The 2024 Gamestop Thread


Yoinked from the 2022/2023 thread!


Where is the weekly ad?
They ended the weekly ad for more rotation of deals. Please check the homepage and deal link for the current deals.

I can't find a trade in value for an item?
It might not be tradable or calling a store to find the value may be the only option.

How many copies of a game can I trade in?
You are allowed to trade in 4 copies of the same game (same system) within a rolling 30 day period.

Are there trade limits?
Yes, $500 cash minus some electronic trade ins and or $2000 trade credit in a rolling 30 day period.

Where is the weekly ad?
They ended the weekly ad for more rotation of deals in a period.

The website isn't loading properly?

Try to clear your cookies and see if that works,

Can I use the $5 monthly coupon on gift cards?

Yes you can in store but not online please note not all gift cards will apply to this rule.

I have a $XX.xx pre-owned reward certificate, and I want to use it on a B2G1 transaction. Should I?
It depends. If the three games are equal value, do not use your certificate. The value of the certificate would be applied to the free game, which would not benefit you. If one game is more expensive, you can use the certificate to make it the same value as the other two games ($5 reward certificate applied to transaction with two $10 games and one $15 game would make all three games $10).

ASL/SL: Assistant Store Leader, Store Leader; manager positions at GS.
B2G1: Buy two, get one free.
GS: GameStop
JD: Junior detective, an employee who is out to get someone
LP: Loss Prevention; this is the department that actually bans accounts after being flagged.
TC/TiC: Trade credit.
TIV/TV: Trade in value, or what a game currently trades for. When posting a TV for a game, always use the base value.
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Assuming your in the US, complain to your state's office of consumer protection. I did this the last time I got "gamestop new" games and I got a full refund, got to keep the games, and they gave me a $25 gift card as a "my bad" gesture. They pay attention to states because enough bait and switch complaints and the state can pull the business license.
Done. On the one hand, “pros” know about this practice already, but not everyone does. They need a disclaimer, sell everything pre-owned after a certain timeframe, if the majority of new are opened after that release window, or actually track that BS like any normal company would be expected to. It’s over 50% now in those cases, easy. They can give a hard time in store trying to return open new games, and they charge for returns through the mail, on top of the general hassle of having to do a return anyway. Open with a “pwamise” it’s unused is one thing, but missing contents or original cases is another, and they do it as a widespread fulfillment practice, it’s not sporadic or a mistake. Try that with returns to a company, they would come down with a hammer.
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can sony please restock the ps portal already ?? this is ridiculous
They have been. Local GameStops that care about their in store customers basically are waiting a day to scan them as received. Because if they are received, online scalpers instantly buy them. They just let customers know they have them and sell them to customers. If you have an employee you are on good terms with, they may be able to help you secure one.
Try to call the local store—- goes straight to India now — after fighting the auto- menu

can sony please restock the ps portal already ?? this is ridiculous

They have been, it's just that there are people like this who's lives revolve around scalping that makes it impossible to find one.

Yes, a little perturbed, because I looked at buying the PS PORTAL, but rather picked up a ASUS ROG 7 ally for 299.99 open box after reading on CAG somewhere about comparing this and the steam deck that was 269 at GS, but they were out. I had some RZ certs from promos so in end got it under 200 and I have to say I really like it. I understand the frustration that some have with it, because basically it is a Windows 11 PC with a controller frame, you can install almost anything just takes a lot more work, but what is nice is that I can use word, office, check email, browse the web, etc. while traveling which is a nice plus, rather than just playing games. My open box didnt have plug, but the gal at BB just grabbed a new one out of the box and gave it to me. Also, checked and did get the Extreme which is really fast and the screen is clear and beautiful. NOW, the issues, wont let me REMOTE MY PS5, but can PS stream, both xbox remote and cloud work perfect, EXACTLY the same as my black BACKBONE USB-C which is so stupid, so is SONY purposely trying to monopolize certain controllers so you have to buy theirs, pretty pathetic.
Yes, a little perturbed, because I looked at buying the PS PORTAL, but rather picked up a ASUS ROG 7 ally for 299.99 open box after reading on CAG somewhere about comparing this and the steam deck that was 269 at GS, but they were out. I had some RZ certs from promos so in end got it under 200 and I have to say I really like it. I understand the frustration that some have with it, because basically it is a Windows 11 PC with a controller frame, you can install almost anything just takes a lot more work, but what is nice is that I can use word, office, check email, browse the web, etc. while traveling which is a nice plus, rather than just playing games. My open box didnt have plug, but the gal at BB just grabbed a new one out of the box and gave it to me. Also, checked and did get the Extreme which is really fast and the screen is clear and beautiful. NOW, the issues, wont let me REMOTE MY PS5, but can PS stream, both xbox remote and cloud work perfect, EXACTLY the same as my black BACKBONE USB-C which is so stupid, so is SONY purposely trying to monopolize certain controllers so you have to buy theirs, pretty pathetic.
Damn how did you get the extreme for $299? That's the open box price for just the regular Z1
Damn how did you get the extreme for $299? That's the open box price for just the regular Z1
I think they mislabeled it as Z1, I was shocked when setting it up and looked in the myasus app and it said 8 core Z1 extreme, it is really as though but sucks I cant REMOTE play my PS5, xbox works awesome, actually they all do, steam, EA, EPIC, that is the nice thing about windows 11. Can stream spectrum cable, movies, check email, office. Looking at getting a dock station and setting it up as a full computer also. I like to how you can distribute how much RAM you want for GPU. There has to be an app or MOD for setting up a different controller, maybe PSJOY or something.
I think they mislabeled it as Z1, I was shocked when setting it up and looked in the myasus app and it said 8 core Z1 extreme, it is really as though but sucks I cant REMOTE play my PS5, xbox works awesome, actually they all do, steam, EA, EPIC, that is the nice thing about windows 11. Can stream spectrum cable, movies, check email, office. Looking at getting a dock station and setting it up as a full computer also. I like to how you can distribute how much RAM you want for GPU. There has to be an app or MOD for setting up a different controller, maybe PSJOY or something.
That's such an awesome score. Very jealous. Got the regular Z1 open box a couple weeks ago pretty much same situation as you with a bunch of rewards certs. It was basically brand new and super happy with it. Wish I could have gotten the extreme though!
That's such an awesome score. Very jealous. Got the regular Z1 open box a couple weeks ago pretty much same situation as you with a bunch of rewards certs. It was basically brand new and super happy with it. Wish I could have gotten the extreme though!
Have you tried using PS Remote Play?
As someone said, a lot of stores are just blanket saying they don't have unless your a physical person in store they feel like selling to to prevent it. They're just going to keep saying no over the phone because then they get someone showing up trying to buy everything causing a confrontation they don't want.
Wish any of the GameStop near me had more than 10-15 games for buy 4 for $10/20. It's the same 10-15 games too, old CoD, old Assassin's Creed and sports games.
Select handbags dropped another 10% (from 30% to now 40%...). Gonna visit the same GS I bought the Godzilla plush bag from and try to see if they can honor the price difference. Hasn't been over two weeks yet. Wish me luck, guys.
I took the liberty of compiling a list of the B4F20 games I think are probably worth your wallet and to save you guys some precious time:

Armello Special Edition (PS4)
Ary and the Secret of Seasons (PS4/XB1)
Blacksad Under the Skin Limited Edition (PS4/XB1)
Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition (XB1)
Cristales (PS5/XB1)
Darksiders III (PS4/XB1)
Darksiders Genesis (PS4/XB1)
Death's Gambit (PS4)
Devil May Cry Definitive Edition (XB1)
Dolmen (PS4)
Dragon Star Varnir (PS4)
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning (PS4)
Marsupilami Hoobadventure (PS4)
Mega Man Legacy Collection (XB1)
Monkey King Hero is Back (PS4)
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (PS4)
Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden (PS4/XB1)
Necormunda Hired Gun (XB1)
Pillars of Eternity Complete Edition (XB1)
Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire (PS4)
Sayonara Wild Hearts (PS4)
Scarlet Nexus (PS5/PS4/XB1)
Shadows Awakening (PS4/XB1)
Shadow Tactics Blades of the Shogun (PS4/XB1)
Tales of Arise (PS4)
Tales of Zestiria (PS4)
The Surge (PS4)
The Surge 2 (PS4)
Toukiden Kiwami (PS4)
Vikings Wolves of Midgard (XB1)
Victor Vran Overkill Edition (PS4/XB1)
World of Final Fantasy Maxima (XB1)
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And another list for the "retro games" if you're lucky enough to find them:

Battle Fantasia (360)
Dead to Rights Retribution (PS3)
Digimon All-Star Rumble (360)
Dragon's Crown (PS3)
Enchanted Arms (360)
Eternal Sonata (360)
Jade Empire (XBX)
Killer is Dead (360)
Motorstorm Apocalypse (PS3)
Mystery Dungeon Shiren the Wanderer (NDS)
NeverDead (PS3/360)
Ninety-Nine Nights (360)
Overlord (360)
Persona 4 Arena (PS3)
Ragnarok Odyssey ACE (PS3)
Resident Evil Archives (WII)
Resident Evil Archives Resident Evil 0 (WII)
Tales of Xillia (PS3)
Tenchu Z (360)
The Darkness (PS3)
The Darkness II (PS3)
Time Crisis 4 (PS3)
Turok (PS3/360)
X-Men Destiny (PS3/360)
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Select handbags dropped another 10% (from 30% to now 40%...). Gonna visit the same GS I bought the Godzilla plush bag from and try to see if they can honor the price difference. Hasn't been over two weeks yet. Wish me luck, guys.
Only have to buy TWO handbags for Free Shipping!
In all seriousness, is a pretty cool looking bag.
I know you in the NYC area and I got mines on Christmas Eve when multiple stores had a pickup option. You obviously just gotta be quick but they do show up. I’m from Queens.
im in manhattan. sadly there are only 3 locations in manhattan so my options are limited around these parts. i miss the days where i had locations all around me
Like I said some stores aren’t checking the portals in because then ship from stores instantly come through. They have them, but pretty much sell to people who come in.

They just want to whine. If they spent half the time trying to get one as they do posting about how hard it is they would have one by now.
They just want to whine. If they spent half the time trying to get one as they do posting about how hard it is they would have one by now.
ah yes because its not like we have a life to live and have all the time in the world to constantly check for item we want. yes that must be it and im sure stores always have a secret stash that im missing out on

since you seem to have all of the time in the world maybe you can find me one 😃
ah yes because its not like we have a life to live and have all the time in the world to constantly check for item we want. yes that must be it and im sure stores always have a secret stash that im missing out on

since you seem to have all of the time in the world maybe you can find me one 😃
I got mine on launch, been enjoying it too.

Here is some help, if you want hardware(or games) in the future, throw a few bucks down. This isn't 1998, you aren't going to be able to beat out scalpers with your ultra busy lifestyle of posting on cag. Save yourself the trouble and if you wind up not wanting those items, just don't pick them up.
ah yes because its not like we have a life to live and have all the time in the world to constantly check for item we want. yes that must be it and im sure stores always have a secret stash that im missing out on

since you seem to have all of the time in the world maybe you can find me one 😃
It was available at target when they posted. I could’ve saved $40 with a 20% off coupon but resisted.
Saved yourself about 36 games you can get more enjoyment out of from the current promo. Besides, you already have a PS5. Why handicap your gaming experience from 4K60fps with stutter and lag...not to mention rigged scarcity? Plus, if your PS5 ever bricks the Portal becomes paper weight. Just call it a day and get the Switch, Deck, Ally, or Legion. With the latter three you can activate cheap steam keys and play certain games inaccessible through the Triple Entente, like PalWorld unless you already have an XSX. Did I forget to mention docked mode and mods, on non-Nintendo handhelds!? 😮 Oh, and Xbox Ultimate Game Pass for PC!? 😮 Best bang for your buck is there if you play your cards right. Pat yourself on the back for resisting temptations! 👏
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$25 off $250, is that anything in-store or just select items?

I want to get me a Switch. There's only the white OLED and the blue/red non-OLED showing as eligible at my local store for online purchase with in-store pick up. I want a different color.
bread's done