The First Annual "Cum git It!" Joe2187 Video Game Giveaway!! - (WE HAVE A WINNER!)

I want it because I fail miserably at the real guitar and want to try my hand at Guitar Hero. I suck at Guitar, but am generally good at games, so I want to see if I'll be any good at it. Reason I haven't bought it is because of the price, plus I'm too busy working to pay for bills and crap(it's moreso the bills and crap and not the price)

I deserve it because I'm the first poster! Statistics show that the first poster in any thread is entitled to offered prizes simply because he or she IS the first poster. It's a fact, look it up buddy.
My guitar controller is broken. It just stopped working around Christmas time last year. I guess the cord short circuited or something. So if you could please give me the guitar. I don't want the game since I already have it. I guess I'll pay for shipping if you pick me.
I don't know if I'm deserving, but I would like the copy. I would save it until Christmas and give it to my Niece as a present. She enjoys playing the game with me when I visit Texas during Summer and Christmas break and this way she could own her own copy. Good luck to all that post and thanks for offering up this sweet prize OP.:D
I want it becuase I don't own the it, but have played and enjoyed it at a friends house. I have 3 real guitars, but I dedicate more of time to the piano and have no real time to practise those. Just want to rock out with out much practice.

Why I deserve it? I dunno, lol.
[quote name='Malik112099']I didn't know Friday was the name of a month[/quote]

You have been disqualified from the contest on recent evidence that found proof that you are a jerk

Every morning, I stand up in the middle of a group of 13 & 14 year olds in Chicago and try to teach them to read and write. i get a 10 minute lunch (really), and unless I take a piss or a dump before 8:55, I can't go again until 3:00.

I have to deal with things like "I axed him a question" and "supposably".

I have to read pages and pages of expository essays telling me how to cook a chicken.

I deserve it, because I dream of smashing the guitar wildly around my classroom and scaring the shit out of my students.
better question is why dont I dont deserve it. Because your a nice guy, and so am I so hook a brother up
There is no reason to explain myself. It's completely random as you say, but I think you're doing this for a good reason, so I'm posting this as my entry. I think this belongs in Contests & Free Stuff tho. If it does, a mod will move it, until then, it'll stay here.
I want to show my friend the pure awesomeness of guitar hero but don't want to let him borrow it out of fear he'll break it, like with my guncon2. Umm and I can pick it up locally and even give you like $10 or something for it.
Oh, I forgot to add I have never once won anything free or nearly free. I've entered literally hundreds of contests, and I've never even came in second or third.

Won't you spare me of this massive losing streak and end my torment?!
Hmmmm, there is nearly nothing i can truly state here that would be a good reason (keyword... good) to have you give it to me.

So all i'll say is... I'd very much enjoy playing it, since I have not played any of the Guitar Hero Games yet (unless you count playing at BestBuy for 5 minutes :p was fun, but man did i suck, lol).

Well, I'd like to win Guitar Hero to play it :D

I've been looking at it since the first one, but have never been able to even play it!

My friend has seen it a bunch of times, and has wanted to play with me, except for the fact that I actually don't have Guitar Hero.
But I do have a Playstation 2 to play it on!

My arguement for deserving it in that case, is so I can finally play it, and so that when my friend comes over asking about it, she can play it too.
[quote name='RandyTsai']i want the $20 in store credit that gamestop will give me.[/quote]

You have been disqaulified on recent accounts that you are funding terrorist orginzations (Aka Gamestop Queda). I have called homeland security and Pat sajak will show up at your door with aoutomatic weapons and a swat team to escort you to your new home at GITMO.

Have a nice day:D
I'd like it because honestly, I'm too cheap to buy it myself. I've always looked at it, but it's kind of an expensive game.

I deserve it because you'd save me the $$ it costs to get the game that I don't really have to spend on fun stuff :)
[quote name='anarchyburger']so you got it from kroq, how long ago was this? i know theyre giving away GH# for xbox 360 right now, but you said it was GH for ps2 right?[/quote]

they had a little station at my college about 5 months back, part of the Radio and comunication entertainment classes they have at the college. The Radio station sponsered the students and the students set up raffle prizes, many other local radio stations were there...I also got a free T-shirt and a wrist band, water bottle and a sample cd of some new "Alt Rock" bands .But im 6' 3" and the shirt was small so i gave it all to some chick.
I shouldn't get it because I am still the only person in the world who has NEVER owned a PS2. I bought a PS1 Sept 95 and it kept breaking, so I figured when PS2 came out I would wait, until they worked out the bugs because I didn't need another dvd player and was more than happy with my Gamecube. If you gave it to me I would be forced to buy my first PS2 just to play the damn thing unless I break down and got a PS3 but I doubt that because I am happy with my 360
OH yeah and I got my first fucking BJ on February 1st 1987 :)
Because I can't play the real guitar in my apartment (it's just there for looks), and this way I won't need to borrow my girlfriends guitar and copy of the game if I want to play.
Cause the other kids won't let me play guitar hero with them here at college...

I sit here allllll alone...oh so alone...

I am all like "HEY CAN I TRY?!!"

And they say "fuck OFF NOOB!" Then proceed to stomp on my hands

Crushing both my feelings and oh hands

So I figure if I can get this Guitar Hero thing I may be able to get a chick with big long as she likes a guy with two broken hands

I figure I can just wear the guitar around and tell people I rocked it out too hard and broke my hands...

That is believable right?

I can see all the chicks clammering now...mmmmmm
I would like the original guitar hero because I am probably going to hold off on buying guitar hero III so I can save a bit of money, and it would be nice to play Guitar Hero I in its place.
I'd like it as it would be a kickass prize for once I set up a huge Super Smash Bros. Brawl, SvR 06, or maybe even Guitar Hero III tourney locally...

I think I'm deserving since well, I dunno, I only work now and then at minimum wage while still buying games on a regular basis?

...oh and she's on my side:
Well lets see. I'm low on funds, I could use another Guitar for multiplayer play, i'd probably store the box in a closet back home since I lost my GH box, and i'd totally trade the game for some NES goodies since I already own it.

hey, i'm the new guy, i haven't jumped into the guitar hero fandom, but have really wanted to, i think its awesome that you're giving it away rather than selling to gamestop (who gave me $65 for my xbox and gamecube when i got my wii in january) anyway, ive done nothing to deserve being chosen, but i wanted to throw my name into the raffle, best of luck to everybody, and great thing to do joe!
im part of a video games club at my school and we only have guitar hero 1. we also need another guitar so we can do pro-faceoff.
I would like to have the Guitar Hero for the PS2 but Im pretty certain that it will not work on my newly purchased PS3.I also live in Los Angeles.:cool:(would like to move someday)
I want it because iv been trying to get my fiancee into gaming forever. She has shown little interest till recently when she saw me playing Katamari Damacy and fell in love, and then gave the LotRO free trial a chance and was ok with it. I want to keep her playing new games, and games with me in hopes that she will start to love gaming as much as I do. She played GH at a Best Buy briefly and seemed to like it alot so I think this would be a great thing to get her further hooked on gaming. But we simply cannot afford to pony up for the game since we just got our own place and struggle to pay the bills as it is.
I'd like it to give back to my little brother. I'm going to get GHIII so I wouldn't use it.

I don't deserve it though...but I'd like it.
I want Guitar Hero because I've played it in stores and it's really fun.

I deserve it because I don't want to pay $80-90 for one game? I don't know why I deserve it.
I want it so that I can package it w/ Adam "Donkey" Dunn as part of a trade for Joel Zumaya. Lord knows the Reds need relief pitching and Zumaya needs a back-up axe. It's a win-win situation.

I deserve it because I said so. KNOW THAT.
I'd like it because my copy of GH2 was in the PS2 when the guitarist stepped too far away from the console, thus yanking it off the entertainment center and scratching the shit out of the disk. Even running the thing through a disk fixer five times didn't help, so now I have a guitar and nothing to play with it. Plus playing duet would rock.
I want this because I have played this game at friends house numerous times, and at gamestop a few times but I have been too cheap to buy it. It would fit me well to finally own it instead of being an outsider.
Why me? Well, I've only played Guitar Hero for about 5 minutes at a Best Buy kiosk and need the game to actually get good. I've played previous games by Harmonix (Karaoke Revolution, Amplitude, Frequency) and seriously appreciate them as a developer. Friends of mine have GH1/2, but because of my limited 5-minute experience with the series ever, it pains me to not be an expert participant with the game. That's about it. Oh, and I'm cheap and still can't believe Guitar Hero 1's hard to find under MSRP or at a good used price, so free would be pretty nice.

Besides, I have an old PS2 demo of Guitar Hero II sitting here just begging to be played, and the guitar would sure come in handy for that (with all the GH1 songs to boot).
I'd like it because my roomate smashed my old guitar in when he beat a real rock star. He refuses to buy me a new one, and I plan on buying GH3, so I really need this bundle you are giving away (-shipping).

I deserve it because I have done give aways myself and feel that I have karma on my side.
I want it so my ps2 will stop gathering dust and my fiancee will have another game she'll actually play.

I deserve it becomes my motives are pure and true.
i want to get the guitar because my whammy bar on my last one is very loose (much like my last girlfriend)....
I woud like your copy of GHII because is not for me, but for my girlfriend. She always complains that she cant beat me because i have a copy of it, while she can only come over and play it. Even if she borrows it, it is not for an extended period of time. So basically, I would like this copy to even the playing field so we can A) Shred together on expert B) Show her that i still have a higher shreducation. (also it would just be a cool gift for her :p)

I dont deserve it, she does. She works 9 hour days 6 days a week at a local uniform shop. No one is more deserving than her.
I would like it so I can finially tour around the freshmen dorms impressing all the hot chicks with my mad Guitar Heros skills and spreading the love that is rock and metal.

I guitar hero for me is a guitar hero for my campus.
bread's done