The feeling of "SAME OLD THING" gaming this generation.....


I been there since day 1 with the PS consoles and it is becoming apparent I need new IPs rather then sequels, for example I was alot into AC1 but now I just casually play those games since they feel the same.

Uncharted, same old thing again, God Of War same old thing, NBA 2K, The show, GT5, Asscreed,ect SAME OLD THING. All we got ahead now is sequels and sequels, developers are not creating anything new but rather making a big game and milking to death.

Only thing I had good experiences where I literally remember scenes still months later with new IPs like Castlevania or Enslaved, why did those games leave a lasting impact on me but not GOW3 or AC:B?, they looked fresh to my eyes(specially Castle), developers need to focus on making new games and stop with the milking.
Why would publishers (not developers) stop doing something that makes them money hand over fist? They made multiple Call of Duties for a reason. They sell.

Stop blaming developers. Blame the Publishers that pull the strings. You're naive if you think that it's a developers fault that there are multiple sequels. They get told what to make and when to make it by. If someone says "Go make Call of Duty 11" you either do it, or you are out of a job. The publishers tell them what to make.
[quote name='Killagamer']Only thing I had good experiences where I literally remember scenes still months later with new IPs like Castlevania or Enslaved, [/QUOTE]

I find it odd that your example of a new IP is Castlevania. Anyways, I don't mind sequels as long as developers aren't resting on their laurels and are pushing themselves. Like Naughty Dog. I think the Uncharted universe was made to tell multiple stories. It is Naughty Dog's baby and they try to push themselves. No other team is doing it (the Uncharted series), they aren't throwing one out a year to cash in - I feel they really love what they do and want to do best for games/gamers.

CoD and Assassin's Creed being annual is a bit much, but so far the games have still been solid. No, don't blame the publisher. They are a business. In business to, you know, MAKE MONEY. Blame all the gamers who buy every sequel if you need to place blame. If they only bought things like new IPs, we'd see much more of them.

Me, I'll continue to buy new IPs that interest me as well as greatly made sequels (Uncharted 2, for example) and will have no concern at doing so. I want to support great games - regardless of sequel, new IP, spin off or whatever.
It's the economy. No one wants to roll a dice on something new.

As far as the sequel farm- they can put out as many AC games as they want if they maintain the same level of quality they've had in the last 2.
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This has been going on for 25 years. Sequels sell until they don't. More of the same isn't really a bad thing either if you like the games.
[quote name='Killagamer']Uncharted, same old thing again, God Of War same old thing, NBA 2K, The show, GT5, Asscreed,ect SAME OLD THING.[/QUOTE]

Uncharted 1 vs 2 added enough new things for me to be well worth it. Plus both games were great.

GT5 and GoW I think really needed a pure HD version. You see how everybody was upset both took so long to get out.

And are you really bitching about sport games being the same year after year?? LOL ya cry me a river on that one.
All games rehash ideas, just like movies, music and any form of enternatinment really. It is all about how you polish and package them and personal opinion. I loved the series you quoted and still do. I also find it odd you think Castelvania wasnt more of the same. Seemed as close to more of the same to me as you could get. Still loved the game though. Because I really enjoy those style games.
I'm going to compare this to metal.

Cannibal Corpse was more original, but Blood Red Throne perfected that style of death metal and, as a result, is a more enjoyable listen.
[quote name='Killagamer']I been there since day 1 with the PS consoles and it is becoming apparent I need new IPs rather then sequels, for example I was alot into AC1 but now I just casually play those games since they feel the same.

Uncharted, same old thing again, God Of War same old thing, NBA 2K, The show, GT5, Asscreed,ect SAME OLD THING. All we got ahead now is sequels and sequels, developers are not creating anything new but rather making a big game and milking to death.

Only thing I had good experiences where I literally remember scenes still months later with new IPs like Castlevania or Enslaved, why did those games leave a lasting impact on me but not GOW3 or AC:B?, they looked fresh to my eyes(specially Castle), developers need to focus on making new games and stop with the milking.[/QUOTE]

Castlevania isn't a new IP. And if you're playing games in an existing series, what do you expect? When I play GoW3, I expected it to be like GoW 1 and 2. When I play AC Brotherhood, I expect it to be like AC 1 and 2.

If you want new and unfamiliar experiences, try some games from independent companies. Don't just keep buying stuff from the big boys, who depend on existing franchises.
[quote name='javeryh']This has been going on for 25 years. Sequels sell until they don't. More of the same isn't really a bad thing either if you like the games.[/QUOTE]

That basically sums up what I would have said.

Everything evolves but stays the same in some way. I just played Mario Galaxy 2 the other day for a bit, and thought to myself, it felt just like Mario 64, only shinier...

OP, you're just going to have to try to find and support new IP and experiences as they come out, yeah this generation has been a sequel factory one after another, things have expanded their scope and refined gameplay more than created new experiences. Also it sounds like you have burnout and this hobby is reaching its last legs for you, sorry to hear that.

Also as I mentioned, support developers like Platinum and Grasshopper Manufacture, those are the up and coming creators that will continue to make fresh, innovative games in the future. (I wish I could add Double Fine to that, but they seem to get punished for trying new things)

[quote name='Saint Noir']I find it odd that your example of a new IP is Castlevania. [/QUOTE]

Probably because everyone of them has been stuck on a handheld or was a medicore last gen version (looking at you Curse of Darkness)

So in a way it is a new IP. :lol:

But as far as a series goes, it has had many iterations over the years, some hits, some misses.

[quote name='Vinny']
If you want new and unfamiliar experiences, try some games from independent companies. Don't just keep buying stuff from the big boys, who depend on existing franchises.[/QUOTE]

There ya go, OP, just as I said. ;)

Explore, try something new (I.e. something without a number in the title specifically) ;)

One last comment, for all the posturing and pontificating all of the BIG 3 have done this cycle, not one of them has made the "new thing" they all promised, they went motion control, tilt controllers, added rumble back in, but not one has come up with the genre defining / shattering game that evolved how we play, and I think that's the bigger issue and what some people (mainly OP) are desperate waiting for.
[quote name='Killagamer']I been there since day 1 with the PS consoles and it is becoming apparent I need new IPs rather then sequels, for example I was alot into AC1 but now I just casually play those games since they feel the same.

Uncharted, same old thing again, God Of War same old thing, NBA 2K, The show, GT5, Asscreed,ect SAME OLD THING. All we got ahead now is sequels and sequels, developers are not creating anything new but rather making a big game and milking to death.

Only thing I had good experiences where I literally remember scenes still months later with new IPs like Castlevania or Enslaved, why did those games leave a lasting impact on me but not GOW3 or AC:B?, they looked fresh to my eyes(specially Castle), developers need to focus on making new games and stop with the milking.[/QUOTE]
Sorry to tell you this, but I found Enslaved to be like a God Of War clone with Ico tendencies, where you have to lead Trip around obstacles and such. But at least she's not as frickin' useless as that whiney lil bitch from Ico. I intentionally let those shadow things take her to the underworld multiple times just to be rid of her ass.:D

As for the sequel after sequel thing, as long as sequels add something new to the mix and aren't the same shit over and over(see: Street Fighter:razz:) for YEARS on end then I'm ok with some milking of a series.

One thing that pisses me off this gen is all of the paid DLC crap that is being sold to make these short games this gen longer. If I'm paying $60 or anywhere near that for a game it better be an experience that I won't soon forget or be super long, because if some DLC comes out two days after the game comes out and I finish the game a day after that then that's the last game I buy from that dev.

Now if it's a memorable game with a ton of action and a great story I might excuse it being a bit short, but not if the ending is only to hawk the DLC or a pending sequel.
every year they bring out this basketball game. its nothing new, i mean, you just run up and down a court and shoot a ball into a hoop. WHERE THE INNOVATION?!?!?!?!
[quote name='Killagamer']I been there since day 1 with the PS consoles and it is becoming apparent I need new IPs rather then sequels, for example I was alot into AC1 but now I just casually play those games since they feel the same.

Uncharted, same old thing again, God Of War same old thing, NBA 2K, The show, GT5, Asscreed,ect SAME OLD THING. All we got ahead now is sequels and sequels, developers are not creating anything new but rather making a big game and milking to death.

Only thing I had good experiences where I literally remember scenes still months later with new IPs like Castlevania or Enslaved, why did those games leave a lasting impact on me but not GOW3 or AC:B?, they looked fresh to my eyes(specially Castle), developers need to focus on making new games and stop with the milking.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? Don't buy the console and don't buy any games. Seems pretty simple to me.

If you want to generalize (everyone feel free to contribute), then there has not been much innovation the past 30 years or so....literally. I mean, why make another FPS after Doom, Duke Nukem, and Quake? I mean, it is all just duck & cover and shoot. In reality, everything from those was stolen from the side scrolling arcade shooters of the late 80s and early 90s (just think about it). Red Dead Redemption sucked and was nothing new.

Hell, RPGs are just as bad. Fight bad people, get new equipment, level up, lather, rinse, repeat. Heck, there was no need for Demon's Souls.

Why have another racing game after Outrun?

Cooperative multiplayer - didn't Guantlet set that standard?

Mortal Kombat fatalities were the epoch of fighting games....why invent any other (Thrill Kill comes to mind)......maybe you think Street Fighter was...who get my point.

If you don't like something, great....but to say that ALL games are rehashed IPs is simply ignorant.

Have you thought about maybe branching out into genres that you never played before?

A couple of games I played in 2010 that I really enjoyed were Yakuza 3 and Demon's Souls. I know Yakuza 3 is another sequel, but I've never played a Yakuza game, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also picked up a PSP and have been playing Persona 3 and Ys Seven, and I've instantly fell in love w/both of them. Then again, it's the first time I've played either of those franchises, so maybe if you're in the same situation I am, you may have a similar experience.
All I can do is disagree. I've played some great fucking games this year. I can honestly say that I don't have any complaints about the titles that have been released.
bread's done