The Harry Potter: Half Blood Prince discussion (**Contains spoilers**)

[quote name='karsh']I'm pretty sure that Dumbledore DID die from the fall from the tower. The way I see it, Snape had to actually kill Dumbledore. Otherwise, he would be breaking his Unbreakable Vow and would die himself. However, I believe that Avada Kedavra is a curse that cannot allow for resurrection from means like a phoenix. I personally believe that Snape, although saying Avada Kedavra, actually non-verbally cast Levicorpus. This causes Dumbledore to go flying from the tower, falling to his death. This completes the Unbreakable Vow that Snape took, as he killed Dumbledore. However, I believe that in the chapter after that, Fawkes' Lament, I believe that the tears of Fawkes would allow Dumbledore to return to life during his funeral, when he burst into flames. I believe that this may also be a way for JKR to deal with all of the Horcruxes. She can not reveal Dumbledore until later on in the last book, and then have him appear to Harry later on, with either one or two more of the Horcruxes with him. Though I'm still a personal believer that regardless of Snape's side, Harry will kill him in the final book, and then find out afterwards that Snape was truly good and that Dumbledore may be alive.[/QUOTE]

That sounds reasonable.

Hell, karsh, you've got me convinced! :D
Whoever has the locket may have already destroyed it- hence only 3 hexcruses left. Maybe one is the Hogwarts building itself?
I think Dumbledore will only be alive in the picture
Were there any pictures of Sirius?

(sorry for late responce just got the book three days ago)
What I think should have happened was Harry should never have broken the mirror Sirius gave him. That would have enabled him to communicate with Sirius after he supposedly died in OotP.
Just finished reading the book.

Snape had no loyalty to Dumbledore, he was a coward, and he chose to finish Malfroy's mission and murder Dumbledore because he didn't want to be killed by the unbreakable vow.

And it annoys me to hear people call Harry Potter a childrens book.
[quote name='Quackzilla']And it annoys me to hear people call Harry Potter a childrens book.[/QUOTE]

Harry Potter is a kids book. It has a reading level of 5th to 6th grade.

You know though, I hand it to anyone who can get Americans to read. I mean, the days when people went to see real grown-up works like Shakespeare and Mozart are obviously done. It's just nice when you can drag the masses away from juvenile Fear Factor schlock and Fox News Natalee Halloway coverage.
[quote name='smalien1']Whoever has the locket may have already destroyed it- hence only 3 hexcruses left. Maybe one is the Hogwarts building itself?[/QUOTE]
I'm thinking no on that one.

Didn't all of the other horcruxes have some kind of nasty effect attached to them? The ring killed Dumbledore's hand, getting to the pendulum required him to weaken himself dramatically, the snake kills people...if Hogwarts were a horcrux, wouldn't it have some kind of effect on everyone inside of it?
[quote name='karsh']That's quite a different reaction. In fact, now that I think about it, it's almost sort of like Levicorpus. Could it be something that although he said Avada Kedavra, and that's what it looked like, he actually cast something more akin to Levicorpus, and that it was the "fall" that killed Dumbledore, except he was revived by Fawkes when Fawkes was "lamenting" over Dumbledore's death? This would allow Snape to follow through with the unbreakable vow, but allow for Dumbledore to return.[/QUOTE]
It is mentioned in the HP books that death, no matter the cause, is always final.

Phoenix tears can heal amost anything (except certain curse wounds), but they cannot revive the dead.
I was re-reading Harry Potter year 1 again and noticed that the first password to get to the Gryffindor common room was "Caput Draconis." I'm thinking Draco Malfoy dies in the last book...?
[quote name='crazytalkx']I was wondering where the YTMND fad of "NOOOOOOOOOO! YOU BITCH YOU BITCH!!!" came from! :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that really is the best part. :D
[quote name='Quackzilla']Just finished reading the book.

Snape had no loyalty to Dumbledore, he was a coward, and he chose to finish Malfroy's mission and murder Dumbledore because he didn't want to be killed by the unbreakable vow.

And it annoys me to hear people call Harry Potter a childrens book.[/QUOTE]

No way did Snape betray Dumbledore. There's so much evidence to show they were acting together.

- Dumbledore would never beg for his life, especially after he told Harry that "Death is the next great adventure." He would not be afraid to die, so I think when he kept saying Snape's name that he was telling Snape to kill him.

- When Hagrid found the two arguing near the woods is another great piece of evidence. They weren't arguing about the Defense Against the Dark Arts job, Snape didn't want to have to kill DD, but DD thought it was the only way.

- Snape could have killed Flitwick in his room, he also could have killed Hermione and Harry, but he didn't. In fact, Snape was trying to tell Harry that you can't beat me with using oral spells, so you certainly couldn't beat Voldemort. I think he was trying to train Harry still.

There are a bunch of others too, but these are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. I think Snape is going to play an enormous role in the next book and will help Harry kill Voldemort. But it will be interesting to see how Snape can get Harry to trust him.

[quote name='rabbitt']I was re-reading Harry Potter year 1 again and noticed that the first password to get to the Gryffindor common room was "Caput Draconis." I'm thinking Draco Malfoy dies in the last book...?[/QUOTE]

Very nice catch. That certainly is very interesting.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']Snape gets killed in Prisoner of Azkaban, by the werewolves...[/QUOTE]

I don't seem to recall Snape ever being murdered by a werewolf.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']Sure he did. Watch Prisoner of Azkaban again. It was the part where the two werewolves were fighting. Remember he died trying to save Harry...[/QUOTE]

Why don't you READ Prisoner of Azkaban again, tard.
[quote name='Moxio']Yes, Dumbledore revives him with a Phoenix Down.[/QUOTE]


I thought even after you die, you just come back to life with one hit point after the fight.
[quote name='smalien1']I was just thinking, is Voldemort really that evil? He killed what 7 people? We have serial killers that do more than that.[/QUOTE]

Well he killed a lot more than 7 people, it's just that only 7 of them were NEEDED for the horcruxes. Not to mention he had his own personal KKK ready to go and kill whoever he wanted.
Wow I need to start reading the books, starting with Goblet of Fire. But seriously, I could have sworn snape was killed by werewolves in Azkaban. Maybe he was injured or something. After you see him get jumped by werewolves, you don't see him again during the whole movie.

Anyway my dad said something funny. One night we were watching Prisoner of Azkaban, and there is this one part with a little black kid saying "Black can be anywhere!" Refering to sirius black. My dad starts cracking up and said to the TV, "Yeah especially on your face!". It was corny but hey...
[quote name='rabbitt']Dragonlordfrodo.

Woah woah woah. Somebody wanna catch me up on the times? I thought dlf was banned?[/QUOTE]

Everyone was un-banned during the vB switch.
Just finished the book today. WOW. I can't wait for book 7 - it's going to be huge though to tie up all the loose ends...
Wow, old thread. Good book.

There's lots of story to tell in the 7th book though. Especially on the remaining horcruxes.
Yes. I almost hope that Harry dies at the end of the last book, so that I am surprised. I hope it's not a cliched 'good guy always wins' story. Although, it's a kids book, so I doubt it.
[quote name='smalien1']If it turns out that Harry is somehow genetically-related to Voldedmort I would castrate the entire male population of England[/QUOTE]

"Harry.... I am your father."

bread's done