The E3 Hype Thread

Zen Davis

From Kotaku!

Adorable Frenchmen Jeux France have run what they reckon is a "credible" rumour. Well, rumours, because there's a few, and they all involve Nintendo. Seems at this year's E3 we'll not only get firm release dates for Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy, we'll also get a "grosse révélation au niveau Hardware" [big hardware news] as well as a look at Mario Kart for the Wii.

The release dates, we expect those, and the big hardware news could be anything, so we'll leave that well alone. But the Mario Kart thing? Feels right to me. We're about due some more Mario Kart, particularly since it's Nintendo's only major franchise we're yet to see anything of on the Wii.

Oh, and kids, remember, these are rumours. Take your salt. Luke Plunkett

I'd imagine that any other rumors for the other consoles should head into this thread as well.
Since the Ninty is going mainstream this gen and have adhered to the most popular sport in the world with Mario Strikers next they should go with Mario Football to get americans wanting this thing anymore. Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, and Mario Football all coming this winter to battle Halo 3.
I say the hardware is just going to be them talking about the Wii version that plays DVDs and that's it. I expect this years E3 to kick ass due to the new format, which is way better than the old chaos.
Ninja Gaiden 2 trailer plz thx

or news on Code Chronus, Project Progressive, or DoA5

(and umm....some more ps3 games.)
I'm really looking forward to what the Big Three have in store. We already know we will be seeing MP3, Brawl, and Galaxy from Nintend. I hope we will be seeing just as much from Sony and Microsoft, as we are seeing from Nintendo.

This is going to be one awesome July.
bread's done