The Cancelled Games Thread



I didn't see a thread discussing this topic, so I figured I would throw one in the mix

Let's talk about cancelled games! Personally I find cancelled games really interesting... usually because there's some intrigue as to why they get the boot, and it's a good look at how the video game world works. Whether you're on a fact finding hunt for a certain game or just want to offer your impressions on a game(or system even) that got the axe, put it here! I'll start off with a few:

-I remember there was a game from back around 2003 or so that was supposed to be an open-world survival horror game. There were zombies and monsters roaming the streets and you had to jack cars and shoot things not unlike GTA. A big focus was on driving, and the various creatures could attack your vehicle. One of the trailers had a really crappy live action "news report" that looked like it was filmed in the company's stairwell. Anyone know the name of this game?

-There was a WWE backstage wrestling game for PS2 that never made it to release. Normally I wouldn't care, but I remember that Game Informer had a huge spread on the game and I recall the game had AMAZING graphics. I've tried finding screens of the game online but I'm at a loss... I'm curious as to if the game really looked as good as I remember, or if it was target renders or what. Kudos to anyone who can find some screenshots

-Sometime around the launch of our current crop of game systems, there were these demonstrations of a really amazing looking game. I don't remember what it was called, but they had a bunch of demos of dragons and giant trolls and such. Anyone know what it was called, or if it was even cancelled?

-Everytime I boot up my dreamcast I ask myself the same question... Do you think even if the sales were better than they were and sega didn't have to axe it, would the dreamcast have been able to keep up with the rest of the pack? I can't help but think the limited controller would've kept it out of the loop, amongst other things.
[quote name='eastshore4']
-Sometime around the launch of our current crop of game systems, there were these demonstrations of a really amazing looking game. I don't remember what it was called, but they had a bunch of demos of dragons and giant trolls and such. Anyone know what it was called, or if it was even cancelled?

I wanna say that might have been Lair. Not positive though.

But as for me, all I think of is B.C. for the original Xbox, and how I wanted to spear a T-Rex in the face right before it ate me.
Robotech Crystal Dreams and Chakan 2.both were games i was excitd about and robotech had tons of video on it but both got axed.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']Thrill Kill (ps1), although that eventually got leaked.[/QUOTE]

you didnt miss anything it was pretty crap. all the hype over how sexual and violent it was was way overblown.
[quote name='lokizz']you didnt miss anything it was pretty crap. all the hype over how sexual and violent it was was way overblown.[/QUOTE]

I've seen videos. It looks like a boring Mortal Kombat rip off with extra sex and violence. It would have sold a million copies on controversy alone.
I thought "Faith and a .45" looked pretty cool.

There are also a lot of interesting cases where the game wasn't cancelled but development was rebooted or it was moved to a different system. I would love to see what Final Fantasy XIII would have looked like on PS2 (if it even got past the concept/planning stages).
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[quote name='lokizz']Robotech Crystal Dreams and Chakan 2.both were games i was excitd about and robotech had tons of video on it but both got axed.[/QUOTE]

Was that Robotech game the one I remember hearing about back in high school? Supposedly it was going come out on the N64 be similar to Star Fox 64, yet it sounded less linear, and that the battles would be a lot larger in scale. I can also remember that the graphics were supposed to be very realistic looking with the player even being able to see the explosion occur over the comm link as one of their allies got gunned down. With those kind of promises, I'm actually not surprised that it didn't make it if it's the same game.
[quote name='Drizzt']Was that Robotech game the one I remember hearing about back in high school? Supposedly it was going come out on the N64 be similar to Star Fox 64, yet it sounded less linear, and that the battles would be a lot larger in scale. I can also remember that the graphics were supposed to be very realistic looking with the player even being able to see the explosion occur over the comm link as one of their allies got gunned down. With those kind of promises, I'm actually not surprised that it didn't make it if it's the same game.[/QUOTE]

yep thats the one. i dont remember why it got cancelled but ive heard theres bootleg copies of it floating around. the videos of the game at the time were awesome and i remember a guy in it saying somthing about how you could leave the game on and actually make it to mars or some shit.
I remember reading about a Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse game in my OXM way back when and being really pumped for it. I also remember a short paragraph about an eminem game in one of their issues.
The original Fallout 3, code named Van Buren, developed by the original company that did Fallout 1 and 2. There's a tech demo floating around out there, but I've never tried to play it.
I was really looking forward to the Oblivion style Lord of the Rings game EA was working on. Too bad it wont get released since they don't have the license anymore.
[quote name='Scorch']The ORIGINAL Resident Evil 2, before being completely scrapped. It's known in the RE community as Resident Evil 1.5.


i remember this man i wanted to play that version so bad as i recall they mentioed how your clothes took damage from attacks so you could change clothes during the game and if you didnt they would look ragged and torn over time. itd be cool to play that as well as the original concept idea for re4. i wonder if there had been a diff version of re5 made that got scrapped.
[quote name='mykevermin']Castlevania Dreamcast. "Resurrection," I think?[/QUOTE]

Yep. Ironic name for a canceled game, isn't it? I was looking forward to that back in the day.
Freelancer 2. It was suppose to be Xbox 360 and PC but it was later cancelled due to the developer being bought by Microsoft.
[quote name='eastshore4']
-I remember there was a game from back around 2003 or so that was supposed to be an open-world survival horror game. There were zombies and monsters roaming the streets and you had to jack cars and shoot things not unlike GTA. A big focus was on driving, and the various creatures could attack your vehicle. One of the trailers had a really crappy live action "news report" that looked like it was filmed in the company's stairwell. Anyone know the name of this game?[/QUOTE]

You're talking about the game "Dead Rush". I was really looking forward to that one, and yeah it was supposed to be GTA crossed with Resident Evil.
[quote name='DarthPuma']I remember reading about a Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse game in my OXM way back when and being really pumped for it. I also remember a short paragraph about an eminem game in one of their issues.[/QUOTE]

This was another one I was really looking forward to. I remember it had a pretty cool website where Lance Henriksen (who voiced the main character) read all these biblical passages in his most apocalyptic sounding voice. I also remember a bunch of nice looking concept drawings by Simon Bisley for this game. Other cancelled games:

Campfire: the horror game where YOU played the part of the slasher.

Call of Cthulhu: Destiny's End, which was supposed to be Lovecraft done in the RE4 style.

Resident Evil on GBColor. This was before RE Gaiden, it was going to be a remake of the original RE.

The Snake Plissken game that was supposed to come out with Kurt Russell and John Carpenter input. I think it was called "The Snake Plissken Chronicles".

And there was supposed to be a Dirty Harry game on PS3 and maybe 360, with Clint Eastwood himself providing the voice, but I guess nothing came of it?

There's a couple more I think I'm forgetting, but they'll come to me.
[quote name='Drizzt']Was that Robotech game the one I remember hearing about back in high school? Supposedly it was going come out on the N64 be similar to Star Fox 64, yet it sounded less linear, and that the battles would be a lot larger in scale. I can also remember that the graphics were supposed to be very realistic looking with the player even being able to see the explosion occur over the comm link as one of their allies got gunned down. With those kind of promises, I'm actually not surprised that it didn't make it if it's the same game.[/QUOTE]

Robotech Crystal Dreams was way too ambitious and on a basic level a horrible idea. They seriously wanted it to take 3 months real time for the player to reach a planet like Saturn . I saw the early videos though and graphically it did look amazing for an n64 game. I was mad at the time when it was canceled but Battlecry more then made up for it.
[quote name='coolsteel']Robotech Crystal Dreams was way too ambitious and on a basic level a horrible idea. They seriously wanted it to take 3 months real time for the player to reach a planet like Saturn . I saw the early videos though and graphically it did look amazing for an n64 game. I was mad at the time when it was canceled but Battlecry more then made up for it.[/QUOTE]

I agree 100%. At the time it sounded amazing (one of the early reasons I wanted a 64) and I was upset at it's cancellation. But in hindsight it probably wouldn't have worked very well.

One I thought of earlier today , Raven Blade , one of Retro Studios previous works before starting on Metroid Prime. Not much was known or seen of the game , but it still seemed promising. In the end though , if it was between Raven Blade and Metroid Prime , Prime was the better call I'm sure.
[quote name='coolsteel']Robotech Crystal Dreams was way too ambitious and on a basic level a horrible idea. They seriously wanted it to take 3 months real time for the player to reach a planet like Saturn . I saw the early videos though and graphically it did look amazing for an n64 game. I was mad at the time when it was canceled but Battlecry more then made up for it.[/QUOTE]

I agree 100%. At the time it sounded amazing (one of the early reasons I wanted a 64) and I was upset at it's cancellation. But in hindsight it probably wouldn't have worked very well.

One I thought of earlier today , Raven Blade , one of Retro Studios previous works before starting on Metroid Prime. Not much was known or seen of the game , but it still seemed promising. In the end though , if it was between Raven Blade and Metroid Prime , Prime was the better call I'm sure.
I can think of a few that haven't been mentioned...

Fear and Respect (the Snoop Dog game)

KillWheel (I think that is what it was called, you were an ogre trapped in a wheel and rolled around smashing stuff. I actually was looking forward to this one.)
Metroid Dread, dagnabbit!

[quote name='Salamando3000']You know, I'm still waiting for Starcraft: Ghost to come out. It's not cancelled, just shelved...indefinitely.[/QUOTE]
Shelved due to the fact that the writers just couldn't make a non-shitty Ghost actually fit in to the Starcraft universe.
I was going to say starcraft ghost but well Salamando said it first. However I do remember beavis and butthead do hollywood was to come out and never did. It even had release dates and they came and went then it was cancelled. One of the dates was on my birthday. I would be at walmart everyday that it was said to have come out then 2 or 3 days later would say it got pushed back. After about the 4th or 5th time it was pushed back it got cancelled.
[quote name='eastshore4']
-Sometime around the launch of our current crop of game systems, there were these demonstrations of a really amazing looking game. I don't remember what it was called, but they had a bunch of demos of dragons and giant trolls and such. Anyone know what it was called, or if it was even cancelled?

You might be thinking of Project Offset

Really cool looking game I was looking forward too. Don't know if it has been officially canceled or is just vapor ware.
bread's done