The Godfather - Blackhand Edition - NOT a collection of minigames!

just started playing this game this's fucking great! if you're a fan of the movies you'll love the game. the motion controls are surprisingly tight and work well and the i can' say enough about the driving in this game. there's no motion control involved, just the thumstick on the nunchuck and the b button for gas...makes sense and it's really comfortable. I've got a bout 7.5 hours in or so and i'm an associate. This game is worthy of a higher score than a 6.5, that also baffles me. Yes the graphics aren't amazing but they don't suck either. The world and draw distances kill those of the new spiderman game. Regardless, this is a great game and if you were ever a gta3 fan or godfather movies fan, you'll dig this for sure!
Sorry to dig this old thread up, but I need some help with the "Horseplay" mission. Details in the spoiler, just to be safe.

I'm trying to get to the bedroom. But that last freaking guard (the one talking to the maid upstairs) keeps coming around the corner and spots me. I can never kill him fast enough before he sounds the alarm. The 25 second alert timer is useless, because he always shouts within about 5 seconds. To make it even worse, he steps away from me when he comes around the corner, so I waste a few seconds getting within good punchin' range. How do I take him out fast?

Other than that, this game is rediculously fun. I just took over Little Italy, and I think Brooklyn's not far behind. I just have to finish it before my wedding at the end of the month, because I don't think she'll appreciate the game as much as I do. :)
After he finishes talking to the maid, you can pretty easily sneak up on him and kill him before he gets too far down the hall. If the maid goes down the hall after him, she won't mind the corpse.
Do you actually have missions to take down the other families, or can you just randomly go into their compounds, guns blazing and take out the Dons?
Well, you take out the Dons in missions, you can (and must if you seek Don of NYC completion, rather than just Story Mode completion) storm the compounds at some point on your own time.

No Dons in those compounds though. The Story Mode runs independent of your actions in the city.
[quote name='The Crotch']Very independent. So much for Vito Corleone's peace negotiations, eh?

*runs away as a Barzini hotel explodes*[/quote]

Traditional GTA-style believability. Who honestly thought that GTA:SA's crooked cop (played by Samuel L. Jackson, if that rings any bells) was a plausible threat to your character, when, odds are good, you ran down three cops and shot a half dozen more just to get to his mission?
Thanks for your help guys.
I have another question. I got the key from a fire in a favor mission. I went to the bank by the Corleone's compound, but it always says that it's closed, no matter what time I visit. Anyone know how to get in.
Make sure you got the right bank, for starters.

Second, the bank is likely closed because you robbed it recently. It'll reopen within a game week's time from when you robbed it. Go about your business and check the pause menu map occasionally for the closed icon on the bank to be replaced with a bank icon again.

The prize for this mission is nothing critical to progress.
So as someone whose not familiar with the Godafther movies at all (something I should rectify sometime), is the game enjoyable? I've heard too much good about the game to continue ignoring it. ;)
[quote name='daroga']So as someone whose not familiar with the Godafther movies at all (something I should rectify sometime), is the game enjoyable? I've heard too much good about the game to continue ignoring it. ;)[/QUOTE]
I would imagine so. I just started it yesterday, and I enjoyed the three hours or so that I spent with it. It doesn't seem like you would need a lot of background knowledge to like the game.
Oh, I knew jack shit about the Godfather movies going in, and I liked it. You'll be just fine.

EDIT: Really, the plot takes a backseat to the action and the stylishness of the general affairs anyway. You're not gonna be out of the loop.
Cool, now to find it uber cheap. Unless someone is done with Godfather and wants to try Sonic for the Wii out. I'd do a clean swap
Bump. I recently got into this game (restarted my ~2 hour file and put it 14 hours in about 4 days so far) and I absolutely love it. Just want to see if anyone is still playing this.

I have a few questions that I'll spoiler.

I've taken over Little Italy so far, and got the Tattaglias out of the city completely. Before getting it all to myself I was wondering if there's any way to not start a gang war when taking over warehouses. It seems there's so many ewnemies it always rases my vendetta to gang war level, and I have to get to go and bribe the FBI guy. The Tattaglias ar ethe only family I've really fucked with, but the hit missions have me killing Cuneos now (since I've killed three Tattaglias and 3 Straccis). It seems the story is going faster than I am!

My other question was whether or not a guide for the PS2 version would apply to this version. I bought the penny guide of the PS2 version, but only have the Wii version. I'm hoping it'll work, since I'll probably need it if I want to be Don of NYC.
[quote name='Rocko']Bump. I recently got into this game (restarted my ~2 hour file and put it 14 hours in about 4 days so far) and I absolutely love it. Just want to see if anyone is still playing this.

I have a few questions that I'll spoiler.

I've taken over Little Italy so far, and got the Tattaglias out of the city completely. Before getting it all to myself I was wondering if there's any way to not start a gang war when taking over warehouses. It seems there's so many ewnemies it always rases my vendetta to gang war level, and I have to get to go and bribe the FBI guy. The Tattaglias ar ethe only family I've really fucked with, but the hit missions have me killing Cuneos now (since I've killed three Tattaglias and 3 Straccis). It seems the story is going faster than I am!

My other question was whether or not a guide for the PS2 version would apply to this version. I bought the penny guide of the PS2 version, but only have the Wii version. I'm hoping it'll work, since I'll probably need it if I want to be Don of NYC.

The game does end up going faster than you could even sanely take down the gangs. But, if you're taking them on in hits, it does give you a litmus to if you're leveled enough to push them around in businesses.

The PS2 guide will serve you fairly well, though there are hits and story missions that are different. The PS2 guide is unlikely to point out hidden moneybags on missions, and it won't detail good level paths or all the added features of the Wii version, but it should make a good baseline.

I'm actually done with the game and have traded it back to GS before the friggen 2-for-1 Wii trade in deal *Grumble*. I'll buy it again at a reduced price if I must have it back, but it has treated me well. I am finished with it for the time being.
I got as high of a rank as possible in the storyline a few days ago (but not overall because I wasn't doing everything required to get that). I really enjoyed the Godfather, and I'm looking forward to the next one.

[quote name='Rocko']

I've taken over Little Italy so far, and got the Tattaglias out of the city completely. Before getting it all to myself I was wondering if there's any way to not start a gang war when taking over warehouses. It seems there's so many ewnemies it always rases my vendetta to gang war level, and I have to get to go and bribe the FBI guy.
Unless you have a crew with you to take out most of the enemies, it's pretty much impossible not to start a gang war when taking over a warehouse.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I got as high of a rank as possible in the storyline a few days ago (but not overall because I wasn't doing everything required to get that). I really enjoyed the Godfather, and I'm looking forward to the next one.

Unless you have a crew with you to take out most of the enemies, it's pretty much impossible not to start a gang war when taking over a warehouse.[/quote]

Alright, that's what I thought, but I figured if there was a way to save me the trouble I'd like to know it.

I'm worried about funds when it comes to higher families, though, since I believe it costs more to bribe the FBI when higher families are involved. Any idea how much it costs to end a Barzini mob war? :lol:

I think I have close to 200 thousand dollars right now, and level 2 upgrades with the three handguns, not the shot or the tommy gun. I shoul get level 3 sometime, and buy some mroe safehouses. :whistle2:k

[quote name='Rocko']Alright, that's what I thought, but I figured if there was a way to save me the trouble I'd like to know it.

I'm worried about funds when it comes to higher families, though, since I believe it costs more to bribe the FBI when higher families are involved. Any idea how much it costs to end a Barzini mob war? :lol:

I think I have close to 200 thousand dollars right now, and level 2 upgrades with the three handguns, not the shot or the tommy gun. I shoul get level 3 sometime, and buy some mroe safehouses. :whistle2:k

[quote name='Kaijufan']I don't remember ending a mob war with any family costing more then a few thousand dollars. It does cost a little bit more with the other families, but by that point you have so much money it doesn't really matter.

I never even bought all of the safehouses, but I did buy quite a few of them. The upgrades are pretty important, and 200,000 isn't enough to start getting level 3 upgrades, since some of them cost more then that. For me personally the shotgun and tommy gun were my most used weapons, so upgrading them was important to me.

Also, I don't know if you have any compounds yet, but they make really nice safehouses (though you have to wait a few pay periods after taking them over before using them). You do need to bomb each building though, so you're going to need 2 bombs, and they have so many enemies having a hit crew along really helps. However, they usually have every weapon, including bombs avalible, unlike hotel rooms.[/quote]

Alright, that's good to know.

Yeah, I really only sue hand guns, but I like to hide then shoot, instead of blaze in and spray everywhere. Although with the higher families I might use the other gunds more. I'll upgrade those 2 before I start getting level 3, probably.

I haven't gone to any compounds yet, no, but I'm going to start doing more missions since I'm only a Captain now and I'd like to lower my Tribute percentage so I can get more money while I'm doing odd jobs on my own.
Yeah, before you get too far in, mob war bribing can seem prohibitively expensive, but you'll quickly find you're raking in enough dough that it doesn't matter.

Also, you only get 50 level up points, so you might not want to invest them all in cheaper bribes.
50 skill points? Well fuck. I have 15 in the second category and only, I dunno, maybe 6 or 7 in the first, but the first category gives you unlimited ammo when you get 30 points. That seems tempting.

I guess I'll have to choose my points more carefully now.

Also, i'll get to upgrading my tommy gun and shotgun soon. I have the cash, so I'll jsut take the hite, and maybe take down some racket trucks to make up for it... easier than robbing a bank, and more moniez.
Yeah, the level 3 shotgun, the street sweeper, pretty much kills everyone but high ranked Barzinis in one it. It is ridiculous.

Still, with the Wiimote, it is easy to drop a pistol shot to the head, so upgrading the magnum or something is also not unwise. But the shotgun and tommy guns both at L3 are ridiculously powerful.
Well I now have two people who need favors and hits, so I'm going to do those next.

I got asked to take down the Tattaglia Compound, so I went for it. Called in my squad of 4, and blew both buildings up with relative ease with the level 2 Tommy Gun. I have level 2 everything, and will work on 3 once I get more cash.

I'm assuming I can use the compound once it, uh, stops burning and gets repaired?

Once I do those hits/favors I'll be doing missions. I'm so tempted to start extorting every business in Brooklyn and Little Italy now that I own those two, but I know if I do missions first, I'll get more money later one with the lwoered tribute, rather than getting more now, but having a bunch of paydays with high tributes.

Love this game. So much.
I love the Godfather films, and have always been interested in picking up this game. However, I'm a bit torn between picking up the 360 version or the Wii version. Are the motion-sensing features in the Wii version useful and exciting enough to tear me away from my beloved 1080i and achievement points?
I don't have a 360 so my choice is made for me, but I will say that choking enemies and breaking their necks with a garrote wire is very satisfying with the wiimote.

Also, about racket trucks and banks, the bank I tried to rob and failed twice had 8 thousand bucks in it. The ones I succeeded at had $4k. Racket trucks that I'm finding are giving me, like, $7200. Close enough, unless I'm robbing the wrong banks.
[quote name='The Crotch']Eight thousand? Eesh. Sounds to me like you're hitting up the wrong banks...[/quote]

Guess so. It's the one down the street from a hotel in Brooklyn. And the one with $4k was in Little ITaly. Haven't touched a bank in the other cities. Any idea how much they hold, if 8 thousand is a measly total?
Midtown is where the money is at, especially with banks. I think they have either 20k or 50k at those banks. Either way, they are head and shoulders above every other bank in town.

You can keep a police bribe while robbing a bank if you get out of there before you hit 5 badges. At 5 badges, you lose the bribe, and since you get massive heat for as long as you're inside a bank, you should try to get out fast. Not usually feasible to make it out in time, though.

outofsync, I played both the PS2 and Wii versions. The dual-analog stick controls are very nice, so I imagine the 360 version is perfectly playable. However, the Wiimote aiming is a blast, as are the Wiimote fisticuffs. It is a tough call.

Plus, Godfather is just not usually a gorgeous game. The only thing they get right are the principal characters' faces, and even then...

But I haven't seen the 360 version, so I can't say for sure. Either way, you could just about flip a coin.

Even still, you will have to knock off a Barzini hotel or two if you want a safehouse to stash that money without getting wrecked. Barzinis don't like you training cops to them.
Just got a hit, and the following was the bonus condition:
Take the two Scaleri brothers out at the same time

How do I do that? Blow the place up?

I bombed the Tattaglia Compound, I can use it as a safehouse, I own Brooklyn, and the Compound's front status is open... but the income is $0. Is it always like this? If so, why the hell does a $0 income building have the "$$$$$" marking in the list of businesses?
Because they're... important?

Yeah, compounds don't give you money. The only thing compounds do is kick you up to Don completion.
Hrm. Disappointing, but oh well. I'm looking forward to finishing the main story and getting to go off and do all kidns of shit on my own to get NYC Don.

If you haven't completed hit missions with a police officer don't read the following.

The ending to that series of hits was great. I figured I'd have to kill him eventually, but I never thought he'd set me up. Good plot twist.
By the way, you don't need all the safes or similar collectibles to get Don of NYC completion. If you're even halfway diligent in cleaning up the city before taking the compounds, you'll likely make Don of NYC immediately after your Don ceremony.
That's good. I like this game enough to get all businesses and rackets, and probably even all the safes. But no way will I go around and get all those film reels. :lol:
I have $500k now so I'll be going for level 3 upgrades. Also, according to Gamefaqs Midtown is the place to rob for banks.
Okay, so how the fuck do you kill Barzini Jr. with a car bomb? I must've tried 15 times and he always runs away. What the fuck. This is really pissing me off.
I don't remember that hit because it was complete madness. Basically, I stuck a bomb on the car and drove it onto the scene, got out, and engaged in a pitched gun battle until it exploded. I don't know if I lived or not, but I got the bonus all the same.

By the way, tip if you can't do Kelley "K.O." Barry properly: Throw a bottle at him. He'll fall to his knees and you can beat the bejeesus outta him, and it still counts.
I ended up grabbing the 360 version of this game about a week ago, and I have decided that easily the greatest part of the game is being able to converse with a virtual Abe Vigoda. The gameplay is fun and all, the graphics are pretty good looking, James Caan lays down an awesome performance as Sonny, but virtual Abe Vigoda is what really makes the game worth 35 dollars.
[quote name='RollingSkull']I don't remember that hit because it was complete madness. Basically, I stuck a bomb on the car and drove it onto the scene, got out, and engaged in a pitched gun battle until it exploded. I don't know if I lived or not, but I got the bonus all the same.

By the way, tip if you can't do Kelley "K.O." Barry properly: Throw a bottle at him. He'll fall to his knees and you can beat the bejeesus outta him, and it still counts.[/quote]

Took me like 15 tries but I killed him. For Kelly, I capped him in the knee and beat the shit out of him and got the bonus.

The hardest hit for me was the last one, Emilio Barzini Jr. Couldn't get him across the street. Finally got lucky and did it.

I have 100% hits and favors now, and am Don Corleone. Working on extorting everything now so I can get Don of NYC.
[quote name='Legendaryhedgehog06']This is 26.99 Used at EB/Gamestop now so anyone who hasn't played it yet has no excuse. Seriously. This game is way better than Scarface.[/quote]If Prime wasn't coming so soon (and I wasn't so busy sucking at Strikers) I'd totally get this. It'll just get cheaper with time. Gonna pick i tup when I've got a bit of a drought.
Best moment so far --> shooting a guy in the face (which killed him) and having the impact of the shot knock his body into an electrical panel on the wall and seeing the dead body get electrocuted.
[quote name='natureboy46']I think I might finally jump on this, thanks to the Madden TRU deal. Been looking forward to it for some time.[/QUOTE]
I considered getting this with madden @ TRU but I'm gonna rent Madden 08 first, then pick up RE4 with Madden as long as its decent.
bread's done