Tell me about Unreal 2


I have NO money but am struggling to get some and buy Unreal 2. Until then, I'd like to know how it is. So, I know there are vehicles now, so describe those to me. And do they still have that gun where you shoot a little probe and then you can teleport to it? Plus, are the graphics any better or are there any other significant differences that are cool?
I just played it's a real stinker. The graphics are Turok bad...lots of jaggies and the textures suck. There's hardly any bump-mapping or effects. It's got some nice light and particle effects at times, but that's it. The load time is pretty bad. Don't waste your money. There are much better shooters for less money out Mace Griffin or TimeSplitters 2.
Unreal2 makes Turok look like Halo 2. The gameplay is crap, the story retarded, the enemies have no AI, it's all crap. Buy The first Unreal if they make it for's better in every department...even in graphics.
Yeah...sad to say. I'm with WhipSmartBanky. It doesn't suck, but there is definitely better out there. It's a little muggy 7 hard to see enemies that are in shadows or in the distance. I'd give it a 7.5/10.
Now for the LIVE part. You can be 3 different classes which have different abilites in the game ala wolfenstein. The load times are incredibly crappy, you can't talk to people in the lobby (like in rs3, crimson, etc), no stats, only four maps;However they are quite huge which means you could be wondering around for a good minute or two finding no enemies.

There is no translocator (the thing you use to get from place to place in UC). If you're expecting UC don't bother, it's more of a water-down crappy halo. Only one game mode which blends Bombing Run, CTF and double domination in one. The weapons are quite nice especially the sniper rifle, and are way better than what you saw in UC.

To win the game you need to use strategy not like in UC where you would just run and gun trying to do it by yourself. The vehicles are O-K nothing special, no flying vehicles either like in the screenshots. Overall, I don't recommend it. *Goes back to Counter-Strike*
All those ppl that said it sucked, are you talking about the LIVE part, or ever the Xbox version for that matter?
It's the same verdict for the PC version. There are better games out there. Unreal 2 is just not worth it. The only part in the entire game that I found fun was the sniper cover mission.
[quote name='XboxMaster']All those ppl that said it sucked, are you talking about the LIVE part, or ever the Xbox version for that matter?[/quote]

Yes, I'm talking about the Xbox version, and no, I didn't play the Live content. Still, with the single player being as bad as it is, I can't imagine the multi-player alone being worth $40.
I only want to know about the LIVE part, cuz it's not like the Unreal Championship had a good single player, but I like LIVE. So, just tell me how it compares to the LIVE experience of Unreal Championship.
[quote name='tenzor']just wait for UT 2004 for pc[/quote]

My computer sucks and I can't play that, now could someone answer my last post?
[quote name='XboxMaster']I have NO money but am struggling to get some and buy Unreal 2. Until then, I'd like to know how it is. So, I know there are vehicles now, so describe those to me. And do they still have that gun where you shoot a little probe and then you can teleport to it? Plus, are the graphics any better or are there any other significant differences that are cool?[/quote]

If your PC can handle it, get the PC version. It looks great but the gameplay is really kind of sour. The Xbox version just sucks donkey... it was a real shock to see how badly it has been ported. I honestly think it was their goal to make a really bad port, and hot damn did they ever succeed.
[quote name='redgopher'][quote name='XboxMaster']I have NO money but am struggling to get some and buy Unreal 2. Until then, I'd like to know how it is. So, I know there are vehicles now, so describe those to me. And do they still have that gun where you shoot a little probe and then you can teleport to it? Plus, are the graphics any better or are there any other significant differences that are cool?[/quote]

If your PC can handle it, get the PC version. It looks great but the gameplay is really kind of sour. The Xbox version just sucks donkey... it was a real shock to see how badly it has been ported. I honestly think it was their goal to make a really bad port, and hot damn did they ever succeed.[/quote]

yeah especially if you can pick it up on target clearance for 7 bucks. I dont think it looks that bad on PC if you have a mid range video card. I havent played the xbox version, but the game really isnt as bad as its made out to be.
Well, I saw the preview in this month's Xbox magazine and it seems that it DOES live up to Unreal Championship. Now, yall gotta work on communication skills, I never even got an answer on how the LIVE was. But, for some reason it said March on the magazine, I thought it had come out the 11th this month.
[quote name='XboxMaster']Well, I saw the preview in this month's Xbox magazine and it seems that it DOES live up to Unreal Championship. Now, yall gotta work on communication skills, I never even got an answer on how the LIVE was. But, for some reason it said March on the magazine, I thought it had come out the 11th this month.[/quote]
lol this board has been funny to read
XMP on computer is awesome. Im not sure how Id react to a maximum of four people per team. Oh and the x-box version looks like crap as well. It's a shame, cause this game has some great features, full online support, content downloads and co-op modes..
But nah..cant see it being all that fun with such a small amount of people... 16 player support, that wouldve been perfect, I wonder what held that back. I guess CS is king of live..
Oh well, heres hoping it drops in price to sub-30 bucks in the next couple of months.sof2 is suprisingly decent on live.
Something about SOF2 made me not like it. But, RS6, UC, GR, GR:IT and of course, the best online shooter for Xbox, Wolfenstein, are all good online shooters. I haven't tried Unreal 2 yet, cuz I think it's out, but I'm not sure.
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