Thank The Heavens 4 SNOW

taint mcgee

5 (100%)
I just wanted to let everyone know that today, in the part of michigan that i live, got nearly 2 feet of snow. This means schools cancelled, and its a great day to go frolic in the snow. Just wondering if the snow storm effected anyone else?
Going to work in the AM has taken 15 minutes extra the past two days.

Leaving work yesterday, when conditions were the worst, it took me 2 hours leave work, pickup my daughter from daycare and make it home. That task usually takes 40 minutes. Thank jebus my FIL went and plowed my driveway while I was making the trek otherwise it would've been closer to 3 hours to get in the door.
I guess you get the raw end of the deal on this snow. But you can enjoy the thought that others are sitting around doin nothin i suppose.
I wish that we would get some damn snow in NYC. It's sunny right now, a tad cloudy. Are you kidding me?! It's February, where's my fuckin' snow?!
Why didn't you make a thread when we had 9 - 11 inches of snow that one day, a couple of weeks back?
[quote name='pacifickarma']What is this snow you speak of? It's like 65 degrees here in CA and sunny![/QUOTE]

Yeah, but we sure do pay out the ass for all this great weather here in California.
I drove in that shit today. Only 10 inches in my part of Michigan, but if you live on a side road you were basically fucked. Not as bad as it was back in I think 1999. Snowbanks were about 8 feet tall. Pulling out from a parking lot was like Russian Roulette. You had to just look for headlight reflections on the road, pray, and put the pedal down.
Havent seen snow down here in over a decade... one thing I miss from living in Va... snow days were always the greatest... Id get up early and look out the window, and if I saw that snow on the ground, I would know school was cancelled...

It was in the 70s today here
Dude it was hot today in California. Bleh.

Didn't have school last night because of a power outage so I win :D
Snow is only nice when you don't actually have to go out in it.

It never, ever, ever snows in this part of North Carolina though, so.. eh.
Blech. Two days ago, my roads were completely covered in snow. Shoveled for half an hour, but got stuck well away from home. Had to run a few kilometers from my truck to my house in sub-zero weather, plus wind chill.

So yeah, fuck snow.
bread's done