Target Blu-ray Deals (Where the Wild Things Are, Sherlock Holmes - $15)


38 (100%)
From now until January 9th, Target has these Blu-rays for $15:

Where The Wild Things Are
Sherlock Holmes
The Illusionist
Independence Day
Predator: Ultimate Collector's Edition
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Slumdog Millionaire
The Day After Tomorrow
Kingdom of Heaven
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Story
The Polar Express
The Matrix (digibook)
The Boondock Saints
The Princess Bride
Gone with the Wind
The Wizard of Oz
Quantum of Solace
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Fight Club

and these for $10:

American History X
Edward Scissorhands

I work in electronics at a Target in Michigan and saw these today. The $10 sale end hasn't been set yet, so I'll update this list when it is.

I picked up Where the Wild Things Are and will most likely get Sherlock Holmes before the sale ends. I love Maximum Movie Mode.
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They always have a $10 and $15 Blu-ray Temporary Price Cut that will last a few months at a time. These are just the new ones.
I haven't heard or seen anything like that yet, but if I come across one, I'll post in the thread and make a new topic about it.
[quote name='basketb']Any word on a $5 off of any blu-ray coupon like they had last year around December?[/QUOTE]
Best coupon ever!
Added all the $15 ones. Some are repeats from the last sale but there are a few new ones. I haven't seen the $10's yet, but I'll add ASAP when I see them.
Any chance of finding Sherlock Holes BR/DVD/DC anymore? Went to find this at Walmart when it dropped to $15 but all 3 local stores where out.
I picked up Gone With the Wind today for $15. Will also probably pick up Polar Express eventually at that price point. How is Where the Wild Things Are? I've heard mixed reviews.
[quote name='One4Deuce']I picked up Gone With the Wind today for $15. Will also probably pick up Polar Express eventually at that price point. How is Where the Wild Things Are? I've heard mixed reviews.[/QUOTE]

Me and my fiance loved it, but it's not much of a kid's movie, story-wise.
I was just watching the joke commentary on Dodgeball Unrated only to find out that the serious one with Ben & Vince isn't on the Unrated version, but is on the BR. Will think about upgrading.
Damn...too bad there's not another $5 off any blu Target coupon like last year! $10 for some of these would be great...
Both the Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind are single disc editions. I knew GWtW would be (I've never even seen the 2-Disc one in a Target store), but I'd only ever seen Oz in the 3-Disc Emerald Edition at Target (and the 1 disc used to be exclusive to Walmart), so I was hoping it would be that one on sale; it isn't.

Regardless, I got a copy of Gone with the Wind. Thanks OP
I bought a title at Target that has since dropped in price. The employee at the return counter told me they'll give me back the difference if it's within two weeks of purchase. But their return policy is 90 days. So what's stopping me from just rebuying it and returning it with the old receipt? Which is what I did. This policy of theirs is really annoying and time-consuming.
[quote name='buffdrew84']i saw taken today there for 13 dollars, it wasnt a sale price or anything. almost picked it up.....awesome flick[/QUOTE]

The Boondock Saints II is also only $13, regular price.
My target is expanding their blu-ray section. I hardly see any of the titles at my location. Let alone a space on the shelf where they should be.
None of these titles are $15 at any of the three targets near me and 1 of those is in another state. All of these titles are at least $19.99-$24.99.
Bought sherlock at $15 , i can confirm they have all those movies at those prices, but they were in another section close to some blu ray players not in the main movie section
There were a ton of $10 and $15 movies at my Target today; I know the ad had a few listed, but all of the Resident Evils were $10, as was Superbad.

I should've made better notes as I assumed I just missed it in this list but it seems like there are 2 sales going on, one in the weekly ad (For horror/Halloween themed stuff) and this more extended sale..?
[quote name='karkyco']Damn...too bad there's not another $5 off any blu Target coupon like last year! $10 for some of these would be great...[/QUOTE]

I remember that! Good deal!

By the way, does anybody know if "Where the Wild Things Are" is any good?
The Dark Knight is $13. Found it on an end cap with Boondock Saints II and two other movies. Only the top row of the end cap was Blu Ray, the rest was DVD.
bread's done