The greatest SNES find of all time


55 (100%)
Hey guys, I stopped by an old video rental store here in North Texas last weekend and stumbled upon the find of my collecting career.
They had about 250 games and I got to pick and choose whatever I wanted.

In addition to these games I went back this week and picked up a few not pictured:
War2410, Fire Dogs, Prehistorik Man, Tecmo Super Bowl NES, Mario's Preschool Fun
Then these DC games Powerstone 2, SF III 2nd Impact, Marvel vs Capcom, Marvel vs Capcom 2

Now for the pictures of the big find not including the above $5 a game

All games were cart and BOX ONLY, no books or anything. Except for the NES games, they were complete but have been sold.




Wow! Nice finds bro. If you plan on getting rid of Shining Force let me know :)

Wait is that an earthbound Big Box with Strategy Guide? If so Holy Shit Great Find!
I am keeping most of them, I have sold already some of the extras here oN CAG and on DP.

Only thing I have left that I would sell is Secret of Mana and Breath of Fire II

I remember the time I scored a assload of rare complete SNES games at a flea market for $55. When I saw Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, FF II, FFIII, Mario RPG, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Lufia II and Breath of Fire laying there for the taking at 7$ a pop my heat started pounding and I almost pissed myself. He even cut me a package deal for them.

That is absolutely awesome. I'm from Texas, and I remember stopping in a video store a few years back and begging them to sell some of their snes games. I was told no, but that they would take my number and call me when they were ready.

I called them back a year later on my way into town and the girl says "Oh...I'm sorry, we sold all of them last month for $5 each..."

That find of yours blows anything I have ever found away though. Not only did you get first pick but holy cow - they had pretty much every "rare" (valuable) game there is!

If you're one to be concerned about dollar value, I would consider unloading Earthbound and some of the other games before GBA releases and Wii downloading sucks all the value out of them. I sold my complete Earthbound several months back.
GBA releases and Wii downloading isn't going to suck the value out of anything. Collecting isn't about the content, it is about the physical object.
God. If I had a find like that, I'd start collecting SNES games.

Then again, I'd be pretty much done collecting SNES games, too.
I only saw the first pic at first and I was like "wow... pretty shitty." Then I scrolled down and saw the massive orgy of awesome. Nice.
I live in Burleson, and found these just south of here on my flea market jaunt last weekend at the Antique Alley 15 mile flea market from Cleburne to Grandview

The games were $5 each, he said he didn't want to really sell the games that they would rent maybe 1 time a year. I told him I would give him $5 a game if I got to chose about 40-50 games and he jumped all over it.

I might have gotten cheaper, but I didn't want to risk not getting all that SNES goodness.

I already had Earthbound, CT, FF III, Breath of Fire 1 &2, Ogre Battle, Super Mario RPG.

So I sold EB, CT, FF III, Breath of Fire, Mario RPG, and Ogre battle all games with boxes for about $250 for those 6 games which paid for all 50 games I ended up buying and still have the rest for my personal collection.

So I have 44 games all boxed for Free :)
Did they have rental stickers on the carts? I've gotten some games like that with mint boxes and carts but all the carts had rental stickers or marker on them from the store. I need to start driving around the little towns in Indiana and see if any video stores have games for sale. It's pretty hard to find anything but a major chain in the city here.

On a side note, I had a buddy that had a collection that looked like that only all his games were mint and complete with the manual. His wife sold them in a garage sale for 25 cents each without telling him. He knew what they were worth on Ebay too. The lesson is tell your wife that games are worth money on Ebay...but not too much cause then she'll tell you to sell them all on Ebay. My advice is tell them they worth more than what you can get at a garage sale but not more than they are worth to you because of the enjoyment you get from them.
No stickers on any of hte carts, they didn't use stickers on boxes or carts.

All the carts are mint condition too.

He thinks the manuals are in a box somewhere but he isn't sure. He has my number and is suppose to call me when/if he finds them.

Next up for me is all his N64 and PS1 games when he finally breaks down to sell them to me.
Oh snap, I though that Ogre Battle was for N64...I forgot there was an SNES version of the game. Any interest in trading that?
just threw up a royal rainbow...that's amazing.

Only thing it's missing is Final Fight Guy.
[quote name='Rictor']Oh snap, I though that Ogre Battle was for N64...I forgot there was an SNES version of the game. Any interest in trading that?[/quote]

The one you are thinking of was ported to the PS1. The N64 one is a differnt game.

You definitely lucked out.

I would consider this more of a 'lucky' find, than the 'greatest SNES find of all time', considering that although you did find some rare and in-demand items, those are all still obtainable by normal means.

Now if you found a batch of prototype SNES games which were never released, or maybe if you found something like the NWC cart, Blockbuster cart or any other tournament item, then I would say 'greatest' find of all time.
[quote name='jeffg']I live in Burleson, and found these just south of here on my flea market jaunt last weekend at the Antique Alley 15 mile flea market from Cleburne to Grandview

The games were $5 each, he said he didn't want to really sell the games that they would rent maybe 1 time a year. I told him I would give him $5 a game if I got to chose about 40-50 games and he jumped all over it.

I might have gotten cheaper, but I didn't want to risk not getting all that SNES goodness.

I already had Earthbound, CT, FF III, Breath of Fire 1 &2, Ogre Battle, Super Mario RPG.

So I sold EB, CT, FF III, Breath of Fire, Mario RPG, and Ogre battle all games with boxes for about $250 for those 6 games which paid for all 50 games I ended up buying and still have the rest for my personal collection.

So I have 44 games all boxed for Free :)[/QUOTE]

Well done sir. I'd love to do flea market runs and find stuff thats even remotely cool as this, but I just don't have the patience to sift through some of the garbage sales and wake up early.
I don't normally reply to find posts because I've had so many great and amazing finds that nothing much phases me anymore. But while I was looking at the pics I kept muttering to myself...





holy crap!

....yeah, you did good, really good. :)
Thats a good find? Whatever. I found a Super Mario/Duckhunt for only $5

Ok, seriously, way to fucking go!
Between my eyes goggling out of my head and my heart skipping two beats, I think I crapped myself looking at those pics.

Seriously, though, that's amazing. Wow. I collect to find lots like these. Unfortunately, I live in Houston.
bread's done