I have one of those scopes! $25 is a great price. I think I paid $30 when it was on clearance at a local store. I love that this scope is so convenient. If you have a table and chair outside, you can just set the scope on the table and sit in the chair.
I usually use a larger dob , so I don't have any advice on specific eyepieces for ths scope. But I can tell you that I'm not a fan of the 4mm that came with this scope.
Also, did you buy a finder scope? You'll probably want some type of finder, or you'll spend a lot of time just moving the scope around, wondering what you're looking at. I think that the easiest thing to start with is a red dot finder. After you set it up, you point the red dot at the object you want to see in the sky. That object should then be in the scope eyepiece.
I think Saturn, Jupiter, and the moon are always fun to look at. If you like the moon, you might want a moon filter. The moon is quite bright through a telescope!