Tekken 6 - First Pics

[quote name='Chacrana']There's still not a good stick either... the DOA 4 one was decent, but that's impossible to get now and it's not particularly nice... at least, nowhere near as good as the HRAPs or the Tekken stick.[/quote]
I saw the DOA4 controller at a EB the other day i think - maybe i need to go get it now.

*Edit* Got one =]
I believe they said Tekken 6 is run on a PS3-like arcade board (similar to the Naomi/Dreamcast) so it's a perfect match for the PS3.

Then again, they also said it would be easier porting Virtua Fighter 5 to the PS3 because of the nVidia GPU, yet it's still going to the big white spaceheater.
it would be very shocking if it came out on the 360 with Live play and the PS3 didn't get online play as well. That'd be a big "fuck you" from Namco to Sony since it would take away the PS3 version's thunder. I would get the PS3 version, since it would probably use an infrastructure set up, unlike live. peer to peer is awful for fighters...at lease on my lukewarm connection.
[quote name='sarausagi']I'd go say it in the Twilight Princess thread, but Strell and the Nintendo collective would be too much for me...

It looks okay, but the thing is, the Gamecube version doesn't look worse at all, but I've seen better Xbox graphics [regular old Xbox] and I am willing to say the PS2 could effectively render it, there's nothing that mind blowing being put out. If anything, some of the latest big budget games for PS2: Soul Calibur 3, Tekken 5, Xenosaga Episode III, Metal Gear Solid 3 [and I'm not even a MGS fan], Okami, and even FFXII [which I HATED] look amazingly better than anything on the Wii [even TP...you want to talk about art direction and beauty, go play Xenosaga III and Okami]

When I got a 360, and even now, I'm sticking to just the cheap games, for the most part, they're launch titles. And they look LEAPS AND BOUNDS beyond anything GC, Xbox, or PS2. And on PS3, Gran Turismo Concept and Tekken 5 are looking pretty amazing, and Virtua Fighter..I can't tell you how good Virtua looks..and that's just based on streaming videos on youtube.

Pretty much, in a year, the Wii is going to look severely outdated, add to the fact that the sixaxis motion sensing will be refined and worked on, and that the 360 will just keep pushing big release after big release after big release [Halo 3 for one, but what I'm looking forward is DOA5 and surprise Konami/Namco games] , then you'll have to realize even the Wii's "innovative" gameplay will look outclassed

The Wii is doing a good thing though, getting people into games, making people see games as a more acceptable thing. I'm pretty sure eventually people will look at the 360 and PS3 and see what a console can really do, and will want a piece of the action.

I'd also like to add though, I am deathly afraid for the future of games: no matter how promising anything 360 or PS3 do, they're not affecting the mass market or changing public opinion. Fact is that general reception in America and I'd honestly say worldwide is suprisingly in favor of the Wii. And here is where I am afraid: more people play bejeweled and solitaire than Wii, but bejeweled and solitaire don't change the image or course of gaming, they remain what they are, clever well made games that serve as a distraction. However, Wii is changing the market, Wii is changing the way people define a game, and I am deathly afraid that 5 years from now, every single game will be a minigame or a party game. Even Nintendo pushes back their own "serious" games and continues to release the smaller ones [wario ware, cooking mama, wii play, etc][/quote]

Speak on brother!

I fully support your opinions and agree 100%!
I hope the fate of gaming isnt going to the Minigames. Although they are fun, they are definetally not a substitute for what real gaming is about.
[quote name='yuckfou']judging from its "6" font, i doubt it will come to 360 lol
srsly what is up with sony and spiderman's font[/quote]
They own the Spider-Man movies.
im aware of that, and its not a good reason to use it as their ps3 logo and tekken 6 imo
it just looks cheap, like some Chinese imitation/bootleg
[quote name='Apossum']it would be very shocking if it came out on the 360 with Live play and the PS3 didn't get online play as well. That'd be a big "fuck you" from Namco to Sony since it would take away the PS3 version's thunder. I would get the PS3 version, since it would probably use an infrastructure set up, unlike live. peer to peer is awful for fighters...at lease on my lukewarm connection.[/QUOTE]

I'd need to dig up the interview, but I'm pretty sure they just nixed the online rumors over in an interview on IGN, I believe for the usual "online doesn't work for hyper-precise fighting games" reason that has VF5 ignoring it, too.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled "Wii is overrated!" derail.
[quote name='sarausagi']

However, Wii is changing the market, Wii is changing the way people define a game, and I am deathly afraid that 5 years from now, every single game will be a minigame or a party game. Even Nintendo pushes back their own "serious" games and continues to release the smaller ones [wario ware, cooking mama, wii play, etc][/quote]
I really don't think the Wii is changing the videogame market. Are they selling like hot cakes? yes, but the problem is that people are only buying Nintendo games and third party developers like EA and Ubisoft will stop supporting the Wii and concentrate on making games for 360 and ps3 --> http://wii.ign.com/articles/766/766513p1.html.

Ultimately, I feel the Wii will become a "nostalgia console" that will make you remember the old days when games were played in "standard definition" and the Wii will be loaded with your VC games... and that will be it.

2 Years from now the 360 and ps3 will be releasing innovative - HD games, yet the Wii will be giving you more of the same old (more Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Metroid, etc) and people will get tired, at some point, of this "move my arm and use this cool controller" thing and they will realize that HD is the way of the future...

Thats just my opinion... I apologize for going off topic with this...
Maybe I wouldve believed that resolutions and graphics would lead to sales if the PSP had trounced the DS.

3rd parties are opening Wii specific studios, and at the current time dev kit demand is exceeding supply.

You dont need to sell as many games if your development costs are lower.

HD gaming is nice, but theres nothing innovative about it.

I wonder if when PC games started utilizing the mouse, people complained that it was a gimmick and that people would get tired of the movements, however small, that were necessary.
in case anyone gives a shit like me....


Looks alot better than the orignal stuff.. see what time can do kids!

also, profile stories:

[quote name='seanr1221']Nice. I haven't played a Tekken game since Tag, what have I missed? :p[/QUOTE]

same shit, more pretties.

That's my take, anyway. I'm sure someone will bristle at any suggestion that the game is largely the same, and hasn't featured many substantial improvements since #3.
[quote name='mykevermin']same shit, more pretties.

That's my take, anyway. I'm sure someone will bristle at any suggestion that the game is largely the same, and hasn't featured many substantial improvements since #3.[/QUOTE]

This isn't necessarily bad in my situation though ;)
[quote name='apokalipze2']Namco already released Ridge Racer 6 on the 360 so I wouldn't be surprised to see this on the 360 in the near future.[/quote]

Honestly man as much as I would love to see Tekken and Soul calibur on the 360 I seriously doubt it will happen. Tekken has "never" been on any console to my knowledge save a playstation and if Sony is smart they'll work their butt off to keep it that way its a system seller for many people. Far as Soul Calibur its wishy washy on that one but I'd say it may stay a PS3 exclusive as well given only one soul calibur ever made it to a another system since the PS2 to my knowledge.
[quote name='striker199']is that the same jin from 3 and tag? like the fighting style? so no more devil jin then?[/quote]

I hope T4/T5 Jin is in it as well... It took me a while to get used to him... and I was actually upset that they changed his move set in Tekken 4. It took me a while to get used to him, but in Tekken 5, he's my favorite.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Looks alot better than the orignal stuff.. see what time can do kids![/QUOTE]

Wow. Badass. Looks MUCH better than the prelim stuff we've been seeing.
bread's done