Survivor 16: Micronesia - Fans vs. Faves Official Discussion Thread - FINALE TONIGHT!


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Starting this Thursday! Here's my biannual discussion thread!

While I prefer the All-Stars format, this one should be interesting, especially if they pick some good students of the game.

Here's the returning players:

Survivor: China
James Clement
Amanda Kimmel

Survivor: Fiji
Yau-Man Chan

Survivor: Cook Islands
Jonathan Penner
Ozzy Lusth
Parvati Shallow

Survivor: Panama
Cerie Fields

Survivor: Vanuatu
Ami Cusack
Eliza Orlins

Survivor: Pearl Islands
Jon "Jonny Fairplay" Dalton
I'm glad this is starting, as well as Big Brother 9 and Jericho in a week. It'll finally give me something to watch once Prison Break and Friday Night Lights run out of new episodes.

I like most of the Favorites, but I wish they had brought Dreams back just so Yau-Man could screw him over after what happened with the truck.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I'm glad this is starting, as well as Big Brother 9 and Jericho in a week. It'll finally give me something to watch once Prison Break and Friday Night Lights run out of new episodes.

I like most of the Favorites, but I wish they had brought Dreams back just so Yau-Man could screw him over after what happened with the truck.[/QUOTE]
Indeed. Jericho was great. Can't wait for Big Brother as well.
Hmm the ones that are the only person from their season might be at a disadvantage. Seems like it'd be natural to pair up with the others from your own season unless you absolutely despised each other I guess.

I just read a small blurb on each of the Fans but one of them is a 24 year old motivational speaker? How does that work? (Unless she has some sort of unique experience to justify it I guess.)

And a former winner (Tom Westman) was invited to come back but declined saying he couldn't finish any better than he already had so he'd pass. Kind of odd. But perhaps he thought there is no way they'd let a former winner win again so it's not worth disrupting his life. Still I'd have probably given it a shot were I in his shoes.

But he might have a point there as Survivor: All Stars had 4 previous winners and all of them were among the first 6 voted out. (Two others quit before the 6th vote out.) Got that info from wikipedia.
Kudos for Tom for not coming back...Richard, Tina, and Ethan (but esp. Richard) should've took notes from him on All Stars 1.

Sad thing is, I used to be HUGE Survivor fan but the season they broke it up by race lost it for me and I haven't watched a season since, I'm not sure why but I liked the format from the first few seasons and the gimmicks eventually killed it for me. I see a few All Stars I recognize but it's really nothing more for me.

I do hope for some good gameplay of this,but still not sure if I'll make the effort to catch it.
[quote name='specialk']I'm not sure why but I liked the format from the first few seasons and the gimmicks eventually killed it for me. [/QUOTE]

I have to agree with this. Now I still watch it every time it comes around, don't get me wrong but the lame monkey wrenches they throw in every year just add luck to the equation which I don't like.

You might be a master at building up an alliance and maybe even get a few other people fooled into thinking they are in your alliance and then they do some dumb change-up and you get sent to the other tribe by yourself. New tribe loses one of the next couple immunities and you're fucked. I guess this can make some interesting stuff for the show, but it always cheeses me off.

And I've never liked the hidden immunity idol. Dumb.
Stephanie and Rupert should be there. But I guess that was a rule they had, it couldn't be people that returned before.
Can't wait for this. I'm especially excited for Big Brother. I need to make a thread for BB soon.

The only All Stars that I recognize are:

Amanda (sucks)
Yau-Man (my favorite)
Johnny Fairplay is back lol.

James vs. Ozzy in the challenges would be awesome but by the looks of it the favorites will be on the same team.
Can't wait. This will be a season where I watch the whole thing since I know some players. I don't usually watch much in the beginning since I can never recgonize players and it's just one jumbled mess that I don't really care about.
Fairplay. He has a 7-month pregnant girlfriend and he wanted to go home to her. I figured it was a ploy of some sort since he was playing both sides, but I guess he was serious.
[quote name='Rocko']
Fairplay. He has a 7-month pregnant girlfriend and he wanted to go home to her. I figured it was a ploy of some sort since he was playing both sides, but I guess he was serious.
[/quote]It was a win-win for him. One side he gets what he wanted and he can say he did it his way. On the other hand, if they had gone according to plan, he could have said he fooled them again.
Reminds me of when Lex was such an asshole in Africa but then turned into a decent guy when he came back (probably after seeing the footage and feeling ashamed by it)...but that Rob shitheel screwed him over so the lesson is that it pays to be an asshole.
fuckin' Boston Rob. Thank goodness he's not in it. He ruined that season of The Amazing Race.

Anyway, they really needed to slo-mo replay Eliza flying off the cart. Hilarious.
My favs are Ozzy and Parvarti. I must say the first episode was rather boring, well the elimination was. The girl flying out of the cart was hilarious, but at the same time fucked up.
Ozzy is a fraud. The guy was an amateur pornstar. I was rooting for Parvati at first but within a halfhour her dumb ass went back to the same shitty strategy that got a boot up her ass last time.
Last night's episode was really boring. As attractive as Parvati is, she is a friggin whore! And we needed a lot more Eliza! Go Eliza!

Next week's challenge looks like fun...full contact!
I didn't really get Fairplay quitting last week. Weak. It was funny that a few of them doubted he really had a pregnant lady back home (a la his infamous dead grandma story.)

Apparently Chet isn't a strong enough swimmer to dive to the bottom in what 10 feet of water? Dumbass should have just said he can't do it and fell back to the puzzle.

The big guy hustling to get rid of Mary could easily make him a big target next go round. Have to wait and see.
[quote name='wubb']The big guy hustling to get rid of Mary could easily make him a big target next go round. Have to wait and see.[/quote]The interesting thing about that was he voted for Tracy. I suppose he was trying to cover his tracks so he could say later to Mikey B., "Oh, I didn't vote against you." But then he has the whole tribe to go against him. Made no sense at all.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']The interesting thing about that was he voted for Tracy. I suppose he was trying to cover his tracks so he could say later to Mikey B., "Oh, I didn't vote against you." But then he has the whole tribe to go against him. Made no sense at all.[/QUOTE]

That is interesting. Didn't know that either. To me that just makes him look even more like a manipulator if the people he convinced to vote Mary end up finding out he ended up voting Tracey.
Kathy shouldn't be so surprised that when you get a group of grown people out there like that, it DOES become high school over and over again. For a fan, she should know that and be prepared for it.

Is it just me, though, or does she look and act like she could be related to the comedian Kathy Griffin?
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']
Is it just me, though, or does she look and act like she could be related to the comedian Kathy Griffin?[/QUOTE]

Not sure on the acting part but now that you mention that she could be a relative based on that hair. :rofl:
[quote name='wubb']Not sure on the acting part but now that you mention that she could be a relative based on that hair. :rofl:[/quote]Kathy always reminds me of Nina Van Horn on "Just Shoot Me".
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Kathy always reminds me of Nina Van Horn on "Just Shoot Me".[/QUOTE]
Ugh, why'd you have to bring that show up? Best parts of it were Maya's humongous tits and her tight sweaters, though.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Who was Maya? That Laura San Giacomo chick?[/QUOTE]

Cirie wasn't the bad guy. They did that "you're the swing vote and can at the bottom of the ladder in our alliance if you help us" bullshit the first time and she wasn't going to get strong-armed again. They're the fucking idiots for not bringing her in at the formation of an alliance instead of everybody forcing her to be a floater because they think she'll suck at challenges. If she's anything, she's loyal. A guaranteed vote as long as you are loyal to her in return.
Now I remember why I disliked Cirie last time she was on. It was her whole damn attitude of "make everyone cater to me" bullshit. James needs to speak his mind and put her in her place.
[quote name='JTHuffy']Everyone root for Eliza, she's a friend of mine![/QUOTE]

Really???!!! Wow, that big eyed frenetic lip chewing would drive me nuts in about two seconds. For a law student, it's funny how she thinks people are usually telling the truth.
Haha, yeah, we went to undergrad at Syracuse together. Me, her, and 2 other guys watched it every week together. It's hard talking about the show with her now that she's on it again, cuz she can't give anything away (and she doesn't)
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Did anybody else see it last night when that guy smacked Eliza in the head with the bag during the tackle challenge?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I thought that was funny and really cheap at the same time. There was no need for that.

Amanda was also body-slammed by someone on the other team. You could tell James was really pissed off after that because he gave up in the end zone and went right after that guy. I was kinda surprised that he stood up for her though after she basically was responsible for voting him on in China.

You know the guy who body-slammed Amanda was going "oh, shit" when he saw James get up and walk his way.
That was an awesome challenge. Loved how
Joel dragged Chet around like a dog. The conversation after was quite amusing, too.

C: "I hit my head back there."
J: "I don't care."
C: "I know."
man tacey is a tough girl. Watch out for her. She played joel twice. Man she has a talent to get people to do what she wants

Man chet got the shit knocked out of him. Ive never laughed so hard on survivor.
bread's done