The Godfather - Blackhand Edition - NOT a collection of minigames!

We got this from a relative who works at EA as an engagement gift (romantic, huh?) last week. We only got as far as creating our character, which actually took a while. Now I'm going to wait until I borrow the DVD from somebody because I saw the movie too long ago and don't remember much of it, and my fiance apparently never saw the whole thing.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']We got this from a relative who works at EA as an engagement gift (romantic, huh?) last week. We only got as far as creating our character, which actually took a while. Now I'm going to wait until I borrow the DVD from somebody because I saw the movie too long ago and don't remember much of it, and my fiance apparently never saw the whole thing.[/quote]

An engagement gift? It is a nice game, but seriously, I would never give a lady a 8 or so/10 game as an engagement gift. Where has all the romance gone...

At least give the lady UC2... or Psi Ops. :p
I got this game for free, trading in three pretty weak GC games at EB last week. And honestly, I was surprised by two things: How ugly it was, and how much fun it was.

The game honestly looks worse that many GC games I have -- and I know that that's a common Wii complaint, but here it seems really valid. I would honestly have disappointed with these graphics on the 'Cube. Stiff movement, awkward textures, and feeble draw distance. Buildings a block away pop into view.

The game itself, though, with only the training missions covered, seems pretty great. I really like the combination of freeroaming missions and RPG elements: it feels almost like a mafioso Morrowind.

As I was playing, I thought to myself, this is what I was missing last generation: there just weren't games like this on the 'Cube. So, while I had a bit of buyer's remorse for throwing my lot in with the GC last generation, I felt pretty hopeful that we'll be seeing a wider variety of games on the Wii -- and that, as the platform gathers strength, we'll even be seeing non-first-party games of substance (and, yes, a little bit of senseless violence) being developed just for the Wii. (I will dance for joy if we get a decent North American RPG developed for the Wii.)
probably gonna go get this with the EB 2 for 1 deal, I ignored it because it's EA, but the reviews and videos have me excited.. and I've not played a godfather game yet.
I rented this game the past week and both me and my lady were enjoying it. I've played through Vice City and part of San Andreas til my xbox had it's disc read issues. But I do enjoy sandbox games, and this one just feels right to me. I've played about 8 hours and was only about 18% through. I normally take my sweet time playing these games and can get lost for hours. The controls work so well it's frightening. I mean, it's rare on a weekend, I'll have my hands in a constant rotation of uppercuts and strangulations. I have it on reserve at my local record store where I have some credit, and can't wait to bring this bad guy home again.
This is what I got with my 2 for 1 trade. I never really got into GTA (well, I enjoyed the first one), I guess something bugged me about just being that antisocial and chaotic. But setting it in the Godfather world, where there is an ethical system of a type seems more palatable. (I'm not far, so it's possible I'll be wasting lots of cops as well, though.)
The controls are pretty cool, though I'm not used to them yet (I keep trying to hit A to punch or shoot). It's not necessarily 1 to 1, but being able to change from jab to cross punch or whatever is pretty cool.
I'm enjoying it so far, and admittedly it's not HD graphics and all, but I don't have any complaints in that regard.
You don't wanna fuck with the cops. If you keep them on the payroll, they'll bail you out in half the street-level mafia gunfights (In addition to capping mob couriers and random woman-beating NPCs sos you can grab the cash.). Unlike the PS2 version, the cops in this game are brutal. (They fixed the car chase AI for this one.) If you want to cause trouble on a larger than a single business scale, purchase yourself some legal protection.

The Corleones figured out a fundamental economic rule. If you want the services of your social employees, you need to pay them more than the competition.

Hint: if the cops are in a gun fight, but the bribe is running out, you should clear the scene. They might turn on you once the protection ends.

Hint^2: AI Corleones can waste cops following you without gaining heat.

Hint^3: Enemy gangsters will also always shoot at cops. Probably for the same AI quirk that caused the first hint, they'll also likely be in a killing you mood if they waste a cop.

Hint^4: Phones give you objectives AND allow you to Call Driver to warp to any owned safehouse. This should save some of the massive drives. Still doesn't make Little Italy Industrial Park accessible easliy. :(
More, rather than less, the same.

Think of it as an UT style patch. A whole bunch of upgrades, added features, and new missions. At its heart, it is the same thing, but with Wii-mote aiming to make it more fun. A whole bunch of stuff fixed from the old version, too.
I'm still playing the game, and enjoying it(though I didn't play any of the previous Godfather games). The funnest part of the game is taking over businesses & warehouses IMO, so I haven't made it too far into the actual missions yet I don't think. I'm not that far into the game anyway, only 8-9 hours, but so far it's all been enjoyable. The graphics are definitely weak, but I'd certainly still choose the Wii controls over better graphics any day.
[quote name='pygmy carnotaur']I'm still playing the game, and enjoying it(though I didn't play any of the previous Godfather games). The funnest part of the game is taking over businesses & warehouses IMO, so I haven't made it too far into the actual missions yet I don't think. I'm not that far into the game anyway, only 8-9 hours, but so far it's all been enjoyable. The graphics are definitely weak, but I'd certainly still choose the Wii controls over better graphics any day.[/quote]

The story missions pick up, but you REALLY wanna get them out of the way. They're the only way to level up as a Corleone family member (Decrease your weekly Corleone family tribute, so your weekly income rises, as well as allowing you to hire on AI teammates and unlocking more hit missions.). Great source of cash and respect as well.
Just picked this up from the trade 2 get 1 deal at GS. Got decent reviews, the best out of all the Godfather games at IGN- a solid 8. I'm looking forward to trying it out.
Just finished this the other day. Great game really, a very welcome surprise. Clocked up about 30 hours getting all the businesses, rackets, compounds, hubs and warehouses and weapon upgrades. Highly recommended.
Bought it last night, and I'm loving the controls so far! Although maybe my movements are too rapid, but I can't seem to make the distinction between a jab and a cross punch too often. I'm guessing I should just go easy on the wii-mote with my actions?

Also, a power hit, do I charge back with the remote, or hold back with the d-pad??
[quote name='seanr1221']

Also, a power hit, do I charge back with the remote, or hold back with the d-pad??[/QUOTE]

push down on the dpad then swing your punch. Great game so far.
after you complete all missions and eliminate all families, there isn't much left to do except beat random citizens up, find film cannisters and hunt all the safes down to blow up. that was the only disappointing part.
[quote name='munch']This thread really makes me want to play this game. Is this version considered the best?[/quote]

From the reviews I have read, yes it is considered the best version.
[quote name='munch']This thread really makes me want to play this game. Is this version considered the best?[/quote]

For what it's worth, IGN rated this version higher than the others (granted, only .1 higher than the previous highest-rated Godfather game, which was 7.9 on I think PS2).
Finally got around to playing my rental that's due back tonight. Game is excellent. The fighting controls are spot-on, it's great. The aiming seems sort of strange, sort of a hybrid between auto-aim and free-aim, but other than that, good stuff.

About how long is a full run-through of this game, with all side missions? Seems like there's a ton of shit to do that could take a while.
[quote name='botticus']Finally got around to playing my rental that's due back tonight. Game is excellent. The fighting controls are spot-on, it's great. The aiming seems sort of strange, sort of a hybrid between auto-aim and free-aim, but other than that, good stuff.

About how long is a full run-through of this game, with all side missions? Seems like there's a ton of shit to do that could take a while.[/quote]

Well, from start to Don of NYC, you're looking at about 40 hours easily, maybe more. Don of NYC includes all story missions, most side missions, most businesses/rackets taken over, all four enemy family compounds taken down, mostly enough accomplished to put you around 93%-ish completion.

Man, I haven't even found the hookers that give me police chief blackmail missions.
I've played both the PS3 and the Wii version and for the most part I prefer the Wii controllers except for the kill move and free aim which are much harder for the wii than ps3. Otherwise it is the same game with a different title (I finished all the main missions on ps3 and got to don before I sold my copy so I am sure of this)
[quote name='RollingSkull']Well, from start to Don of NYC, you're looking at about 40 hours easily, maybe more. Don of NYC includes all story missions, most side missions, most businesses/rackets taken over, all four enemy family compounds taken down, mostly enough accomplished to put you around 93%-ish completion.

Man, I haven't even found the hookers that give me police chief blackmail missions.[/quote]That is excellent. I think I'll make this my next purchase once I need something to play (which means finishing SPM and getting as far as I can in TC).
I played the game, and while I didn't like it enough to continue playing I have to say that the controls are amazing - probably the best of any Wii game to date.
Rented it, just got done playing for a few hours, and I have to say I was impressed. The graphics really aren't terrible and the game play is solid.

So, for anyone on the fence, take the chance. I highly recommend it, even for a $50 pick-up. Some may not agree on that last statement, but I dare anyone to argue that it's not in the top 5 Wii games out right now.
All the positive reviews in this thread, coupled with people I know playing it and saying it was awesome, means this will probably be my next Wii purchase... first one I've made in 5 months ;)

I'm excited!
[quote name='Roufuss']All the positive reviews in this thread, coupled with people I know playing it and saying it was awesome, means this will probably be my next Wii purchase... first one I've made in 5 months ;)

I'm excited![/quote]

Come back and tell if you like it. Good to know I am spreading Godfather love around.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Come back and tell if you like it. Good to know I am spreading Godfather love around.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I just got it today at the b2g1 free at EB with some other Wii games (SSX Blur and Sonic), came to $29 a piece once you look at the math, which is the price I wanted to spend on all three games anyways :D

I will definitely put in some time tonight.
The only complaint I have with it is the text is kind of hard to read... it looks almost blurry at times? And grey text on a black background is no good :p

But the gameplay, the hour I played, is excellent, ESPECIALLY the wiimote functions! They seem really inituitive, despite being a lot of them, they are easy to remember because they feel so natural.

Actually opening the door was awesome, I was just expecting to hit A :lol:

I'm really excited to put more time into it.
Since I'm almost done with Super Paper Mario I've decided that I will order the Godfather soon. It should keep me busy until Resident Evil 4 comes out.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Since I'm almost done with Super Paper Mario I've decided that I will order the Godfather soon. It should keep me busy until Resident Evil 4 comes out.[/QUOTE]

It is really good so far... Game Informer gave it a 6.5 I think and I feel they were WAY off, they said the control scheme was shit.

I'm realizing with the Wii that these scores are starting to correlate directly into how good any reviewer is at exactly using the controls... I remember Twilight Princess got based because one guy kept doing the spin attack when he wanted the shield bash... I've never once mixed the two of them up.
I didn't have any problem with the text, but I think I can see how folks would.

Helping other folks enjoy a game I liked makes all this worth it.
I got this as as a B2G1. I started last night but wanted to get some advice. How many missions should I do before I start getting sidetracked and extorting businesses? Is there any set number of missions I should get under my belt before I head off on my own?
Just starting playing this after buying it during the trade 2 get 1 promo at GS. I would've thought nothing of it if it wasn't for this thread.

Quite fun so far, but I've only done a few missions. I already like how I can go off on my own extorting businesses and whatnot.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Just starting playing this after buying it during the trade 2 get 1 promo at GS. I would've thought nothing of it if it wasn't for this thread.

Quite fun so far, but I've only done a few missions. I already like how I can go off on my own extorting businesses and whatnot.[/quote]

Just a tip, don't be starting shit with the Barzini-run businesses yet (The Green-clad mobsters.), because whatever you start, they'll finish.

That's not to say a Level 4 Outsider with no help can't take them down. Get the cops in on the action and use cover to make your peashooter blasts count, and you might live through the day, but Barzini bullets hurt loads more than Tattaglia bullets. That's just fact.
Amazing game considering I never get into the GTA-style games. This one definatly held my interest for longer than expected. I never really got past the first 1/4th of the game, but I think I'm starting to regret giving it to my friend...
Yeah i loaned it out... I must find the time to beat paper mario and zelda before starting another game... plus I picked Excite truck up againa nd am working my way through an all S ranking..
[quote name='schuerm26']I got this as as a B2G1. I started last night but wanted to get some advice. How many missions should I do before I start getting sidetracked and extorting businesses? Is there any set number of missions I should get under my belt before I head off on my own?[/QUOTE]

I started extorting businesses right away after the intro (on the way to the safe house) but than again I had played the game on the ps3 prior so I knew the game better. Remember you have help with you and as soon as you kill a mobster you get guns..ala back room and the police meter seems to creep up less indoors as well.
I got this game in the mail the other day and I've really been enjoying it, I think I've put at least 4-5 hours into it. However, it's been causing my Wii to freeze and buzz (something Zelda also did a few times) and get green graphical artifacts, so I'm going to have to email Nintendo and get a new Wi since I guess that means I have a bad GPU.
Is the EB buy 2 get 1 free on used games still happening? Im searching for it everywhere and can't seem to find it, I wana pick up this game. :(
[quote name='Roufuss']It is really good so far... Game Informer gave it a 6.5 I think and I feel they were WAY off, they said the control scheme was shit.

I'm realizing with the Wii that these scores are starting to correlate directly into how good any reviewer is at exactly using the controls... I remember Twilight Princess got based because one guy kept doing the spin attack when he wanted the shield bash... I've never once mixed the two of them up.[/quote]

Yeah, I have pretty much stopped listening to reviews on Wii games for this very reason (unless they are absolutely horrendous reviews for everyone). How this got a 6.5 is beyond me.
In case anyone is interested, I'm at the 30 hours mark and I'm just short of Don and just a bit shorter of Don of NYC. So, yeah, this game will give you a good amount of playtime. ;)
bread's done