The end of the world as we know it?

I saw that this morning. Seems odd but I doubt anything will happen. I'm still waiting for my "food capsules" and hover cars.
....and I feel fine.

Six o'clock - TV hour. Don't get caught in foreign towers. Slash and burn, return, listen to yourself churn. Locking in, uniforming, book burning, blood letting. Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate. Light a candle, light a votive. Step down, step down. Watch your heel crush, crushed. Uh oh, this means no fear cavalier. Renegade steer clear! A tournament, tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I decline.

It's the end of the world as we know it....
A 'great' gift for our children I guess.

[quote name='JimmieMac']I'm still waiting for my "food capsules" and hover cars.[/quote]

Yeah, I'm still waiting for my hoverboard. Zemeckis *said* 2015... :wink:
Look at the weather forecast for two days from now. Then, two days from now, look at the actual temperature and compare the two.

I'm not worried in the least.
[quote name='The-Bavis']Look at the weather forecast for two days from now. Then, two days from now, look at the actual temperature and compare the two.

I'm not worried in the least.[/quote]

Good point.

This is long-term stuff, effects that have been building up. The general weather patterns will change. Those projected years may or may not be accurate, but I anticipate some noticeable changes later this century. Just my opinion though :)
Ok have you noticed how americans are so based on FEAR! We try to scare are selves into thinking the worst all the time! Don't step on a crack break your moms back! You'll shot your eye out! Lock your doors/ the flu can kill/ Be affraid of this be affraid of that. Don't trust him. Watch out for this take a lookasee about this wanna not do that! The canadians have it right! They never try to induce as much fear as we do. Now Im 100% grade a american and I love my country but come on. We need some hope and good not all of this installed fear and violence. For more info on this watch a documentry called bowling for columbine! It will really open your eyes to some things! One thing is the FEAR that are gov/media installs in the public. Just watch it and you'll see what I/they mean.
The problem with people who say there needs to be less fear in the world is that they would prefer to replace fear with blind faith.

Yes, we should stop being afraid of everything that moves. No, we should not blindly wander around pretending everything is Ok if things are not Ok. That is stupidity.

Here is a good chance to test yourself and see if you are really ready to be fearless. Are you ready to stop fearing:

The results of a justified war with Iraq?
Admitting that Bush *might* be right about some things?
The Passion of the Christ?
Conservative principles dominating culture?
"Anti-abortionists" being properly characterized as pro-baby's rights rather than anti-women's rights?
Our status with the "International Community"

I think a lot of people claim to have disdain for "fear", when what they really mean is "I want you to stop standing in the way of my ideals."
p.s. - Bowling for Columbine is one of the most flawed movies of all time and has no place in an intellectual conversation about reality.
I didn't meation any thing about faith! But look are society does try to induce fear! DOn't drink the water it MIGHT have deadly parisites. You MIGHT get cancer from tv/smoking/what ever. Now I know there are some things that may hurt and harm you and thats fine but what Im saying is that are Gov/Media force feed you FEAR on a daily basis! Its your FEAR that keeps you in check! be that religion or gov. Your affriad to go to jail so you won't commet crime. Your affraid to go to hell so you don't sin! But what I was saying if you compare american society to the canadain society and their news brodcasts you can see a major difference. We tend to see the more violence things in our society and then tend to show a more positive " less fearfull" version of it. I think to that americans are a bit to cocky and arrogant when it come to the rest of the world. Does it work sometimes. but not allway. I think we are looked at by the rest of the world as the bully on the block! Instead of fixing arer own problems we try to fix/tell the rest of the world their problems! I just think that at times americans are very hipocritcal and that effects who the rest of the worl feels about us. We tell them not to do/have somethings but thenm its ok for us to do it! That my friends is cocky arragance.
I feel sorry for my kids and friends kids, they'll be in a famine and I'll already be dead (hopefully). Oh well, atleast they'll have cooler video games than us.
How can you not support abortion when the population is increasing at an enormous rate. There's too many people in the world already; and 25 years from now, the population will be doubled.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']But what I was saying if you compare american society to the canadain society and their news brodcasts you can see a major difference. We tend to see the more violence things in our society and then tend to show a more positive " less fearfull" version of it. [/quote]
There's a positive aspect to all the murders, rapes, kidnappings, and crimes that occur?
no those things are not positive! Man this is bad. Just watch bowling for colmbine. See what I was trying to say and lets end this. Cause we would need a seprate thread for all of the pissed of people now. Sorry Y'all. I wasn't trying to start a big blown out thing just voice an idea. People just need to realx alittle. Thats what I hate about the two parties just fight back and forth and nothing gets sloved. Im not republican or democrat im a american. I think people have forgot that. They worry to much about being a certain party and all and don't face any real problems just trying to make themselves look good and put down the other party. Oh man here we go again. I'll just stop now!
I think he's referring to an oft-quoted statistic that, although violent crime decreased during the 90s, news coverage of it increased.
yes thank you. I just ment we are showed a more "lets be affraid of everything and everybody" view of events then other countrys! We are taught to be affraid of everything. Being affraid leads to pain. Pain leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. hate leads to suffering!
i don't consider myself a republican or democrat either. I wasn't angry or anything, I was just curious as to what you meant that's all.
I understand what you're trying to say, but I just think you're getting carried away. Sure there's a lot more coverage of violence in the media and health warnings and all because today's society wants to be informed of everything that's happening and the truth. Sure it creates fear, but most of it is based in reality. Our environment's becoming more polluted, air quality is getting worse, food, disease, cancer, war, etc.. Yes, people are being more cautious of these things because we've ignored them up until now and the dangers are increasing because of it.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']We are taught to be affraid of everything. Being affraid leads to pain. Pain leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. hate leads to suffering![/quote]

Actually, being affraid leads to less pain. Fear makes you cautious of your actions. Without fear of consequences, then nobody would follow rules, laws, etc. and there'd be chaos. I believe that fear, to a certain degree, is a necessity.
I believe God will save us (if it's true, which it's probably not). But let's not spark this into a religious debate.
[quote name='squeakycleanskater4']I believe God will save us (if it's true, which it's probably not). But let's not spark this into a religious debate.[/quote]

Too late. The fact that the comment even exists means a debate will start. It's one of the laws of the internet. :D

*leaves to stock up on Spam and Rice Krispy Treats*
Bowling for Columbine is crap...crap crap crap crap.
Just some anti-american bullshit!
Love the way he portrays canadians as gods.
bread's done