Syria situation coming to a head

It is unfortunate we live in a world where pre emptive strikes become a norm. I am afraid one day Israel and US might get a taste of their own medicine.
I guess we (US press, US public) never learned anything over falsified WMD claims made by the US as a pretext for invading a sovereign nation. Nor did we remember that the US supplied chemical weapons and gave support to the regime when they committed the atrocities at Halabja then to go on and cite these supported actions as reasons for illegal invasion as well. No, no, I guess these WMD claims (and weapon shipments claims) on Syria are not simply rhetoric to justify yet another illegal Israeli attack on its neighbors.

Oh well, I guess history must repeat itself to an unwitting public. So, this is such definitive "evidence" now. I love the accuracy level of US/Israeli claims for which one could read the Downing Street memo to see how they calculate these sorts of things...
"[George W.] Bush wanted to remove Saddam Hussein, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."

UN's Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'
bread's done