Talk about scamming ebay out of fees!

[quote name='SierraNight']I've thought about doing that....[/QUOTE]
I'd suggest not doing it, because I'll report you, like I did with this guy.
[quote name='Kuma']MAY also include handling fees, if this were to actually go to a court it would be found in the sellers favor[/QUOTE]

It says on the policy page as an example that a dvd shipped standard for $25 would be excessive shipping and handling.
From the policy:
A shipping and handling fee can cover the seller's reasonable costs for mailing, packaging and handling the item.

I just thought it was funny. For a brief second I thought I missed an awesome BIN. Until I looked at the shipping cost.

I mean the buyer doesn't HAVE TO PAY even if he does win in case he is too stupid to read the shipping cost before bidding / buying the auction. It is kind of silly though, but at the same time eBAY's fees are pretty high. If they would bring them down more, I am sure more people would be inclined to list than ever before. Sometimes smaller margins + more sales is better.
I wish I would of seen this BIN.

And I may have thought about it, but I've thought about letting my rottweiler chase after a couple of unwanted exboyfriends too..but somehow I never have the heart to do it. ^_~
[quote name='SierraNight']I wish I would of seen this BIN.

And I may have thought about it, but I've thought about letting my rottweiler chase after a couple of unwanted exboyfriends too..but somehow I never have the heart to do it. ^_~[/QUOTE]
Holy shit, thats the best deal ive seen on Suiko 2 in a long time
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I'd suggest not doing it, because I'll report you, like I did with this guy.[/QUOTE]
Maybe ebay fucked him over and this is his revenge.

Stop being a little bitch, you should only report people who are hurting buyers (or sellers).
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I'd suggest not doing it, because I'll report you, like I did with this guy.[/QUOTE]

What are you a 9 year old girl on AOL? "OMG REPORTED"
See, I can't really weep for ebay. And I can't really see why anyone would really feel obligated to report this guy, putting aside some minor morality.
What's up with some peoples love affairs with ebay? What have they ever done for you, other then pretty much act as a punnishment free area for scammers, screwing plenty of CAG members out of there money or games due to these scammers, and allow for the sale of pirated GBA game from HK? Ebay knows about all of these problems and yet they do nothing, forget reporting these people and let ebay moniter there own auctions. They sure have plenty of money from all their fees to hire people to do it for them
EDIT: hutno got in between me and Sky :)

^^ Well people that set up auctions like this do waste buyer's time that don't know they can put the S+H cost as part of the results. Or buyers that are too stupid to check the S+H cost before buying/bidding.

In the former case it leads to buyers getting frustrated with too many junky high S+H listings. In the latter it probably leads to a buyer leaving eBay for good. Both end in hurting sellers as well.

Part of the guy's goal here is to have buyers search for Final Fantasy 2 or 3 and think "OMG! Just $7.70 for this!!! I gotta jump on this listing before it's taken out from under me!" Which could make the scenario of a buyer not checking/seeing the S+H cost even more likely. I'd bet that's how gm found the listing to begin with - only he was smart enough to note the excessive S+H before pulling the trigger. It's shady and crappy.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I'd suggest not doing it, because I'll report you, like I did with this guy.[/QUOTE]

Your up everyones ass arent you? I guess that Link to MAVAV isnt a joke then.
[quote name='Kuma']MAY also include handling fees, if this were to actually go to a court it would be found in the sellers favor[/QUOTE]

WRONG. There's nothing to really go over court about in the first place, but no, this is clearly excessive shipping. Look at the sellers previous auctions - he charged normal shipping, so to suddenly tack on $190 in handling fees is ridiculous. It's blatant fee avoidance.

What is interesting though is that when looking at his previous auctions, I recognize that link for Earthbound+Guide. I think this guy is either a CAGer or over at Digitpress

Yeah seriously. We don't need any tattle-tail little pussies around here. GET OUT! *points to door* Cheapy says don't let it hit your ass on the way out. :D
[quote name='MightySlacker']WRONG. There's nothing to really go over court about in the first place, but no, this is clearly excessive shipping. Look at the sellers previous auctions - he charged normal shipping, so to suddenly tack on $190 in handling fees is ridiculous. It's blatant fee avoidance.

What is interesting though is that when looking at his previous auctions, I recognize that link for Earthbound+Guide. I think this guy is either a CAGer or over at Digitpress


No, youre right there probably is nothing to go to court over. Im just saying that if it were to go to court, it would be found in the sellers favor. he is saying that he believes his time is worth 200 dollars. If you walk into a market and suddenly see potato chips for 30 dollars a bag you may think its overpriced. Lays may think that thier chips are really that good. Point being is that you dont have to buy.

And yes i know the guy is trying to avoid fees. That much is obvious. BUT he can justify it this way.
Too bad its not a CAG that offers free shipping for a CAG discount heh.

But seriously, I agree with you guys saying it's stupid to report this. What are you the f'n Ebay police? OMG EBAYZ LOOOZING A FEW D00LARZ I BETTERZ LET THEM KNOOOWZ. That's retarded. When you sell something on Ebay you are the seller and YOU get to decide how you list your auction. Ebay is just there to provide the site not to dictate stuff like this. The fact that the shipping is unreasonable is a moot point in my opinion. If you don't like the auction don't f'n bid on it.

There is nothing to report here anyway because reasonable cannot be given a value. What is reasonable to one may not be to another. So get over it.
I hate those fucking ebay nazis like you. "I must tell on someone today!"

Get a life, assfuck.

I hope mavav has its hand up your ass firm enough, bitch....
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']
But seriously, I agree with you guys saying it's stupid to report this. What are you the f'n Ebay police?[/QUOTE]

Yes, other ebay users are the ebay "police" - thats probably the only thing that keeps ebay from being overrun with scammers, and general undesirable assholes (like people that charge $200 for "handling"


It has nothing to do with ebays bottom line - I don't give a rats ass about that.

When you sell something on Ebay you are the seller and YOU get to decide how you list your auction. Ebay is just there to provide the site not to dictate stuff like this.

WRONG. You can list your auction however you want as long as it complies with Ebay's ToS. That auction doesn't. They provide the site but aren't allowed to tell you what to do? Are you stupid? Why don't you go into the trading forum and try and sell ROMs and bootlegs and tell Cheapy that he's just here to provide the site and not dictate what you do? Better yet, put up a for sale thread and have all your games .01 with $50 shipping and see what kind of thread that turns into.

The fact that the shipping is unreasonable is a moot point in my opinion. If you don't like the auction don't f'n bid on it.

Wrong again. It's not moot at all. If auctions like these go unchecked, it can have many tangible effects on me as a legitimate, trustworthy seller.

1) If I'm selling a similiar item, auctions like this draw hits and attention away from my item because of its artifically low price. That screws me.

2) Items like this lower the average price of the items. You can find an average selling price for items, and S and H is not included. This makes buyers go "But look at this average price which is lower", and in reality its 5 normal priced items lowered buy a low item with a jacked S and H. That screws me.

3) This is exactly why ebay has been raising fees. It may or may not be true, but when people avoid fees - the costs get passed to people like me. That screws me.

There are plenty of other reasons, but I don't need anymore. Whether or not I like the auction or choose to bid on it is what's irrelevant, NOT the shipping costs.

There is nothing to report here anyway because reasonable cannot be given a value. What is reasonable to one may not be to another. So get over it.

Bullshit. Reasonable cannot be given a fixed value, but it can be given a value in context of other items. Look at his other auctions - he's never "charged" that not much for his time. There's no excessive forms or papework to fill out for this item. It doesn't have an unusual circumstances like weight or size irregularities. The actual cost, even if overnighted would be less than 10% of his cost. Just because its reasonable for one PERSON doesn't mean you can't draw a framework . So YOU should be the one getting over it. Why would you care if someone reports it or not?

You know it's only your assumption that the person that bought the item didn't look at the shipping cost. I'm sure most people can use their brains and add in their head that despite the shipping cost the bid is such a low amount that it's still worth it. $207 for those games are really not that bad considering they're complete. So MightySlacker all that b.s. talk about "it distracts people from MY auction" is pretty retarded. People can buy whatever the hell they want and obvious someone decided it was worth their time and money to bid on the item, if people aren't looking at your item maybe you should reconsider the cost of your own items there buddy.

So it comes right back to complaining that they're getting out of the Ebay fees which really shouldn't matter to you.

I always look at the total cost of the item regardless of what extra fees are involved. If I go to Best Buy I don't bring $49.99 and expect them to hand me a game, I bring $54 and some change because I know they charge tax. If I shop online I plan to pay shipping as well. So really all that matters is the overall total cost and then I ask myself if it's worth the amount of money to buy the item. It's not brain surgery, and it's what that bidder probably did. It's very doubtful unless they are complete morons that they completely ignored the shipping amount like you're all ASSUMING but don't know for sure.
I have to side with reporting him, too. It has nothing to do with being an ebay has to do with people thinking they can skirt common decency.

Let's say I open up a restaurant, and then suddenly one day I change the cost of my coffee to $100.00....I put it in the menu as many people will come in and order a coffee not knowing the price, assuming I'm a decent person running a reputable business and would never secretly hike up the price.

People come to ebay because they expect things to appear as they are...not because some schmuck is trying to save three dollars???

if he wants to sell it some other way he can take an add out in his local paper (probably more expensive than ebay), he can put it on consignment somewhere (probably more expensive than ebay), he can try another site (less expensive, but fewer buyers), or he can shut his sorry pathetic ultra-greedy ass up and deal with the fact that he's trying to rip off both ebay AND the customer.
[quote name='SkyGheNe']See, I can't really weep for ebay. And I can't really see why anyone would really feel obligated to report this guy, putting aside some minor morality.[/QUOTE]
Because that's how some people get their power fix, by needlessly reporting bad sellers on eBay. I guess they are still compensating for never being allowed to be a bus patrol in elementary school....
Yeah that guy was being a total hypocrite to say that about telling and yet he complained before about excessive shipping.

To me where the amounts fall really don't matter to me. Let's say just an example when Perfect Dark Zero comes out on XB360 it'll be $59.99. Someone on Ebay decides to sell a brand new copy of it for $4.99 but the shipping is $25. Add those two and you get $30, half the cost of the game. Am I going to moan and bitch that the shipping is $25? Hell no, I'm happy to be getting the game for $30. If you turn it around and charge $25 for it and $5 shipping it's the exact same thing. To the guy who bought the auction he probably decided the total cost of $207 was worth these three rare awesome games and rare guide. Now if he was stupid enough to ignore the shipping cost then he probably won't pay for the item and he'll get a negative feedback well if you can't wake up and pay attention to what's going on then who's fault is that? He would deserve the negative, since bidding on the item is a legal contract.

Look I'm not saying the seller is faultless and what he's doing is greedy and underhanded, but there are millions of auctions out there I don't understand why people think they have to be authority on everything and snitch. Like I said if you don't like the auction find yourself another one, that simple.
[quote name='loserboy']
Let's say I open up a restaurant, and then suddenly one day I change the cost of my coffee to $100.00....I put it in the menu as many people will come in and order a coffee not knowing the price, assuming I'm a decent person running a reputable business and would never secretly hike up the price.[/QUOTE]

When you ring it up and it's a $100.00 your gonna take the coffee and give it back or if your mad enough throw it at him. You dont enter a binding contract if you don't know the circumstances. If you do than it's your fault. I don't know whether or not I think its a good idea to cheat ebay out of final cost fees but I do know I'm not going enter a contract without knowing what is expected of both ends.
You order the coffee at a restaurant, drink it, and then the waitress brings you a check to pay...You've already drank the coffee, you had it with your most people do at breakfast...
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Because that's how some people get their power fix, by needlessly reporting bad sellers on eBay. I guess they are still compensating for never being allowed to be a bus patrol in elementary school....[/QUOTE]

Actually, that's not true (in my case at least)...I'm a 6th grade teacher in Chicago and I get to order people around all day, and man oh man does it ever make me feel powerful.

Powerful and important.
ok girls enough. Who cares what the seller does its his fault if he gets caught, he will know not to do it again when he gets caught. So keep out of other peoples businesses. Just like what VGAADD said if u found a game worth $80 and u bought it for $10 BIN and shipping was $30 u wouldnt complain the person who missed out on the deal would probly complain. So either way $30 BIN $10 shipping who cares stop complaining.
[quote name='wubb']First time I've seen CAGers take up for asshole eBay sellers. Very strange.[/QUOTE]

I'm shocked too - sellers that do this and avoid fees just pass on those fees to those of us to do sell at reasonable prices :roll: Its similar to people who make frivolous insurance claims
[quote name='joevan']I'm shocked too - sellers that do this and avoid fees just pass on those fees to those of us to do sell at reasonable prices :roll: Its similar to people who make frivolous insurance claims[/QUOTE]

It's not that I'm defending what he's doing so much as I don't see a reason as to go out of my way to report him. I personally wouldn't do what he's doing, but until what he does hurts me directly I'm not going to really put my foot down especially when Ebay has bigger problems that they need to take care of but won't. Why? Because they make so much money off of those bootleg sales.

Bah to this fucked up world.
[quote name='gopro']ok girls enough. Who cares what the seller does its his fault if he gets caught, he will know not to do it again when he gets caught. So keep out of other peoples businesses.[/QUOTE]What kind of logic is that? He'll stop when he gets caught, so leave him alone (and in the meantime, let him keep doing whatever obnoxious thing he is doing)? That makes no sense. The whole point of reporting him is stopping him ASAP.

As MS already said, eBay is basically policed by its users. Reporting people helps other users. Even if you don't care about eBay, you should care about how you can use eBay. (And reporting is super-easy, so it's not like people are going waaaaaaay out of their way to report these things.) Blatantly inflated shipping is meant to either 1) fool the overeager bidder or 2) rip off eBay of its fees. Both of those are not good things for eBay users in general. And (as MS also already said...totally redundant, I know) avoiding fees will hurt the user, as eBay can raise fees or (I'm sooo waiting for this to happen) completely get rid of shipping & handling that is exempt from final value fees.
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']But seriously, I agree with you guys saying it's stupid to report this. What are you the f'n Ebay police? OMG EBAYZ LOOOZING A FEW D00LARZ I BETTERZ LET THEM KNOOOWZ. That's retarded.[/QUOTE]

For me, it's got nothing to do with 'helping' Ebay or any crap like that. It's a combination of:

a- following the damn rules when someone offers you a service. Same reason you stop at red lights, since your town put in roads for ya. (crappy example, but it's the best I could think of.

b- And this is the bigger reason- I just wanna be a bitch. If he can be an ass and treat me like I'm a moron by 'tricking' me with his cheap auction, or be an ass and not give a couple bucks of the friggin' $207 he wants out of me as payment for using someone else's site to sell to me... then I can sure as hell turn his ass in for the sole reason of going "Ha, ha, you got caught you fucking moron!!!" :twisted: Petty... but that's what the internet is for, just a little bit.

(Of course, I also don't care enough to figure out how to report an auction, too...)

Now, it would be damn funny if the guy who won this was local and just popped up at his house- "Yo dude, figure'd I'd do a local pickup and save you that $200 dollar shipping fee! Here's 8 bucks, where's my games?" Heh heh...
Scamming ebay on fees by charging outrageous shipping just means ebay increases fees - hitting those of us not doing lame B.S. like this. I've got an ebay rating of 113, I buy and sell on ebay a lot. Fees are bad enough.

#1 Wastes my time looking at an auction with inflated shipping (why I normally add the "shipping" column to my searches to help minimize this
#2 Makes it hard to figure out the high/low/average selling price
#3 Results in me paying extra fees.

It's just like how I report people selling emulators and roms on ebay.

#1 Selling someone else's hard work/freeware and making money off it
#2 Wasting my ebay time sorting through game auctions, like all the artificial hits I get on "Chrono Trigger" from people selling PSP software, that dude that sells GameFAQs as "strategy guides", etc.
bread's done