Tales of Symphonia & Other GC games

Guy Mockingdale

I've been researching getting some old GameCube games so I can play them once, whenever that will be, get my Wii.

I've seen Tales of Symphonia for sale, wondering if anyone says its worth picking up, and I'll take any suggestions you might have...
Tales of Symphonia is tremendous fun for RPG fans. The action combat scheme is great, the story moves briskly, leveling up isn't too much of a chore, and the voice acting really wasn't that bad. Get it!
looks like i completely ignored your question, sorry buddy, anyways ToS will last you AT LEAST a good 40 hours, its a lengthy RPG and one of the best (well rpg genre is lacking on the gc so thats not saying much) alongside baten kaitos and paper mario: TTYD
Thanks for the replies. I saw ToS at a store down the street, I'm tempted everyday to just run down there and get it. I thought about Paper Mario since it'll be 20% off at CC next week.
i as well have recently gotten a gamecube. i have:

RE remake
RE: Zero

i'm going to get:

Eternal Darkness
Paper Mario rpg
LoZ:TP (eventually)

any other suggestions?
I didn't really like ToS that much. The battle scheme rocks, but the characters I found sometimes annoying and the story was too twisted and retarded for me. It was just so screwy... but ya, I mean the gameplay's great. If you don't mind very weird stories, then its alright. I'm an RPG guy as well, and this is the first RPG where 'I felt the story was really pathetic. I'd recommend Paper Mario over it though.
ToS is my favorite GC RPG and one of my favorites of the last generation. I find Paper Mario games to move too slowly and be way too easy. They're fun, definitely, but they seem like... beginner RPGs. SoAL is awesome though, that's definitely worth your money if you can find it.

But I'd honestly recommend getting all three, ToS first, then SoAL, and then PM2.
I dunno about that, ToS is pretty darn easy too... I don't think I died once..., anyway, I'd recommend Abyss for PS2 instead. I haven't played it, but I don't think the story is as weird and the characters appeal to me more, which are my 2 complaints for ToS.
Any of you guys played Baten Kaitos: Eternal something and the Lost something. hehe sorry i forgot some of the title. I heard someone mention Origins I think. I picked up the first one on clearance. Wonder if I should keep it sealed and ditch it...or play it?
In my opinion, Baten Kaitos is a must own, must play for RPG fans who own a cube. The story has some great twists, the artistry in some of the locales is absolutely gorgeous and the music is pretty nice throughout the game too. As long as you don't mind adapting to the card system, I think the game is completely worthwhile for anyone into RPG's on the Cube.

Tales is also good, but it only ends up standing out at all because it fills the gap of RPG on the Cube. It still felt like every other Tales game I've played previously(Destiny, Eternia, etc.) That being said, it was fun and I did complete a romp all the way through it because I liked the story and design of some of the characters(Sheena in particular.)

All in all, I'd say both are a pickup and play for Cube. I'd have to say that BK moreso than Tales just because it offers something a bit fresh as opposed to Tales which while a wonderful game, is just another rehashing of the Tales franchise.
[quote name='Spades22']I dunno about that, ToS is pretty darn easy too... I don't think I died once..., anyway, I'd recommend Abyss for PS2 instead. I haven't played it, but I don't think the story is as weird and the characters appeal to me more, which are my 2 complaints for ToS.[/quote] you can always play on mania if its not challenging enough :)

[quote name='Guy Mockingdale']Any of you guys played Baten Kaitos: Eternal something and the Lost something. hehe sorry i forgot some of the title. I heard someone mention Origins I think. I picked up the first one on clearance. Wonder if I should keep it sealed and ditch it...or play it?[/quote] eternal wings and the lost ocean, its one of the few rpg's for the gc, but a pretty good one at that, the graphics are just breathtaking, the storyline has a HUGE twist on it as you continue, as long as you dont' mind card battling system (trust me i was skeptical at first too, but it turned out alright :)) any rpg fan should enjoy this, plus its 2 discs and will last you at least 30 hours :lol:
[quote name='The Crotch']I've heard that the combat system was BK's best part. The voice acting, on the other hand...[/quote]first 10 mins, all i could take with the voice acting, thank goodness they let you turn it off or else i would've gone insane :drool:
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