
yea I watched it. Was going to make a thread, but did not think anyone else was watching.

Junior gonna catch hell for that little slip up in the post race interview :lol:

Sadler's flip was pretty cool as well. Glad to see he was alright.
Putting the jr win to the side it was still a great race. Sadler's flip was cool looking. Good to see that those roof hatches were put in.
Irregardless of how exciting a race is, the fact that he can just drive by everybody else without drafting help ruins it for me.
It takes a chain of 5-6 cars to catch up to him and the 15 when they are leading, but the 8 car needs little or no help to pass at will.

I missed his slip up, although I heard Bill Weber say something about excusing Dale Jrs excitement. What did he say?
he said shit. The question was something about his winning 5 times at talladega, he said it don't mean shit compared to his dads 10.

And he had two new tires at the end, most of the others up front had none.
I jsut can't get excited about racing. I used to cover it as a sports writer, but I never understood the charm. It's just a lot of circular driving to me.
i was at a birthday party for my friend's son where we all watched the end of the race, everyone there was screaming and yelling because eveyone there was rooting for different drivers, it was amusing although I hate watching the restrictor plate races, it is less about being a good driver at those tracks... i say that even though Gordon has won a couple of them this year
25 points is pretty steep for one word.

Would it not be ironic if Mark Martin were to win by a small margin (kind of like what happened when Earnhardt won in 1990 and Martin lost due to a point dock he got)
it was steep. And altough I disagree with a pre-race or post-race infraction I feel as though they did the right thing, only because that's what they did earlier in the year.

I'm pulling for Earnhardt to win it, but I would really like to see Martin win. He worked his ass off just to get into the chase. Could you imagine the uproar if Earnhardt lost by less than 25 points?
Its funny Jr. says shit and gets points taken away, but when Stewart hits someone, didn't he only get put on probation. (someone let me know if I'm wrong) So is that saying that violence is ok, but swearing is not.

if i am wrong about the stewart incident, i will edit this.
I guess I could maybe understand a fine, but both a fine and suspension. Man the FCC is all over everything now. As long as they don't say football is too violent to be on tv, I guess its ok.
[quote name='evilpenguin9000']I jsut can't get excited about racing. I used to cover it as a sports writer, but I never understood the charm. It's just a lot of circular driving to me.[/quote]

Do you like Baseball? isn't that just guys running around in circles, atleast the cars are going 150+ mph :p

But I do agree with you, I can not really get that excited about racing in general. I do enjoy watching the super speedways (waiting for the big one) and the short tracks. The road courses are even better the 1 1/2 mile cookie cutter ovals that seem to run on almost all of the time.
I somewhat agree with you. I hate to say this but Nascar has gotten too popular. The additions of California, Texas, Las Vegas and a few other season edits and splices have taken away from the 'charm' Nascar used to have for me. Do we really need more than one track that has the same footprint as Michigan? Charlotte? Every track used to be unique, now they're just filler for more advertising, extending an already long season. Pretty soon they'll be racing 50 weekends a year.

This new 'chase for the cup' thing is stupid and has permanently lost me as a Nascar fan. And docking jr. POINTS for a slip of the tongue is beyond ridiculous. He EARNED the win and should be fined, nothing more. It's just more proof that the Nascar organization has grown too large too fast and are unable to control their own hubris.
There was talk of a new stock car racing league starting up, it fell through. I doubt it would have been successful but I would have liked to have seen it.
[quote name='munch']
Irregardless of how exciting a race is, the fact that he can just drive by everybody else without drafting help ruins it for me.

irregardless is not a word :lol:[/quote]

Dictionary.com must be wrong then:


adv : regardless; a combination of irrespective and regardless sometimes used humorously
bread's done