saw thread". That's how it is.

And I promised my little sister I'd take her which is why I went. I wasn't expecting it to be very good, but wow, it was worse than I thought it would be, and I had very very low expectations to begin with.
Walk Hard.......I couldn't believe how funny this was
Juno......was alright, but seems like its been hyped up just a bit too much.

Going to see The Orphanage tomorrow and hopefully its as good as they are saying.
Eastern Promises - I felt kinda let down with the movie. It's worth watching but I don't think it's quite worth all the hype and praise it's been getting.
I am Legend.(High quality bootleg)

Overall, not bad....The mutant people are kinda cheesy looking, kinda like more extreme version of Gollum. but the film was enjoyable nonetheless.
I nearly cried when he killed the dog...Poor sam
Sweeney Todd tonight.

Like Fuzi0n, I really dislike musicals, but I loved this movie. I may go see it again. It was fantastic.
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