The Far Cry thread

Sheesh, someone is defensive. I personally like the general publics views of games more than "professional reviews". Plus, I have a stack of game to play...that is why this is not on my TO GET list. Maybe eventually, maybe if more of my friends get it for some LIVE play.....
i'll wait till this gets cheaper. Still playing GRAW and Oblivion too much. I think a lot of people are feeling the same.. its kind of a bad time to release far cry..
Picked this up yesterday and I'm enjoying it. I'm sure it helps that I didn't play the Xbox version because the whole game is fresh to me. Graphics could deffinately be better as well as the AI. Other than that so far so good! Still have to give MP a spin.
My EB didn't get any copies in today.

This is total bullshit. GameStop's throttling inventory to boost preorders. They "hope" they'll get them in tomorrow. Once I pick it up, I doubt I'll buy new games from them ever again.
[quote name='Scorch']My EB didn't get any copies in today.

This is total bullshit. GameStop's throttling inventory to boost preorders. They "hope" they'll get them in tomorrow. Once I pick it up, I doubt I'll buy new games from them ever again.[/quote]

Did you have trade in credit or something? Just say fuck 'em and go get it somewhere else.
[quote name='Trakan']Did you have trade in credit or something? Just say fuck 'em and go get it somewhere else.[/QUOTE]

kinda yeah, was going to do that 'trade 2 360 games, get 1 free' thing.
First, I'm really enjoying the map editor and have spent more time getting my map ready than playing. Hopefully, I can get a version of it ready enough so some of us can play this weekend on it.

I like the game from what I've played, but I recommend bumping the look sensitivity up. And since that makes aiming a little hard might want the auto aim. That's my only issue so far and it applies to multiplayer more than the single player. Though honestly it might have been the lag in the game I played. Which wasn't bad since it had like 16 people in it.

For those criticizing the visuals I think that's BS if you haven't seen it in motion. I have GRAW, COD2, and had Perfect Dark and this game does alright for itself. It had the nice brightness of Perfect Dark, a better draw distance than GRAW, and doesn't seem to have the anti-aliasing issues of COD2. Its one of those games that its easy to start ranting and say its not next-gen (who knows what that means anyway), but if you actually take some time to observe everything going on its fairly impressive. At least as far as multiplayer goes, I didn't really study single player but I think its supposed to be better than the multiplayer visually.
I second the bad timing notion. I'd have snatched this up in a heartbeat a couple of months ago. But coming hot on the heals of the two best 360 games to date is just not gonna help this thing sell. Even waiting until May might have been better, since there's not a lot coming out in the next couple of months.

As I said before, I'll get it eventually since I never played the xbox version and wanted to. I'm getting tired of what basically amounts to HD versions of Xbox games being ported though. ubisoft did justice to GRAW on the 360, and I hope they can pull it off with RS:Vegas too. That game and Oblivion just raised the bar a few notches. These barely better than Xbox graphics and no improvement in gameplay type releases just aren't going to be acceptable any more.

So the question really is when will a Far Cry game be developed specifically for the 360?...
The game visual wise is decent at best. The water effects and draw distance are very nice, but all the models and textures were taken straight from the Xbox version. Of course they are high res models but to me thats plain lazy. To me its not a "true next gen" game because its a port. You cant compare this to GRAW. GRAW blows it away. Dont get me wrong its still a decent looking game. But if you look at certain animations and things like that you know its just a port and not a game built for the 360 from the ground up. I'm also getting tired of ports. We've seen glimpses of what the 360 can do with Fight Night, GRAW, Oblivion, and a few others. Hopefully we get more that high res models in other multiplatform games.
FINALLY got it today. My EB got 3 more in. WTF? Anyway. Not really impressed by the new visuals. It looks nice, just nothing OMG TEH MIND BLOWING~!1!11. Still great to have both games in one, though, and to have Far Cry back again.
And now, of course, i'm having problems with it. It's frozen twice. Once when it was loading, again during the middle of the game.. half the screen just became a blur. This happened as I was sneaking up on someone. I'm not even half an hour in and it's already froze twice.. no dirty disc errors or anything. This is going to get insanely annoying.

A quick pic I snapped with my cell phone

Would you guys be interested in playing a game tomorrow? This game has some nice objective games, but nobody playing talks. So far after playing I only have two complaints.

First, it sucks that you have to back out to the main multiplayer menu if you want to change game types. Either that or I'm stupid and can't figure out how to. Also, voice chat seems to be proximity based in Deathmatch which kind of sucks if you want to talk with your buddies.

Basically, for anyone looking for a good multiplayer shooter I'd recommend it if cost isn't a big deal. I don't think visuals define next gen so who cares about that and I think it does alright anyway. Though I'll admit the animations aren't the greatest at times. Single player seems decent enough especially if you haven't played it on Xbox.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Would you guys be interested in playing a game tomorrow? This game has some nice objective games, but nobody playing talks. So far after playing I only have two complaints.


I'm willing to play tomorrow some time. I sent you a request.
I'm still waiting for EB/GS to address my situation and send me my store credit in the mail, then I'll be picking this bad boy up when they receive copies.

If I'm not busy playing Top Spin 2 or Oblivion that is ;)
[quote name='Scorch']And now, of course, i'm having problems with it. It's frozen twice. Once when it was loading, again during the middle of the game.. half the screen just became a blur. This happened as I was sneaking up on someone. I'm not even half an hour in and it's already froze twice.. no dirty disc errors or anything. This is going to get insanely annoying.

A quick pic I snapped with my cell phone


That's messed up. I've gotten a few things like this in the past. At least on both Condemned and on GRAW the textures have dropped off all the walls leaving voids in the world that I could see through. Strange things ...
well, nearly 3 or 4 hours later, i'm still playing, no freezing or lock ups.

By the way, for FC:I, when they say "More Agressive AI" and "fierce multiple enemy gunfights", they mean it. The AI on here is brutal, even on easy mode.
Yeah, the AI is pretty stupid as I was able to actually stand right in front of a guy that was looking my way and he didn't respond (might be its trying to compensate for the jungle cover around), but they are actually agressive when chasing you into areas and picking me off through the trees.
Mine locked up once during the sequence where Jack is strapped in the chair and gets injected with that shit. That's the only time though. The game has some bugs though, I get stuck on stuff quite a bit.
Finally picked it up today, and just like Scorch EB got in very few copies, five to be exact on their second shipment and when I went there there was only 2 left, and I grabbed the second to last one.

Just glad EB/GS fixed my trade in credit problem and I'm happy now.

Not sure how much I'm gonna play this between Top Spin and Oblivion, but since i'm getting no games for two months (When Dead Rising comes out) this should prove to be entertaining.

Edit: Got to play it for alittle bit. I wish they spent more time on revamping the graphics. Yeah the water is the best of any games so far, and the jungle looks better, but they didnt do much (or anything?) to the player models. Yuck. Game still plays well, hopefully the online has a good following for months to come.

I guess if you have spare cash pick this game up.

- Cannot pause while moving, you must remain still to pause the game.
- Cannot crouch while moving, you must remain still to crouch (though you can stand up at any time)
- IT WON'T STOP fuckING FREEZING!!!!! IT'S ALREADY LOCKED UP ON ME 5 TIMES NOW! And for no reason! I'll just be walking along, stop to adjust my hand placement, and then I can't move! Or i'll throw a grenade and wait for it to blow up, only to find out that the fuckING GAME IS FROZEN!!!!
I got to enjoy the online a few days ago. My only major gripe with this game outside of the lack of character model upgrades (lazy, lazy, lazy) is the controls. It should be a requirement that games feel like COD2 or Halo 2 when it comes to FPS controls.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I got to enjoy the online a few days ago. My only major gripe with this game outside of the lack of character model upgrades (lazy, lazy, lazy) is the controls. [/quote]

Same here. I know I'm not the best at FPS games, but at least I can normally hit the target. I am constantly moving the crosshairs too far wether in normal or aim mode. I have tried adjusting the slider to max and still overshoot the mark. Great game since I never played the XBOX one, just wish the controls were tighter.
i definitely had fun playin multilplayer last night..... the whole predator thing is bad ass...

i still suck ass in this game though..

I wanna play through single player a bit since i didnt have the original.. its kinda hard on normal though..

too bad this game wasnt built from the ground up as it looks like a shiny xbox game
My game's transcended (sp? even the right word?) freezing in single player to freezing in multiplayer. Last night was great. I had guyver in my crosshairs.. I go to pull the trigger and it freezes. It's going back today after class, maybe i'll get a disc that isn't messed up. It has to be the disc. I hope it's the disc. My 360 doesn't freeze on anything else.
[quote name='Scorch']. I had guyver in my crosshairs.. I go to pull the trigger and it freezes. [/QUOTE]


I figured you said f this and switched back to raw...i was actually switching back and forth...
Can I say this game has the coolest gamertag icon?

I've been messing around with the level editor. Hopefully by the weekend I'll have a map available, if anyone wants to try it out.

[quote name='guyver2077']Lmao...

I figured you said f this and switched back to raw...i was actually switching back and forth...[/QUOTE]

I don't watch Raw on Monday nights anymore, haven't since 24 started. I catch the first hour of 24 then do whatever, download and skim through Raw the next morning.

I exchanged my copy of Far Cry earlier. I've played the majority of the jungle level and no freezes yet. Let's hope it actually works. This game's really awesome when it works.

Those lights in the XBox version.. you couldn't knock them around, could you? I just hit a light/flashlight thing and it flew around and had dynamic lighting (I think that's the proper term) and it was pretty awesome.
Loud-mouthed French children and people betraying... Mmm-mmm! I see things haven't changed since the last installment.
The lag depends on the host and how many players are in it, much like COD2 and what not.

I saw a few games over my friends where there were six people or less and there was no lag. But as soon as you threw in a few more peeps, the lag went haywire.

As for being worth $50, again, this depends on how much of the original Farcry you played and how much multiplayer you will engage in. If you never owned/played the original Farcry It's a must have, especially if you plan on playing alot over Live. You must also be patient with the pinpoint controls, and execuse the last gen graphics (with the exception of the water). If you are a bit forgiving and love FPS, and never played Farcry and are going to play on Live, then this game is for you. I think thats the general gist of most reviews.
If you didn't play Far Cry Instincts, it's very much worth it to get Far Cry Instincts Predator.

If you want to play Far Cry Instincts Evolution, and have played Instincts, and have a 360, I'd say pay $30 more for the 360 version.
I am a noob to Farcry and I just got this in the mail today from gamefly, does Farcry speed up or is it mostly stealth throughout the game?
[quote name='spoo']I am a noob to Farcry and I just got this in the mail today from gamefly, does Farcry speed up or is it mostly stealth throughout the game?[/QUOTE]

The first part's stealth, the rest is pretty aggressive once you earn the abilities.
I have to say that this game has possibly the worst control ever. The aiming sensitivity is totally fucked up.
I've got it but I can't decide if I should open it or sell it. I've got COD2, which I absolutly love online, not to mention GRAW and then there is that disc that hasn't left my 360 for a couple of weeks- Oblivion. Should I open Far Cry and play it or should I sell it?

Background: I have never played a Far Cry game and I am primarily interested in online play... How does it compare to COD2 online and GRAW online?

Background: I have never played a Far Cry game and I am primarily interested in online play... How does it compare to COD2 online and GRAW online?

Kicks the shit out of both IMO, lots of FPS action, traps, etc.

I have to say that this game has possibly the worst control ever. The aiming sensitivity is totally fucked up

Can you not adjust it or disable the auto-aim?
I'm still working on the aiming issues, they have bothered me to no end. But I'm sure others have adjusted, cause they destroy me on Live. I just don't agree with the autoaiming issue at all, as I have never used auto-aim in over six + years.
Then disable the autoaim.

I'm having freezing issues again, though I don't think it's the disc. It's locking up at the same point every time. Weird. Froze twice on the same spot.. coming up on that spot again..

..yep. Froze again. The hell, man. I guess Ubisoft doesn't want my money. The game did fine up until that point, so maybe it was just a b0rk that they missed. I'm going to try the Evolution part of the storyline.
[quote name='Scorch']

Can you not adjust it or disable the auto-aim?[/QUOTE]

The options make no difference. For some reason there is an absolutely HUGE deadzone in the aiming sensitivity. I have no desire to even play the game -- despite paying $60 for it -- because struggling with controls this bad seems like it will only spoil what otherwise seems like a good game. The control is just awful. I wonder how it made it through testing in the state it is in.
I bumped my aim sensitivity up and then added the auto aim, that seems to have helped a bit. Its weird though cause it doesn't seem like the single players controls are quite as sensitive as the multiplayer.

Again I'd say for anyone that is thinking about picking it up base it on cost for you and having played Instincts previously. I still say the graphics are good in subtle ways and honestly I still don't think "next gen" should be defined by that anyway.

Also, if anyone wants to play later I should be on this a bit after some Splinter Cell.
Can I play split screen with a map I created?
Edit, guess I need to add respawns first?

Im absolutly hooked to the editor, multiplayer was iffy, and SP was also iffy, but awesome editor, which should use a little touchs to be perfect.
[quote name='Scorch']Froze again. I'll exchange it for a third copy tomorrow, but all I really want is a refund.[/QUOTE]

Dude, the game is filled with bugs; you don't have an elusive defective copy since all copies of the game are messed up. No point in returning unless for a refund.
bread's done