The Early 3D era...


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I was just trying to play a few ps1 games from warhawk to crash bandicoot, and I was just disgusted by the graphics. To an exent even back then I remember not being too fond of ps/n64/sat gen graphics, but now it's nearing intolerable.

I will admit though, some have aged wonderfully. Spyro, Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, and FF, I'm looking at you.

Anyone else finding it hard to play your old 3D games?
I was just disgusted by the graphics
First off


Second off

the first 3d games was simulators and games that used polygon shapes in the arcades and looked like laser lights. Then there was projector games kuje the one SEGA built with rumble and could be comparable to a Disney ride.

Also 3d was original a gere not the common type you see now. However 3d is still only there for dimension. About Crash Bandicoot and other games. Crash is not a good example since it cheats putting foilage around it's background and to be honest you have to have the guts to play that game and get the super goodie ending. Crash along with Nights, and Viewtiful Joe is a example of how 3d games should be used. In fact Crash example is used with Resident Evil 4 that uses the same trick.

Personally I stopped at GCN/XBOX/Saturn/PS3. These new systems is corney beyond beleif. The best game of the last consoles I listed was Beyond Good and Evil along side Shenmue which is really for the Saturn ( replaced Saturn with Dreamcast to make sense of what I just wrote/thought ).

About 3d looking bad. Well the truth it was at a high level on the SNES and even Master System but they never took the risk and wanted to make booty on the N64 and Dreamcast.

The thing is since the N64 there is these special effects that is constantly used as in Adiyn Chronicals on the N64 and even the PSX and maybe the Saturn. Most of these extra and uneeded effects and details along with higher resolution is what produces the effect of unvalley cannon and thus you can no longey take what you thought was real but is fake now.

Meaning you are to useted seeing these uneeded additional graphics even anime that is realistic now looks representive and comical ( that could be anything ) is more realistic to you. You are too addicted to Hypo perfected graphics.

Like me I said the same thing so I stopped playing all together. Now I play mostly Saturn and SNES along with a little hypo. What is funny is the 2d games feels more fun for some reason and the 3d is really great on the SNES that comparable to the PS3. The Saturn was the limit and to be honest I am happy with watching Shenmue videos of the Saturn version and playing Shadowrun Jake while I am hacking into the mainframe.

Just trust me when I mention this.
After playing regular 2d games and Saturn games playing newer games seems no diffrent then playing Space Harrier

No really I dare you I double dare you. Start playing some Saturn and SNES games and only lesser games like PC games and then play Space Harrier and then play some more 2d game on your pc and then go back and play any neo game and it will feel like Space Harrier. Of course if it is better then Space Harrier then it will feel good.

I stopped trying to finish games all at once. Now I play a little here and there kinda like a batcheler playing the feild after divorce.

Speaking of which Shenmue/ II was the best of the last real 3d systems when the ball park was reasonable. Counting that Dreamcast is in the game.

Pepsiman is back again?

Some old 3d games look like crap, some don't.

Diddy Kong Racing still looks quite good, Mario 64 does not (although it's bearable).

Crash 2 still isn't bad though, Crash 1 is pretty painful.

It's one of the few gaming eras in which "you had to be there" holds true.
[quote name='willardhaven']Pepsiman is back again?

Some old 3d games look like crap, some don't.

PSX is not old your just young and when I say young I mean swiming it whaft iron:roll:

Diddy Kong Racing still looks quite good, Mario 64 does not (although it's bearable).

Rareware game engine is used constantly threwout the N64 life and gives it that nice look. They was luckythe N64 was around.

the N64 is in the Dreamcast and PS2 class of systems believe it or not.

Crash 2 still isn't bad though, Crash 1 is pretty painful.

Wow you never played a Crash game in your life and you just put down RE4 in one shot. Crash is one of the most highest Acclaimed great looking PSX games with hypo graphics. The game is wonderful and simple to understand and play.
Stop playing whatever 360/Wii/PS3 game your on and switch to some SNES or NES then play crash.

It's one of the few gaming eras in which "you had to be there" holds true.

That was not the era you are trying to say. That was perfect peace or near peace era. The Era where nothing happened or went wrong in general at least for the US. About Videogames the 3d buzz was.

Personally everything was balanced unlike today with the cults and hatefilled s flying around.

Oh Mario RPG is better then FF7 and DKC has better graphics then Saturn. That was pretty much it along with AOL all over the place.
10 years + is pretty old when you're talking about any medium...

I'm over 20 and I've only been gaming since the NES era, but I was there for SF II, SMB and Pac Man...

Seperate subject: are you on PCP?
[quote name='willardhaven']
Seperate subject: are you on PCP?[/quote]

No but I looking at your avator your on PSP and should be inhaling MSX instead
You people sound like you never played a 3d game before. 3D is used for dimension and the ability to play out like a movie. Just stop playing your 360 for awhile and break out the After Burner.

Look at the PSP and NDS 3d it is no diffrent then the PSX or N64. Your not even considering the stand point view.

Right now 3d games is too good looking and back then it was balanced.
Some old 3d stuff holds up pretty well for me. Hell, I was playing Doom on the 360 about a week ago and aside from getting lost in Episode 3, I was having fun.

I have yet to download any N64 games off the Virtual Console, I'm afraid of what I'll find.

Back in January or February I tried to play one of my first Playstation games, King's Field. It was beyond godawful. I can't believe I used to spend hours upon hours wandering around killing things in that game.
I don't know why but it's easier to play the 2D PS1 games as opposed to the 3D ones. It really depends on the title but I have to agree some are rather difficult to play for more than 10 minutes. I popped in Battle Arena Toshinden and it's not pretty..... anymore
SuperMario RPG has excellent 3d graphics for a SNES game. Wasn't the minecart race in 3d?
I played through the first Silent Hill recently (I had never played it before). That was rough at times, but I pretty much managed to adjust. Definitely ugly but I still got sucked into the game and got to experience some tense moments.

One has to wonder what that generation would have been like if they didn't try to force all these 3D games before the technology was ready for it. Just think about games like Symphony of the Night and Silhouette Mirage, and wonder what it would have been like if developers contentrated more on 2D games!

Then 2D pretty much skipped the PS2/GC/Xbox generation entirely, except for some fighting games and a small handful of niche titles. But in a surprising twist, we're getting a new crop of 2D games on the current-gen systems, thanks to XBLA and PSN. It's like the first time in history that we've got great-looking 3D games AND great-looking 2D games coming out!
Yup I know what you mean. The first real generation of console 3D games around PS1/Saturn just generally looked horrible. But what was bad about it was the terrible framerates on a lot of games. Can't stand that.

Brings to mind why I avoid a lot of Atari era, and buggier NES releases... but love all 2D after that for the most part.

Seems 3D went through the same growing pains of early 2D systems, to me.
[quote name='Aleryn']Yup I know what you mean. The first real generation of console 3D games around PS1/Saturn just generally looked horrible. But what was bad about it was the terrible framerates on a lot of games. Can't stand that.

Brings to mind why I avoid a lot of Atari era, and buggier NES releases... but love all 2D after that for the most part.

Seems 3D went through the same growing pains of early 2D systems, to me.[/QUOTE]Yeah definitely. I feel like the PS2/GC/XBOX era was like the 3D equivalent of the SNES.
I couldn't believe how bad Quarantine looks on 3do now.
LOL the framerate is like 10fps to.

Tomb raider is horrid to

Some old 3d games still look good, like Crash n Burn or Need for speed 1
(of course they weren't REAL 3d, so thats why lol).
I agree with the OP. Old 3D games look like butt. I can't even go back to play Virtua Fighter 2 and that's my favorite old school fighter. When I break out my Saturn, it's for 2D fighters only now.
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