The 2024 Gamestop Thread


Yoinked from the 2022/2023 thread!


Where is the weekly ad?
They ended the weekly ad for more rotation of deals. Please check the homepage and deal link for the current deals.

I can't find a trade in value for an item?
It might not be tradable or calling a store to find the value may be the only option.

How many copies of a game can I trade in?
You are allowed to trade in 4 copies of the same game (same system) within a rolling 30 day period.

Are there trade limits?
Yes, $500 cash minus some electronic trade ins and or $2000 trade credit in a rolling 30 day period.

Where is the weekly ad?
They ended the weekly ad for more rotation of deals in a period.

The website isn't loading properly?

Try to clear your cookies and see if that works,

Can I use the $5 monthly coupon on gift cards?

Yes you can in store but not online please note not all gift cards will apply to this rule.

I have a $XX.xx pre-owned reward certificate, and I want to use it on a B2G1 transaction. Should I?
It depends. If the three games are equal value, do not use your certificate. The value of the certificate would be applied to the free game, which would not benefit you. If one game is more expensive, you can use the certificate to make it the same value as the other two games ($5 reward certificate applied to transaction with two $10 games and one $15 game would make all three games $10).

ASL/SL: Assistant Store Leader, Store Leader; manager positions at GS.
B2G1: Buy two, get one free.
GS: GameStop
JD: Junior detective, an employee who is out to get someone
LP: Loss Prevention; this is the department that actually bans accounts after being flagged.
TC/TiC: Trade credit.
TIV/TV: Trade in value, or what a game currently trades for. When posting a TV for a game, always use the base value.
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Yeah I bought a fat digital way back when when they were doing bundles and most of the games I bought I never go back and replay. Will be worth the money to get a disc drive but I may have to just buy new then. I missed the Spider-Man bundle and now I’m kicking myself for that one.
Hey guys, I haven’t been to CAG since I don’t even know how long and just stepped foot in GameStop for the first time in like 3-4 years last month. I’m back in my ways and looking to make some poor financial decisions. This time around I want to upgrade my disc-less PS5 to a disc version and I’m trading in my old one and some controllers, but I’m wondering if used or refurb is the way to go these days. I’ve had both from GameStop years ago with the usual bad quality. Any chance they improved or stepped up in either department?
Don’t walk away. RUN
Don’t know if it’s all over, but the GameStops around me are being more strict about pickups. Now they want you to show the pickup email, your ID and then sign that you picked it up.
…but even with all that, the dude did not mark the copy of Jedi Survivor as picked up in their system on Tuesday because I keep get reminder emails to pick it up.
Hey guys, I haven’t been to CAG since I don’t even know how long and just stepped foot in GameStop for the first time in like 3-4 years last month. I’m back in my ways and looking to make some poor financial decisions. This time around I want to upgrade my disc-less PS5 to a disc version and I’m trading in my old one and some controllers, but I’m wondering if used or refurb is the way to go these days. I’ve had both from GameStop years ago with the usual bad quality. Any chance they improved or stepped up in either department?
If you're seriously looking to make some poor financial decisions, then sign up for the GS credit card and throw money into GME stock.
Yeah I bought a fat digital way back when when they were doing bundles and most of the games I bought I never go back and replay. Will be worth the money to get a disc drive but I may have to just buy new then. I missed the Spider-Man bundle and now I’m kicking myself for that one.
At this point, you might as well sell the fat digital and wait for the PS5 Pro.
Don’t know if it’s all over, but the GameStops around me are being more strict about pickups. Now they want you to show the pickup email, your ID and then sign that you picked it up.
…but even with all that, the dude did not mark the copy of Jedi Survivor as picked up in their system on Tuesday because I keep get reminder emails to pick it up.
I had to and not before I discovered that, despite my Pro account floating in digital limbo, I can still use my $5 monthlies surprisingly. You wanna try canceling and see if you can get a refund~?
Hey guys, I haven’t been to CAG since I don’t even know how long and just stepped foot in GameStop for the first time in like 3-4 years last month. I’m back in my ways and looking to make some poor financial decisions. This time around I want to upgrade my disc-less PS5 to a disc version and I’m trading in my old one and some controllers, but I’m wondering if used or refurb is the way to go these days. I’ve had both from GameStop years ago with the usual bad quality. Any chance they improved or stepped up in either department?

Why would Gamestop improve when people keep throwing money at them? I mean people keep complaining about trade values/ pricing of used games/ condition of games (new and used) and Gamestop has not changed any of those systems...
I had to and not before I discovered that, despite my Pro account floating in digital limbo, I can still use my $5 monthlies surprisingly. You wanna try canceling and see if you can get a refund~?
I used trade credit so canceling would throw it into limbo somewhere I think. But if it never gets marked as picked up I’m pretty sure I’ll get a GC in the mail. So we’ll just let it play out.
Damn it took almost 2 weeks for my copy of Mario wonder to arrive from the b2g1 and the trade value finally dropped $5 today. Such bad luck. I think I'll hang on to it in the hopes it goes back to $35 base or for a 50% bump. Going to take in COD tomorrow though, decent profit on that one with pre order. Got it to get over the free shipping threshold for an order when it was on sale for $20.
Damn it took almost 2 weeks for my copy of Mario wonder to arrive from the b2g1 and the trade value finally dropped $5 today. Such bad luck. I think I'll hang on to it in the hopes it goes back to $35 base or for a 50% bump. Going to take in COD tomorrow though, decent profit on that one with pre order. Got it to get over the free shipping threshold for an order when it was on sale for $20.
Two weeks on purpose because they want to shorten your return timeframe as much as "reasonably" possible. If you're a Pro member, you're fine within 30 days of purchase. If you're not subbed, well...good luck. They also don't want you to abuse promos after they refresh them; hence, the TiV dropped $5 just in time against your favor. Tinfoil hat conspiratorial, maybe. Have you been negatively affected, yes.
Two weeks on purpose because they want to shorten your return timeframe as much as "reasonably" possible. If you're a Pro member, you're fine within 30 days of purchase. If you're not subbed, well...good luck. They also don't want you to abuse promos after they refresh them; hence, the TiV dropped $5 just in time against your favor. Tinfoil hat conspiratorial, maybe. Have you been negatively affected, yes.
It was pretty bizarre honestly. It was stuck in the "pre-shipment" limbo for 10 days. I finally contacted support on Twitter and they made a claim to loss prevention and then that evening the tracking updated at like 11pm and arrive a day later. It was shipping from a store about 3 hours away. Just strange that the tracking updated at night when the store would have been closed so not really sure if gamestop is to blame or USPS. But not going to return as it was part of b2g1 and I'm not looking to deal with an employee trying to figure that out, and it was paid for in credit so I will get the credit back through a trade eventually.
Picked up Donkey Kong 3, Donkey Kong Classics, Duck Tales, and Star Wars for NES on the 4 for $40. My store also had Mario Party 4-9 all complete, about 10 N64 games, and another 10 NES games. Somebody must've just traded in their collection.
So sad because we're all on the near tail end of an era for physical appreciation, and this guy just dumped everything despite the gaming culture shift and aftermarket valuation. I'm so glad I started collecting physical games more seriously since January of last year. To think, it all began with the death of my 3 year Game Pass sub as well as the realization I was missing Pokemon Black 1 and White 2. Came a long away, trails of green aburnt.
So sad because we're all on the near tail end of an era for physical appreciation, and this guy just dumped everything despite the gaming culture shift and aftermarket valuation. I'm so glad I started collecting physical games more seriously since January of last year. To think, it all began with the death of my 3 year Game Pass sub as well as the realization I was missing Pokemon Black 1 and White 2. Came a long away, trails of green aburnt.
Pokémon BW are so good I love those .
This week, G$ is offering $25 bonus TIC on nintendo switch and xbox series S, and $50 bonus TIC on ps5 and xbox x.

Does anyone know if it applies to the nintendo switch lite? And does it require a charger? And if it does, can it be a third party charger?
This week, G$ is offering $25 bonus TIC on nintendo switch and xbox series S, and $50 bonus TIC on ps5 and xbox x.

Does anyone know if it applies to the nintendo switch lite? And does it require a charger? And if it does, can it be a third party charger?
it's not confirmation or anything, but a lite is in the picture for the promo. they will require a nintendo brand charger for sure.
Target is currently offering a $10 Target giftcard for a $75 purchase of a (two actually, read along) third-party giftcard which has GameStop and Xbox as affiliates; however, they're on two separate product pages, and you can only choose a combination option of $25 and $50. If you have the Target card, you can get 5% off of $75 and still count towards the Target giftcard promo.
Anyone know what Gamestop's definition of "renewing" a Pro membership is as opposed to a new sign up?

My membership lapsed in January then I signed up again in April. CS is telling me I'm not eligible for the 5K bonus points because I renewed. Is that accurate?
I dunno. For some reason I thought it was counted differently if you sign up after not having pro for a while but maybe I'm just overthinking it.
4ish months is not that long though. For instance at Costco you have to let your membership lapse for 18 months before you’d be considered ‘new’ again.
Supposedly no matter how long you are lapsed now you can't get points. That would be the kind of thing Gamestop would fix instead of trade transactions zeroing points, the website being ass, etc.
Supposedly no matter how long you are lapsed now you can't get points. That would be the kind of thing Gamestop would fix instead of trade transactions zeroing points, the website being ass, etc.

Why would they fix this? If they let people just lapse and re-signup as new then everyone would just lapse. They’d actually be encouraging behavior that they don’t want.

On time renewals are the most important in any subscription business.
Why would they fix this? If they let people just lapse and re-signup as new then everyone would just lapse. They’d actually be encouraging behavior that they don’t want.

On time renewals are the most important in any subscription business.

That is exactly how it worked up until...several(maybe even 6 or more) months ago, you could be expired for one day and get renewal bonus points.

The point was 5k points that can be redeemed for very little these days are a drop in the bucket compared to a litany of real problems that cost the company huge amounts of money daily.

Gamestop is run like crap.
I've stopped worrying about my points entirely, since they've cut back on what earns points and they often don't even give you the points you're supposed to earn because Gamestop gonna Gamestop.
My sentiments entirely. I'm absolutely never in the store other than to use the $5 coupon (if I remember)...the place just sickens me.
Do you not get points anymore for spending money with pro membership? I feel I haven’t gotten points back in ages
I've stopped worrying about my points entirely, since they've cut back on what earns points and they often don't even give you the points you're supposed to earn because Gamestop gonna Gamestop.
Could be a ploy to incentivize you to sign up for their credit card.
I've stopped worrying about my points entirely, since they've cut back on what earns points and they often don't even give you the points you're supposed to earn because Gamestop gonna Gamestop.
from every purchase to trade-in games to new games only now. gamestop magnetizes people to pre-order games
My store has a few retro games in the case now. Nothing mind blowing, but there's 2 Genesis games, I forget which, one priced at $54.99, so it's decent enough. Price stickers right on the label, so those are ruined.
Rare decent move on their part. Pretty dumb to order a new Switch game, use your monthly coupon, and then be stuck paying more due to shipping.

Yea that really sucked. Also glad it isn't limited to just preorders. Far cry from what it used to be, but at least I can actually order a new game by itself again...
Don't most people just hit the free shipping total and return the extra item?
Most people are unaware of that trick or (like me) feel it is too much of a hassle and will wait for a better option (another retailer, wait for game to go on sale, realize you are just adding games to a back log you can not possibly overcome in this lifetime...etc.)
bread's done