Taken (Blu-Ray)


CAG Newbie
So, I just finished watching this movie with my friend on his PS3. Has anyone else seen the Blu-Ray? Was very good, but the part that I thought was the best was the 'Black Ops Manual'.

For those of you who have not seen the Blu-Ray version, it shows a death-count, injury-count, time-left (Counts down the time left to find his daughter.), and miles traveled. It will also pop up various facts about the CIA and operatives, as well as show some awesome detailed analysis of bullets affects on characters in the movie.

I thought it was very cool. Anyone else seen this?
My girl made me watch this movie.. I thought it was pretty good but no, haven't seen the blu-ray. Don't even have a blu-ray player yet. :]
[quote name='supermodestmouse']i haven't seen it in blu yet, but becuase of this, i'm very tempted now!

(it reminds me of the meter in superbad!)[/QUOTE]

What does the meter do? I've seen SuperBad, but not on Blu-Ray...
I rented the blu-ray from netflix but I didn't see any of this. Do you have to turn it on in the menus? I liked the movie and will definitely buy it when it's on sale.
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