Teenage Girl Tries to Ghost Ride the Whip. Fails Miserably.

[quote name='HovaEscobar']You're not looking at it in the grand scheme of things. He has a point. Just looking at the writings during the time classical music was being made you can tell how intricate their thoughts were. This was because sentences had to answer also possible questions because if you were to send a letter to someone, you might not get it back for months or years. Now with the growth of technology and the population, you see things like the internet culture with ttyl, omg, lmao, etc. Along with the technology comes to ablility to create shitty music with ease. I think he's not referring to lyrical hiphop, I think he's referring to songs with a simple rhymic pattern and simplistic lyrics.

Even then, most music (period) from the past few decades have been the same 4/4 time verse chorus verse stuff. There are some exceptions, but that standard stands for most songs.[/quote]

Don't be blind. Blaming books, music, television, movies, and video games for a generation's problems is an old favorite of the ignorant masses.

People doing dumb shit started way before rap came along. People doing dumb shit will continue way after rap dies off. People do dumb shit without
Rap and it's culture
even being a factor. Because of the internet we get to see more people doing dumb shit even though it's always been around.

I didn't say people didn't do dumb things . I didn't blame anything. I was focusing on the simplicity of life now ( due to technology ) and how I believe it affected culture in general, which completely flew over your head.

Check out : strawman argument
[quote name='HovaEscobar']I didn't say people didn't do dumb things . I didn't blame anything. I was focusing on the simplicity of life now ( due to technology ) and how I believe it affected culture in general, which completely flew over your head.

Check out : strawman argument [/quote]

I can agree with what you have said, I just wanted to address that it isn't due to any one music genre that stupid people do stupid things. Or any one thing for that matter. The downfall of knowledge and the use of it in this generation (my generation) is due to a multitude of things collaborated together. Music is just about preference in my mind, if i like to listen to something I will whether it is simple or intricate. And if I don't like something I will not listen to it whether it is simple or intricate.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, if you enjoyed that, you'll love this one then.


this is by far the best one

most of the other ones weren't funny because the idiots doing it didn't get hurt / lose their shit.

this one's pretty good too:


also on this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfYrYpnco-Q

i lol'd so hard at the beginning when the reporter said
your child is likely.. GOING DUMB. ...until I realized that was evidently some sort of newfangled slang.
bread's done