The Evil Within (PS4) - $29.99

Not quiet as low as I'm willing to pay, I still have resident evil REmake HD Chris' story to get through. That and the last PSN flash sale...

Thanks for the post though  :twoguns:

Not quiet as low as I'm willing to pay, I still have resident evil REmake HD Chris' story to get through. That and the last PSN flash sale...

Thanks for the post though :twoguns:
Thanks for letting the internet know its too expensive for you. I was worried for awhile.

If I price matched their site and want to exchange my copy for the same copy with less scratches, would they have to price match it again?
post-hype and requisite backlash I bought this on sale and enjoyed the heck out of it. If you liked the tension and atmosphere of RE4 here's the next closest thing and man is it a looker too. Only bad thing I can say about it is it's story's pretty lame but that's pretty much par for the genre at this point.

post-hype and requisite backlash I bought this on sale and enjoyed the heck out of it. If you liked the tension and atmosphere of RE4 here's the next closest thing and man is it a looker too. Only bad thing I can say about it is it's story's pretty lame but that's pretty much par for the genre at this point.
Story ruined this game, gameplay was great but the lack fo story made me feel the game was worthless. Glad i got it for $25 during Christmas and sold it for $20.
I would say to that, what recent game has/had a good story? I honestly can't think of any off the top of my head. TEW was just typical Japanese meta-nonsense IMO, but I still enjoyed the game. As far as I'm concerned the typical game story is amateurish pulp filler that wouldn't fly in any other medium more often than not. Almost always completely forgettable. 

I would say to that, what recent game has/had a good story? I honestly can't think of any off the top of my head. TEW was just typical Japanese meta-nonsense IMO, but I still enjoyed the game. As far as I'm concerned the typical game story is amateurish pulp filler that wouldn't fly in any other medium more often than not. Almost always completely forgettable.
Most games anymore the story told is crap, it's the main reason I don't even pay attention to the story. The gameplay is all I care about.

The last game I actually cared about the story I think was Red Dead Redemption. I can't think of any game i've played since RDR that I even remember the story..

The story of most games wouldn't even pass for a bad SyFy made for TV movie.

Came in to the thread to mention that Amazon also matched the price for $29.99

I got the game during my "trial" of Gamefly, it's not my style of game.. i've never been a fan of the genre, but the gameplay wasn't bad.

definitely would only get it on disc, so I may hold out for a used copy or a $20 price point.

this is the one game I've been kicking myself over trading in and been pissed I didn't get it on black Friday. Loved it, trying to get it for 20-25 digital or physical on xbone. I've seen used copies going on ebay for under 30 but I know as soon as I buy one it will go on sale at BB. 

I think this game also qualifies for the 30% off when you buy a $1 preorder card. Price match and buy the card for an extra 30% off.
Story ruined this game, gameplay was great but the lack fo story made me feel the game was worthless. Glad i got it for $25 during Christmas and sold it for $20.
I also picked this game up for $20 after GCU at BB on Black Friday. Still sitting unopened underneath my tv, I see it daily. Everything I have seen on gameplay looks great but I know nothing about the story other than what you just said now.

I also picked this game up for $20 after GCU at BB on Black Friday. Still sitting unopened underneath my tv, I see it daily. Everything I have seen on gameplay looks great but I know nothing about the story other than what you just said now.
meh people seemed pretty mixed on the story. I really enjoyed the story but their are alot of loose ends that I'm pretty sure it will be explained in the DLC coming and give more depth/understanding to the story.

I know it has nothing to do with the story but it was the best selling new franchise in survival horror history in it's first month. Hopefully we will see anther one soon.

It's really good... up until Chapter 11. Chapter 11 and 12 are the absolute worst. Also the final boss is terribad.

Don't try beating this on Akuma kids, the trophy was not worth the anguish

Most games anymore the story told is crap, it's the main reason I don't even pay attention to the story. The gameplay is all I care about.
The last game I actually cared about the story I think was Red Dead Redemption. I can't think of any game i've played since RDR that I even remember the story..

The story of most games wouldn't even pass for a bad SyFy made for TV movie.

Came in to the thread to mention that Amazon also matched the price for $29.99
I got the game during my "trial" of Gamefly, it's not my style of game.. i've never been a fan of the genre, but the gameplay wasn't bad.
definitely would only get it on disc, so I may hold out for a used copy or a $20 price point.
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