The Grudge

I've never seen those movies, but I can tell you that The Grudge isn't that scary. It is interesting though.

I would say that it's not a great movie, and won't become a classic, but it is good. Definately worth a view in the theater or a rental.
No. Mediocre.

Points for a couple things, but has a lot of problems, plot wise, imo to take away from the experience.
I watched for the second time last night... and I still think it is not scary. I guess I just don't buy into the premise of the movie... dunno...
I was thinking of getting Ju-On and The Grudge 2/$25 at BB this week.... but then I realized that The Grudge wasn't that great and it was supposed to improve on Ju-On.
it was worth the rental. it was one of the better horror movies ive seen in awhile. i really liked how disjointed the presentation was. the story jumped around so much that even if you didnt care for the movie, you were curious to see how it all came about.

7 out of 10
[quote name='bignick']Its worth the rental.[/quote]

agreed, me & the wife watched this last night not to bad. I liked the ring better..
The special effects aren't as good as in The Ring, but Grudge's monster/spirt/whatever does get a lot more screen time here than Ring ever had. I think the creepy special effects are interesting enough to justify a rental. Sarah Michelle Gellar doesn't look so hot in this though.
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