Teen commits suicide live online, interweb asshats egg him on....

must be suicide 2.0.. Am I the only on that remembers a few years back, the kid that killed himself while on IRC. The channel kept on egging him on..bunch of assholes.
[quote name='ricoraney']That is bullshit right there. Because you don't believe in something does not mean that it does not exist or you won't be affected by it. It just mean that your ass will be surprised at what you didn't believe in when the reality of it is staring you dead in your grill.

In saying that, people there is a Heaven and there is a Hell. Life is a gift from God, to glorify him, and although he gives us free will, taking your own life, or any life for that matter is dead wrong. No pun intended.[/quote]

'That is bullshit right there. Because you believe in something doesn't mean it does exist or I will be affected by it. It just means that your ass will be surprised at what you did believe in when the reality of it is staring you dead in your grill.'

Your argument is specious and can be applied from both a pro/con perspective. :roll: Fact of the matter is that no one knows (though I suspect heaven/hell doesn't exist). Even were such things true, one person's hell is another's heaven. So it becomes a moot point to condemn a person for going to hell because it just might be where he wants to go.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Says the one true God of course. Praise be.[/QUOTE]

whos one true god?

are u christian, muslim, jewish, hindu, buddhist, sikh, jain? each one of these religions have an idea of "one true god"- is one of their "one true gods" truer than the others?

not everyone believes in the same concept of god- and they shouldn't have to be subjected to your concept, as you shouldn't have to be subjected to theirs.
Ok, here's what I know about this kid:

-He was released from a mental hospital EARLY, DESPITE his doctor's warning that he was still suicidal and depressed. He's tried to kill himself before.

-HE's a known troll in the MISC section (which I avoid myself), and has made threads about killing himself SEVERAL times before, only to come in and claim they were false and he was fucking with them

-On one occasion where he supposedly was going to kill himself, the police WERE called and it was found to be a hoax.

-The "egging on" occurred on the live feed website AFTER he had OD'd on the pills. Some of us tried to find his contact info, and multiple posters called the police department. The calls were initially ignored until a poster in India called the department close to where the kid lived and had other members call in. I think they got 25 calls about it.

That being said, even if people thought it was a hoax, it's still fucked up to egg him on KNOWING he HAS tried to kill himself in the past; REGARDLESS of how many times he's "cried wolf".

Additionally, I would like to point out how agitated I am that a lot of media sites are referring to bb.com as a "steroid information" site. While I don't really like bb.com that much, such an assertion is BLATANTLY FALSE. Additionally, this kid was NOT on steroids, and didn't even really hit the gym much. He was addicted to the misc section., that much is true, and NOTHING good goes on in the Misc section. I don't know why people are using this kids death to vilify anabolics (*cough Taylor Hooten, Lyle Alzado *cough).

The real problem is that BB.com is filled with a bunch of self-righteous douchebags....just like every corner of the internet.
[quote name='homeland']must be suicide 2.0.. Am I the only on that remembers a few years back, the kid that killed himself while on IRC. The channel kept on egging him on..bunch of assholes.[/quote]

You referring to this guy? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Vedas
But that was a suicide but more of an accidental OD

I remember this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Whitrick shortly after it happened. There is a pic out there that shows him hanging that someone screen capped of the actual chat window. Only a torso can be seen though. I'm sure that there are plenty of instances of such things that have happened on webcams...after all there is a really seedy underbelly of the net
Some killed himself, I don't feel sorry and don't really care. If someone is hurting physically or mentally, they have every right to end it. Could individuals get help or need it, possibly, but there are always ones who slip through the cracks. That's life.

Just because you think life is a gift from a higher power does not give you the right to force someone else to live their life. You have no idea how they are feeling. IMO, it is completely humane to allow people to end their own life if they so choose. They are not killing anyone else, only themselves and everyone has the right to choose what's best for themselves.

Were the watchers egging him on wrong, sure, but let's not get into that.

Except, Guile, Karma doesn't work that way, tit for tat. Unfortunately, it's a common misconception.
[quote name='SithFran']Some killed himself, I don't feel sorry and don't really care. If someone is hurting physically or mentally, they have every right to end it. Could individuals get help or need it, possibly, but there are always ones who slip through the cracks. That's life.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. But what about the lives of his family and friends?
[quote name='Layziebones']Bingo.

He set up the webcam, so people online could see he was serious about commiting suicide. He was probably lonely in life, and wanted to know someone out there cared. He probably only planned on having the m talk him out of it for people to tell him they care. When he sees that total fucking assholes tell him to "do it, $$$$$$". Then after he is extremely emotional, he does it just to prove to them he was serious. Then the fucking assholes just watch him lay dead for several hours.

You know these are the same assholes that go onto 4chan and just tell people to post GIFs of people and soldiers getting killed, and then laugh at it. What the fuck is wrong with people? Years of sitting in front of a computer screen makes them feel powerful because they can say anything without any recourse for their actions at all. I guarantee you that these people would not come across a man on a roof about to jump (If they even ever leave the basement) and yell "Do it, $$$$$$." Same as how they wouldn't walk up to some own, slap him and go "hahahaha, pwned." #1, you look like a fucking idiot for using such dumb language, #2 you get your ass beat in front of everyone, but online, you can say anything to anyone and sice you are cooped up in your little room, no one can hurt you.[/QUOTE]
You say that like its a bad thing. You want people to do this stuff irl, or would you prefer it stayed online? I'd much rather people do this online where it doesn't really harm anyone (internet srs business and all that). I don't believe that this guy wouldn't have killed himself if people online told him to stop. We'll never know of course, but thats part of what makes life and death interesting. The internet is a great place to find out how people really feel about something which says a lot about how repressive our society is. Probably out of necessity for civil irl interactions, but massively repressive none-the-less.

Also, if you think people wouldn't tell a guy to jump or to kill themselves, you have yet to meet a very real part of society.
[quote name='ricoraney']That is bullshit right there. Because you don't believe in something does not mean that it does not exist or you won't be affected by it. It just mean that your ass will be surprised at what you didn't believe in when the reality of it is staring you dead in your grill.

In saying that, people there is a Heaven and there is a Hell. Life is a gift from God, to glorify him, and although he gives us free will, taking your own life, or any life for that matter is dead wrong. No pun intended.[/QUOTE]


So very true.

[quote name='Phoenix_Rogue']whos one true god?

are u christian, muslim, jewish, hindu, buddhist, sikh, jain? each one of these religions have an idea of "one true god"- is one of their "one true gods" truer than the others?

not everyone believes in the same concept of god- and they shouldn't have to be subjected to your concept, as you shouldn't have to be subjected to theirs.[/QUOTE]
Of course you don't have to be subjected to the one true God. You don't have to go to heaven either. Its your choice, but I'd personally not want a life of eternal damnation.

Praise be.
[quote name='crystalklear64']You say that like its a bad thing. You want people to do this stuff irl, or would you prefer it stayed online? I'd much rather people do this online where it doesn't really harm anyone (internet srs business and all that). I don't believe that this guy wouldn't have killed himself if people online told him to stop. We'll never know of course, but thats part of what makes life and death interesting. The internet is a great place to find out how people really feel about something which says a lot about how repressive our society is. Probably out of necessity for civil irl interactions, but massively repressive none-the-less.

Also, if you think people wouldn't tell a guy to jump or to kill themselves, you have yet to meet a very real part of society.[/quote]

"I told u I was hardcore"
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Suicide isn't the answer to anything, and the fact that people find any amusement/entertainment in it is disturbing.[/QUOTE]

If someone is suicidal and doesn't want to live, it is the answer.
This is just sad... seriously i agree with a lot of you mainly Soodmeg. But you really have to be low to seriously to egg people on to do such things. I mean don't get me wrong, i tend to tell my friends that they "suck at life" when they mess up doing something stupid but not literally tell them to go kill themself, but oh well. This is surely going to cause some chaos for the parents dealing with their kids online.
Everybody dies one way or another. Every species becomes extinct eventually. What we say and do here and now, today or in 10 years - won't mean dick in a few centuries. Quarrels over "morals" between half-monkey's with a superiority complex, living on 6 billion year old speckle of shit in the unmeasurable universe.

But yeah, this is sad.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Says the one true God of course. Praise be.[/quote]

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that suicide is a one way ticket to hell. Nor does it say that if you commit a sin before you die that you haven't repented for that you will go to hell (which is what would happen with suicide, essentially).

The theme throughout the New Testament (the new law that replaced the older imperfect one) is one of love and forgiveness. It talks about how our debt is paid, and that our sins are paid for. One verse in particular states "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved". It does not state "Believe in Jesus, don't sin anymore, and then you'll be saved". Sin is a non-issue as far as eternity is concerned. See, it is not sin that condemns anyone, it is their unbelief in Jesus and what He did.
[quote name='crystalklear64']:applause:

So very true.

Of course you don't have to be subjected to the one true God. You don't have to go to heaven either. Its your choice, but I'd personally not want a life of eternal damnation.

Praise be.[/quote]


As George Carlin famously said " We should have one commandment. Keep your religion to yourself".

The bible and the rest of that bullsh*t were made up by humans. Therefore because you believe in that dumb sh*t and enjoy wasting your time on an invisible boogieman in the sky, you are an idiot. The bible is the best selling science fiction book of all time
[quote name='Ender']Nowhere in the Bible does it say that suicide is a one way ticket to hell. Nor does it say that if you commit a sin before you die that you haven't repented for that you will go to hell (which is what would happen with suicide, essentially).

The theme throughout the New Testament (the new law that replaced the older imperfect one) is one of love and forgiveness. It talks about how our debt is paid, and that our sins are paid for. One verse in particular states "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved". It does not state "Believe in Jesus, don't sin anymore, and then you'll be saved". Sin is a non-issue as far as eternity is concerned. See, it is not sin that condemns anyone, it is their unbelief in Jesus and what He did.[/quote]
No one cares.
[quote name='pimpinc333']If someone is suicidal and doesn't want to live, it is the answer.[/quote]
Well, I hate losing, and suicide to me is sending the message that you're gonna let life get the best of you and you're telling those "demons" (whatever it is to each person) that they win and you lose, that you just give up.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", if more people would apply this, they'd realize that problems and obstacles can be overcome and shouldn't allow themselves to be consumed with self pity.

If someone is suicidal, there are a lot of ways to prevent it from happening and to turn their mind around. I sort of went through a time when I felt like running away and became a little suicidal as well when I was a teen, I had support, I wrote about it, heck I even used it as a subject for a poetry assignment in English which landed me in the office.

I realized through time that my self loathing was based on a lot of assumptions and some negative experiences, but my parents also put it in my head that everyone goes through hard times, and suicide is telling everyone that they got the best of me, that they win, and the best way to combat that is to go out there and fight it out, prove to myself that I am better than what I thought I was, to prove everyone else wrong. I am fortunate that I had support, maybe he didn't, but I bet all those negative thoughts could have been combated if someone was there to show him a better way out, made him realize there are a whole lot of opportunities out there for the taking.

Suicide is not the answer, it's saying "I lose, you win". No one should have that mentality.
[quote name='dcfox']Nowhere in the Bible does it say that.[/quote]

John 3:16

"And let he who shall falsely label himself as a woman, while still holding an active and usable crotch, burn in the fires of hell for all eternity."
[quote name='URABAHN']Was this suicide for real or a hoax?[/QUOTE]

it was for real. I mean if the police pronounce him dead..than he must be dead.

My condolences go out to his family.
bread's done