The Coolest looking Wii console. Ever.


Staff member
122 (100%)

Hope it wasn't already posted.
Is that not the product of paint and the Target Zelda limited edition thing?


If it is, he spent about $400 (Wii + Tax + Limited Edition thing + paint) and is currently tripling his money. Not a bad idea.
Yep, that's what he used. Nice finish on it, wonder how long that sort of thing takes.

I would definitely pay $249.99 + tax for that.
I believe the "shitty, bumpy paint job" was intentional. The creator answers a question about how it was achieved.
So, it's painted, with some toys glued on it.

It looks pretty nice, but I personally am not blown away by it, or by the effort required to create it.
[quote name='jlseal']I believe the "shitty, bumpy paint job" was intentional. The creator answers a question about how it was achieved.[/quote]
I just dont think it ads to the wii, the wii is a sleek console and that kinda kills it for me.(the paint job I mean)
I saw this on GameFAQs (ew) already (yeah, I hate GameFAQs now, so I came here.):bomb:

Anyway, I think that's the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while. *Licks screen* :applause:
wow that IS wii console I've seen for sure. Cept...I wouldn't spend like 30 bucks more than the regular price since I don't really care how it looks if it costs me more lol

woah but 1,125 bucks!!!?? I gotta get in on this lol
I for one think the texured matte black paint looks awesome.personal preference i guess ... i dont like shiny...thats why i think the ps3 is the ugliest console ever.Not that looks matter all that much for a console.I think its a cool mod.An un-modded wii looks better to me still though...i love white electronics.
[quote name='raregamergirl']Am I the only one not impressed? The paint job looks like something that ANYONE could do (it doesnt even look like high quality paint!) and he just tacked on the master replica zelda set.

personally, I really like this one a LOT more

I just wish I could see some more up close pictures to see the detail put into it.[/QUOTE]

So a black Wii with a shield glued to it goes for 1500, a wii inside a NES case only goes for 500? Crazy, NES Wii looks badass
I remember how warm my Wii used to get even when it wasn't powered on, now throw that under quite a few layers of paint, that might cause a bit of a problem...
If I had the money, I would deffinately put a good week of work into something like this to make a nice profit even though I dont like it :D
That is a terrible paint job but I wouldn't know the first thing about adding all those LEDs to the side and the stand.
[quote name='javeryh']That is a terrible paint job but I wouldn't know the first thing about adding all those LEDs to the side and the stand.[/QUOTE]

Adding LEDs is actually fairly easy. I've never done it myself but I'm fairly confident I could if I put my mind to it. LEDs, aside from painting, are one of the easiest modifications you can make.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']I like how its got that leather bound book look[/quote]
I bet it smells like rich mahogany as well.
[quote name='Scorch']Is that not the product of paint and the Target Zelda limited edition thing?


If it is, he spent about $400 (Wii + Tax + Limited Edition thing + paint) and is currently tripling his money. Not a bad idea.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I saw that at Target in Mountain View on Clearance. Now, if it was lifesize, i would've picked it up.. (sword & shield)
ZOMG, that is like no words can't describe how hot that is. That is bling times infinity, oh god that is so sweet. Although $1200 is alot to spend for that, wow. I mean that is like fucking the entire dallas cowboy cheerleader squad at once, that how hot that thing is.
bread's done