The 8600GTS/GT are out! First real reviews are up



Yet another reason not to listen to rumors-the specs are worse than what was proposed (what was proposed most likely just being a guess).

The 8600GTS and GT differ based on clock speeds. They have:

-32 shaders (down from 128/96 on the 8800 cards)
-16 texture units (down from 24)
-8 ROPS (down from 20)

The shaders are supposed to be improved from the ones on the 8800s, and the video decoding has been significantly enhanced-with a supported program, 100% of the actual video decoding is handled by the GPU now, up to 40Mb/s (including H.264)

Performance results are about what you'd expect. Newer games like Oblivion or Rainbow Six: Vegas that are shader heavy do well (though of course poorly compared to the 8800 cards). Older games the 8600 is actually beaten by 7900 or x1950 hardware, although not too terribly.

It does always beat the Geforce 7600 it's replacing, which is something. Overall it doesn't blow you away, but it is a solid part, and of course the cheapest Direct X 10 part.

One important thing to note-the 8600 is a VERY poor deal on a price performance basis, just like all other hardware in that price range. The Geforce 8800GTS starting at $260 is absolutely undefeated on a price/performance basis. If you game on a desktop, it's the card to get (unless you can spend more).

Unfortunately there's still no news of a mobile part. And given the performance, I'm more disappointed than ever that we still don't have a mobile 8800 :(
I suddenly have a vision of Steve Martin in "The Jerk" running around saying, "The new phonebooks are here! The new phonebooks are here!!"
There is suppsoed to be a new PCI format but I don't think it's this year. Maybe I'm wrong though. The R600 is supposed to be out by the end of May I think and ATI (unlike Nvidia) will launch their entire lineup at once.

Honestly, looking at some of the performance numbers, it seems like it would be better to just get the 8800GTS if you're trying to decide between an 8800 or an 8600. The extra price seems like it would worth the performance boost from the 8800 GTS (which can be had for $230).
Oh yeah, for us there's no reason to get anything less than an 8800GTS at this point. Makes no sense.

Annnd we'll have to wait and see what ATi is doing. They're already 7 months late, and are known for paper launches (sometimes not even releasing products they send out to be reviewed), so...

Now where the hey is my mobile version!
[quote name='keithp']I suddenly have a vision of Steve Martin in "The Jerk" running around saying, "The new phonebooks are here! The new phonebooks are here!!"[/QUOTE]

lol that movie was on the other day.

Man after playing CNC3 and seeing how I have to tone down the graphics to play it at a good frame rate, I realized I paid 400 bucks for my EVGA 6800GT 256agp thinking I won't have to buy a new card for another 4 years :(

Is it just me, or does anyone have jaggy shadows on most games? CNC3 and ST: Legacy come to mind.
Seriously? A 6800GT won't run that well? I'm surprised, though I guess it has been out longer than what I'm thinking.
i have a geforce 7600gs agp and the shadows in c&c3 look bad. in fact they looked so bad, that i turned them off. it improved to look of the game and made it run smoother.
[quote name='Tom Ato']So what do you guys think would be better 2 8600gts SLI'd or 1 8800gts?[/quote]
The single 8800 would perform better and be cheaper.

SLI isn't very cost effective at all, and is only truly justified for those who must have the very best at the moment.
[quote name='guyver2077']no new pc games=ills tick with my 7900gs a little longer..

There is plenty of new PC games... not sure what you're talking about.

In the next two months (May / June) alone there is:

Halo 2 Vista
Lord of the Rings Online (close enough to May)
Enemy Territory Quake Wars
Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition
Lost Planet

That's plenty enough for me, and yea some of them are multiplatform but with a decent PC, the PC is the best multiplatform system around. I don't really need 30 hot games a week, one a week is plenty for me, especially since most of these can be played infinitely.
[quote name='Roufuss']There is plenty of new PC games... not sure what you're talking about.[/quote]

good ones? like?

c&c 3? no thanks
[quote name='guyver2077']good ones? like?

c&c 3? no thanks[/QUOTE]

I provided a list, just because you don't think they are good doesn't mean there are no awesome PC games coming out.

C&C 3 is hot fire, don't know what your problem is. Or maybe you just want to play the retarded gimped control 360 version?
[quote name='Roufuss']I provided a list, just because you don't think they are good doesn't mean there are no awesome PC games coming out.

C&C 3 is hot fire, don't know what your problem is. Or maybe you just want to play the retarded gimped control 360 version?[/quote]

exactly.. those are all games coming within the next few months...

the last few months have been very blah for pc

Infernal- dunno
Halo 2 Vista- lol...
Lord of the Rings Online (close enough to May)- tried beta... again no thanks
Shadowrun-- currently playing on 360
Enemy Territory Quake Wars---ill admit this is hot( also coming to consoles)
Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition- looks decent
Lost Planet-- have on 360...dont trust capcom ports
[quote name='guyver2077']exactly.. those are all games coming within the next few months...

the last few months have been very blah for pc[/QUOTE]

7 or 8 AAA games is plenty...

In the last few months there was WoW Burning Crusade, Stalker, C&C 3, Oblivion Shivering Isles, Titan Quest Immortal Throne, some Sims 2 expansions... unless you blow through 30 - 40 hour long games in a few days, this is plenty for anyone.

The last few months have been pretty damn good for the PC.

ok i guess this just that depends on the genres ppl like...

It was real good for you cause your a huge sims fan..

for me.. none of those games catch my eye..

i have to try stalker though
[quote name='guyver2077']
Infernal- dunno
Halo 2 Vista- lol...
Lord of the Rings Online (close enough to May)- tried beta... again no thanks
Shadowrun-- currently playing on 360
Enemy Territory Quake Wars---ill admit this is hot( also coming to consoles)
Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition- looks decent
Lost Planet-- have on 360...dont trust capcom ports[/QUOTE]

My PC is about 3 times better than a 360, so Lost Planet, Shadowrun, and Enemy Territory Quake Wars will all run, look, and sound a ton better than their 360 versions. And, I don't have to pay to play online either :roll:

Not sure why you're lol'ing at Halo 2 Vista... an improved version of one of the better FPS's to come in years? Should I lol when 360 users *FINALLY* get to play Counter Strike? Or when they're so excited that Quake 3 Arena might be coming to Quake Wars (that's definitely lol worthy).

In fact, I think it's funny when I see Halo 2 fans on other forums get pretty pissed the PC is getting a better version with achievements.

Lost Planet isn't a Capcom port, it's being handled by Nvidia as well.

[quote name='Roufuss'] And, I don't have to pay to play online either :roll:


o man lets not start that argument again...

yea lets see about that nvidia port... its a great "360" game... hopefully they dont fuck it up.. I'm all for the games success..

Quake 3 is just simply the best pc game ever!! i will always play that on my pc and cant wait to play on 360 as well...

I wont get vista just for halo 2... let's wait for some reviews though..ive already played it to death.. besides halo 3 is coming!

anyways.. those prices on the 8600's are not too good... just wait longer ppl...
bread's done