The ending of movie "the Descent"?????

P dad

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Just watched the new dvd for the movie "The Descent" and while I really liked the movie the ending was so ??????????????

Any ideas??
All right, here goes:
The American ending of the Descent, if I remember correctly, has the heroine returning to her car, only to see the ghost of one of her friends. This is to say that while she is safe from the cave, emotionally and mentally she is haunted by what happened. Therefore, she's screwed for the rest of her life.

The European ending is a bit better and somewhat more grim. It adds to the American ending - she sees the ghost, and then sort of wakes up back in the cave, I believe in one of those feeding pits she ended up in earlier in the movie. Her mind mentally boned, she visions her daughter and that damn birthday cake while the creatures surround her, ready for the kill. Again, she's royally messed up in the head, but this time, she's going to (most likely) get eaten.

Hope that helps.
The director stated that it can be up to the viewer to figure out (in the euro cut), either she is still in the cave, or that she's gotten out, but her sanity is still in the cave.
I liked the movie but felt the ending was lacking. Decent, but lacking.

It must have been the Euro one I saw because she was in the cave with her kid at the end.
[quote name='Rags']I liked the movie but felt the ending was lacking. Decent, but lacking.

It must have been the Euro one I saw because she was in the cave with her kid at the end.[/quote]

Same for me here, though at least the ending didn't totally ruin the movie for me like High Tension did.:bomb: :bomb: :bomb:
I thought that was a great movie. I did like the strange ending.

I wasnt going to see it because I had watched "The Cave" like a week before hand. Christ that movie was garbage.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I thought that was a great movie. I did like the strange ending.

I wasnt going to see it because I had watched "The Cave" like a week before hand. Christ that movie was garbage.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I remember before I saw the Descent, I kept telling myself that it had to be better than the cave. NO MATTER WHAT! fuck, that was a terrible movie.
I personally disliked the movie(I saw the euro version back when it came out). The movie seemed like the typical horror/thriller with the predictable pop-outs as well as extremely idiotic moves by the characters.

Yeah let me go sneak up on an adrenaline filled axe swinging woman.
[quote name='klwillis45']Same for me here, though at least the ending didn't totally ruin the movie for me like High Tension did.:bomb: :bomb: :bomb:[/QUOTE]

I never saw High Tension, but the worst movie ending I have seen for quite a while was Oceans 12. It's just retarted.

Batman Begins pissed me off too. That gas shit was floating around all over the place, and it was supposed to take effect in not much time at all. Therefore bad things were to come. Yet the movie just ended and pretended like everybody was happy and everything was shiny and great.
I didn't have a problem with the ending to The Descent. I guess I saw the European ending (which I guess is on the "original unrated cut" DVD).

The movie itself was fairly good, but not as good as I thought it would be. I guess I listened to the build-up/hype/reviews too much and expected it to be better than it actually was.

As for High Tension, in my mind the movie ends before the twist occurs. It completely ruins everything before it which is a crime since the rest of the movie is the best horror/thriller film I've seen.
[quote name='Rags']I never saw High Tension, but the worst movie ending I have seen for quite a while was Oceans 12. It's just retarted.

Batman Begins pissed me off too. That gas shit was floating around all over the place, and it was supposed to take effect in not much time at all. Therefore bad things were to come. Yet the movie just ended and pretended like everybody was happy and everything was shiny and great.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps you'd have enjoyed it more if you paid attention to the bloody dialogue. The gas release was limited to the island containing Arkham and there was much mayhem ensuing but raising the bridge prevented those affected from reaching the general population. The whole city would have been affected if the train controlled by Rhas al Ghul had reached its destination at Gotham's primary water treatment facility. The device on the train would have vaporized a large quantity of water containing the chemical in its inactive state and produced a cloud of the gas to envelope the whole of Gotham.

This was clearly explained in the dialogue. Movies can make ever so much more sense when you listen.

It's fucking Batman, I paid attention as much as I had to to follow the story. Their were people inside that gas cloud, how the hell were they healed? I'm not saying that the cloud would have reached Mars, I'm am specifically talking about the people that were INSIDE of the gas cloud.

It's fucking Batman, I paid attention as much as I had to to follow the story. Their were people inside that gas cloud, how the hell were they healed? I'm not saying that the cloud would have reached Mars, I'm am specifically talking about the people that were INSIDE of the gas cloud.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure they weren't healed, actually. I can't remember specifically, and I'm in a bit of a rush to check, but during the last fifteen or so minutes of the movie, I think Gordon says something about how the prisoners are still missing, the cloud affecting their minds drastically, or something about how the island is still unsafe.
[quote name='Ricochet']I'm pretty sure they weren't healed, actually. I can't remember specifically, and I'm in a bit of a rush to check, but during the last fifteen or so minutes of the movie, I think Gordon says something about how the prisoners are still missing, the cloud affecting their minds drastically, or something about how the island is still unsafe.[/quote]

you are correct, sir. he did say that the island where the initial bit of chemical gas came out was "lost."

i prefer the euro ending to this movie. it's more bleak, but it feels a like more of a conclusion than what's given in the american ending.
I caught that the island was lost, but the movie just acted as though everything was fine and dandy. Just did not sit well with me. The movie itself was decent and the ending did not ruin it for me or anything.
[quote name='Rags']I caught that the island was lost, but the movie just acted as though everything was fine and dandy. Just did not sit well with me. The movie itself was decent and the ending did not ruin it for me or anything.[/QUOTE]

I dunno, I didn't feel that way at all by the movie's end. The whole idea of escalation - how Batman's appearance and demeanor would cause for more outlandish criminals and activities, made Bruce's crusade seem quite grim, IMO.

Anyhow, to each his own.
[quote name='dastly75']I personally disliked the movie(I saw the euro version back when it came out). The movie seemed like the typical horror/thriller with the predictable pop-outs as well as extremely idiotic moves by the characters.

Yeah let me go sneak up on an adrenaline filled axe swinging woman.[/quote]

You sir have hit the nail on the head. I just saw this movie two days ago and I remember thinking to myself how "gimmicky" it was. Things popping out with a loud noise, the one woman sneaking up on the other who was amped up and swinging an axe, when a character turns away and looks back in the original direction and a creature is now there, etc. And I thought I had the American version but it seems to have the European ending. I dont know what to make of it. To me it seems as if the main character lady is in a chamber of the cave and was daydreaming that she escaped and then she started thinking of her dead daughter cause she knew it was her end and she wanted to think happy thoughts.
I saw it when it was back in theaters and didn't care for it much, but I am interested in seeing the UK ending. Anyone find it on Youtube or anything like that? I don't really want to rent it just to see that.
Just watched it on dvd, it was the unrated version and had the Euro ending. The way I took it was the lady at the end was always crazy and the pills she took where just wearing off.

And of course the monsters did get her. But she had no reason to want to escape anyway.

Decent movie but not as good as some of the hype surounding it.
[quote name='klwillis45']Same for me here, though at least the ending didn't totally ruin the movie for me like High Tension did.:bomb: :bomb: :bomb:[/QUOTE]

High Tension is highly overrated IMO. I figured out how the whole thing was going to end in first 10 minutes where she explains her dream to her friend in the car or whatever. Too much forshadowing and way too early. Not to mention the twist was kinda lame and had been done before even in other horror films.
I mean it was really just essentially the horror movie version of Fight Club, but executed in a sloppier manner. Plus half the things her ego's killer half does there's no way she would've been physically able to pull it off.

It's funny actually I'm not a big horror movie guy because I think sometimes they try to hard to make the antagonist the protagonist and it simply doesn't work out IMO, but when one is done well then I love it. Nevertheless, I have the Descent on the way from Gamenflix, not sure which version it is though.
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