The "I haven't bought a Wii yet" Poll


26 (100%)
Of those of you that have yet to buy a Wii, how many still plan on getting one?

As for myself, the past few CAGCast's have left me questioning whether or not I still want a Wii. Aside from the fact that it's extremely difficult to even find a Wii @ retail outlets, hearing Cheapy and Wombat say that they haven't used their Wii's due to lack of good games makes me even more weary. Am I the only one with this conundrum? Is it possible that Nintendo has convinced me to not buy the Wii?
Like the PS3, right now it's mostly in the what's coming rather than the what's out. The VC is on fire, and Zelda, Sonic, and Super Paper Mario are fantastic, but I'd see no problem with waiting for some bigger titles to hit down the line.
1. There's nothing coming out for it that I want.

2. I still have a vast majority of my old games or ports of them (Final Fantasy Anthology on the PSX for example).

3. I have a massive backlog of other games. This backlog, as of a couple days ago has started to include 360 games. I couldn't possibly justify another system at this point in time.
I bought one just because it was there and I had the money...probably would've sold it but I'd end up getting one before 2007 is over so I just kept it, plus it probably would've been a pain to try and transfer my info over to the new system.

...and I completly ignored the topic and posted anyway...
How about an option for: bought 4 sold 3? :lol: And they weren't profit making deals (I didn't lose money, either) just indecisiveness on my part. My wife really likes it so we're keeping this one. :)
I honestly have very little interest in the Wii. When I played Sonic for the first time on it I was instantly turned off my the controls.

Maybe I'll get one when Smash Bros comes out if you can use a normal controller for it.

Otherwise, probably in a few years when I can get one for maybe $50.
I voted I want one, but I'm still on the fence. I have a good friend that owns one, and doesn't really play it. He has the money, and ability to go buy games for it. But nothing seems appealing . As for me I really only want to play 5 or 6 games.

Moving the controller around has lost its appeal I just want to play good games now.
[quote name='daphatty']Of those of you that have yet to buy a Wii, how many still plan on getting one?

As for myself, the past few CAGCast's have left me questioning whether or not I still want a Wii. Aside from the fact that it's extremely difficult to even find a Wii @ retail outlets, hearing Cheapy and Wombat say that they haven't used their Wii's due to lack of good games makes me even more weary. Am I the only one with this conundrum? Is it possible that Nintendo has convinced me to not buy the Wii?[/QUOTE]

Lack of good games? I enjoyed Zelda, Wii Sports, and Trauma Center, and I'm having a blast with Godfather right now... on deck I have Super Paper Mario.

I've also got SSX Blur, Sonic and the Secret Rings, and Wii Play waiting to be played. Wii Play will mostly be a multiplayer game with my girlfriend, but that works fine.

The Virtual Console keeps me hooked to the console as well.

The Wii has been out about six months, and it has a good assortment of games out for it, imo. It's not just more of the same like anything else out there (well, I guess excluding the DS). It gives me an experience I really can't find anywhere else.

Everyone will be singing a different tune by the end of the year if Nintendo can push its big names out, like Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Smash Brothers, Strikers Charged (with online play!), and more stuff I can't think of.

Nintendo consoles are known for getting off to a VERY slow start... everyone seems to forget the DS took almost a year to take off and now good games drop like crazy for it. Let's take a look at this thread in another six months.

One could easily say the same about the PS3, that there aren't enough good games for it, but the same thing applies, the system is only six months old, how many games do you really expect would be out for it? Didn't the 360 also have a pretty lackluster start? If we all based our judgments on the first six months of a system, well, I know I sure as hell wouldn't own a DS, would never have bought a 360, and probably written off the PS3. Systems need at least a year to really take off.

This thread is just going to erupt into retardedness when certain very vocal anti Wii people show up to let us all know why we are stupid for buying a Wii and to try and convince everyone in this thread to never own one.

I think Nintendo is doing an awesome job pumping out its big names... Gamecube was nowhere near having all of its major franchises up by the end of year 1, IIRC.
In before the Flame war

I too rarely play my Wii. But the time I bring it to work as a party box makes it worth every penny.
After playing quite a few 360 games, it's hard to go back to a Super Paper Mario or Zelda for any length of time. After awhle it feels like I'm playing my Cube, but I get to move my hands a bit. I'll still probably get it to play the Nintendo games but not until it is as cheap as the Gamecube.
I was planning to buy a Wii at launch, but since then, I've picked up a Gamecube for about $50 (to replace the one I traded in in anticipation for the Wii) so I don't really need or want a Wii as much anymore. The two launch titles I wanted (Twilight Princess and Trauma Center) I already own for the GCN and DS, respectively. At this point, I'll probably pick one up when two games that I personally classify as "system sellers" are released (SSBB, RE4, SMG, Mario Tennis, and FE:GD among others).

On a somewhat unrelated note, my waning desire for a Wii has turned into a growing desire for a 360. Just waiting for the 65nm chips before I pick one up.
I don't use mine as much as I should, but the slow release of games isn't surprising.

Honestly, why do people wait to get a console later in its life if it is still the same price? I've never understood why some people wait to get the console 6-12 months after release if they are still paying the same price as I did on day one.

If you are waiting for a pricedrop, then I see why you are waiting. But those of you waiting for Smash/Galaxy/etc. might as well pick one up when you see one. There won't be a drop in price before those games are out, and you could be enjoying it much longer.
[quote name='Rig']I don't use mine as much as I should, but the slow release of games isn't surprising.

Honestly, why do people wait to get a console later in its life if it is still the same price? I've never understood why some people wait to get the console 6-12 months after release if they are still paying the same price as I did on day one.

If you are waiting for a pricedrop, then I see why you are waiting. But those of you waiting for Smash/Galaxy/etc. might as well pick one up when you see one. There won't be a drop in price before those games are out, and you could be enjoying it much longer.[/QUOTE]
Because instead of using that money for a wii that will collect dust the person could use the money on something else (possibly something more important) and use money later for a Wii when the person will actually use it?
I'll get one when I can walk into a store and say "hey guy, can you get me a wii out of one of the display cases?"

until that day, I can wait.
[quote name='whoknows']Because instead of using that money for a wii that will collect dust the person could use the money on something else (possibly something more important) and use money later for a Wii when the person will actually use it?[/quote]

I can understand a wait if the money would go to something more important, but I still don't think waiting makes much sense.

My roommate recently bought a 360. (Before the Elite.) He waited because he "wanted good games." Now, after a month or so of GoW, he is playing Oblivion and other games that have been out for a long time now. Game he could've been playing and enjoying long before now. I see/hear that similar story quite often.

I really don't believe anyone when they say there's not a single game on any console out now that they wouldn't want to play. If there's somebody who can't find at least one worthwhile game on Wii/360/PS3, then they must have one crazy taste in games.
How about "I finally got a Wii", "I already bought a Wii" and "I've never wanted a Wii" options in that poll?

[quote name='Rig']I can understand a wait if the money would go to something more important, but I still don't think waiting makes much sense.[/QUOTE]
I reasoned the exact same way. But then again, it's not really the same thing. The Wii does have some fun stuff, but it's not the same as what the 360 had at launch. The 360 had some amazing launch titles, and kept following them up with fantastic stuff. The Wii, on the other hand, just isn't AS worth having right now. Though Roufuss makes a compelling post.
[quote name='Roufuss']Didn't the 360 also have a pretty lackluster start?[/QUOTE]
Call of Duty 2
Perfect Dark Zero
Burnout Revenge
Tomb Raider: Legend
Dead or Alive 4
Top Spin 2
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Maybe the 360 spoiled me since there were so many good games out in the first 6 months, but outside of the initial "oh, this is kind of cool" reaction, the Wii has been nothing but a disappointment to me so far. I actually loaned it to a friend two days ago, which is something I never do with consoles. I'm usually not motivated enough to go through the hassle of Ebay, but I have a feeling I'll be selling it one way or another.

[quote name='PyroGamer']GRAW
Call of Duty 2
Perfect Dark Zero
Burnout Revenge
Tomb Raider: Legend
Dead or Alive 4
Top Spin 2
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[/QUOTE]
+Fight Night 3

I don't think Tomb Raider or Top Spin were really launch/launch era games (correct me if I'm wrong), but the rest were all within the first 5 months of the console's life. I don't know if I'd include PDZ, Condemned, or NFS:MW in a "showoff" list, those are kind of the Trauma Centers of the 360 launch...they can be fun but they're not necessarily worth your $50. That's still 8 games though, which is about two times as many as the Wii has 6 months in.
Jury's still out. Not enough games for me to buy just for myself, although some friends + Wii Sports (+ the games it does have) might be enough for an impulse buy at some point if they become readily available. Now I wouldn't expect a system to have enough games for me to take the plunge until it's been out for at least a year so no real surprise there. I like to sit back and see which console is going to have the 3rd party support. If the Wii keeps selling like crazy it will obviously be there.

Right now there are only a handful of games I'd really want and one I can get for the GC (Zelda) and another is really short (Warioware.) Just not enough meat there yet.
[quote name='PyroGamer']GRAW
Call of Duty 2
Perfect Dark Zero
Burnout Revenge
Tomb Raider: Legend
Dead or Alive 4
Top Spin 2
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[/QUOTE]

One can also that all of those games, barring 2, are refinements upon refinements of currently existing series, so yea, those developers had a lot of time to get things right.

One can argue that it didn't take a lot to utilize the 360 to just make the graphics look better, but on the Wii, the developers have the added challenge of customizing the controls to suit the Wii as well. It was a lot easier to port a good half of those games to the 360 without a lot of trouble, just clean the graphics up. Everything else can say the same (like controls).

If the Wii was just a super Gamecube, without the motion sensing and a regular controller, we would have seen plenty of straight up ports of decent games hit it as well. But because most developers can't just straight up port something, it takes longer to get a game to the Wii if they want to do it at all due to the controls.

I really liken the Wii to the DS... developers had no idea what to do with the DS that first year either, and I know I barely used mine because most games were gimmicky and developers had no clue how to utilize the system. But once a year or so went by, developers figured out how to use it, and now the DS has tons of quality software.

With the Wii, developers are catching on far quicker, but there is still going to be a much larger grace period that developers need to use to find out what works and what doesn't - the Wii is unlike anything any of us have seen before.

The Wii is doing a lot better than I thought it would by now, we're actually seeing some quality games come out. I think if Nintendo can stay on track with all of its big names, and some third parties like Capcom deliver on their games, the rest of the year is going to be very good indeed.

But like I said, it just needs time, these days I'd give all new systems about a year to really start picking up steam. It even took the 360 about a year to go from having a good library to one that many people call amazing, because we got games that take advantage of the 360.

While that launch list had some good games graphically, you can't tell me that any of them are as good as the things we see now, like Blue Dragon or Gears of War, after the developers have had time to learn the system... same thing with the Wii.
I'm very confused why I hear how the Wii is just the next Gamecube, that theres no good games on it, that the pace is too slow, etc. And yet there's very little complaint about the PS3's trickle of games, or the 360's for that matter.

You don't get 4 AAA games a month for any system (well, maybe except the DS). The PS2 didn't get its massive library in one day. Since launch, 2 games have made waves for the PS3 market since its launch from my perception, Motostorm and the upcoming Ninja Gaiden: Sigma. I've got stuff to play on the 360 cause I only recently got one, but nothing really has me pumped on their release list till Halo 3 now. Nothing on that 360 eraly release list can even touch Zelda, Super Paper Mario, or Wii Sports (from my tastes, obviously). I think the Wii's first 6 months has blown away the 360's and the PS3's personally.

Quality games come out slowly, especially this time of year, and especially months after a system's release. I do, however, understand waiting. Buying a system because X game is going to be great is not a real great idea. Even a series that you love or concept that sounds great on paper may not work well in real life. If I had bought a Wii for just Elebits, or a 360 for Dead Rising and Gears of War (all examples of games that "sold" the system to me in concept) I'd have been sorely disappointed. Waiting until there are games out that you know you will enjoy is not such a stupid move.
I wiilly never had much interest in the Wii. The Gamecube was kinda a let down for me too. I had a lot of fun with it, but there were only a handful of titles that I really enjoyed. I may get a Wii when they get cheaper and have more good games I have interest in, but I think that'll be a while away. I'm more likely to pay $600 for a PS3. Historically, the Playstation brand has always had more games I like. I love my 360, but that has a lot to do with the ability to play media off my PC.
Sorry Roufoss, I don't agree that Wii has that many games worth playing right now.

Zelda, definitely. (though it's really a GC game)
Trauma Center is very fun. (copy of DS game)
Super Paper Mario (that's what I'm talking about)

Everything else? Blah.
Sports is boring, and SSX Blur was a disapointment compared to the previous games.

VC? You have to be kidding.

I'm giving the system more time though. I don't plan to ever sell it.
I do like it, it sits pretty in my room.
[quote name='dallow']Sports is boring,[/quote]Well I tend to agree a bit from a single-player point of view, I've never had anything but a riotly good time with Wii Sports and a friend or 3.
No option for Holiday 2007 ? My kids wanted one last Christmas, I was foolish enough to think I'd be able to find one no problem.
So, without a doubt that will be the BIG gift this year.
[quote name='Rig']I don't use mine as much as I should, but the slow release of games isn't surprising.

Honestly, why do people wait to get a console later in its life if it is still the same price? I've never understood why some people wait to get the console 6-12 months after release if they are still paying the same price as I did on day one.

If you are waiting for a pricedrop, then I see why you are waiting. But those of you waiting for Smash/Galaxy/etc. might as well pick one up when you see one. There won't be a drop in price before those games are out, and you could be enjoying it much longer.[/quote]
My reason for waiting is that I don't need a Wii nor a 360 right now. While both would be nice to have, they would be about as useful as paperweights for a while, as I'm still working through games that I passed over during the lifecycle of the PS2, GCN, and the PC (not to mention the two handhelds). Regardless of whether it costs me the same now as it would in a few months, I don't need to spend hundreds on something that would be nice to have, but I'm not really going to use it anytime soon.

Besides, even if the consoles don't get cheaper, the games certainly do (you could argue that 'Game A' won't be any cheaper, but that doesn't mean games 'B' and 'C' won't be). In general, early adopters get bragging rights, while later purchasers get more value for their money.
I do believe I will own a Wii eventually, when the price goes down or the market gets flooded with used, barely played Wii's from those who bought it and didn't like it and just played it a little bit, then I can buy a package that contains controllers, VC games and other extras I would never pay the outrageous prices they are charging for. I chose undecided because I am going mainly for a single-player experience here, I have no one to play this thing with, my mom might try it out once or twice but I seriously doubt she will play it anymore than that, and she seems to be showing just as much interest in my NES as she is in the Wii.

I have so many games that its pretty pointless for me to fork over the 250$ for the wii plus the cost of extra controllers and the cost of VC games when I already have a huge collection of systems and original games and know how to keep them in working order.

Since I am going for mainly the single player here, and I don't have a very heavy interest in Zelda or Super paper mario (especially when I KNOW that i will be able to get zelda for the gamecube for 19.99 eventually and I already have paper mario for the gamecube and it hasn't even been played yet), I don't see the point in forking over 250$ for this console just because everyone hypes it up to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. The Wii sells on hype alone, people go out and they see it and they buy it because they heard it was hard to find.

I take a look at the game release list for the wii and see... movie game x for kids, game x for kids, game x that costs 50$ for a 2 hour experience... etc.. ok some nintendo stuff, but I already have that for the gamecube and the N64 and I most likely haven't even touched it yet since I have been busy with all the wonderful games on the DS and GBA.

I have a DS and that has been keeping me quite busy, I look at the DS games release list and can pick out at least 4-5 big, long games that I want to buy each year and probably even more than 5 per year, which is enough to keep me busy until the Wii becomes a more reasonable price.

When the Wii gets down to 100$ or 150$ I will happily purchase one, provided they have colors on the shelves other than white, I refuse to buy a console in white, this console is gonna be the new yellow SNES in a few years..
I am going to wait for a price drop. By then I can probably get Zelda, wario and paper mario at discount price.
[quote name='daroga']Well I tend to agree a bit from a single-player point of view, I've never had anything but a riotly good time with Wii Sports and a friend or 3.[/quote]

I played with two friends, a guy and a girl.
We all stopped after 15 mins and played Smash Bros.
I'll pass on a Wii until I can get one for about $100. Nothing interests me for it that isn't a port. Zelda I have for the gamecube, and Sonic I can get for PS3. Those would be the only two games out for it that I still would rather get for another console. The only upcoming game that I have slight interest in is the new smash bros game but is that worth a console? I really don't think so. So the Wii has nothing I'm interested in, and honestly to me they aren't worth $250. I guess I must have "crazy taste" in games....
[quote name='Silent Assassin120']I'll pass on a Wii until I can get one for about $100. Nothing interests me for it that isn't a port. Zelda I have for the gamecube, and Sonic I can get for PS3. Those would be the only two games out for it that I still would rather get for another console. The only upcoming game that I have slight interest in is the new smash bros game but is that worth a console? I really don't think so. So the Wii has nothing I'm interested in, and honestly to me they aren't worth $250. I guess I must have "crazy taste" in games....[/quote]I don't think I'll end up buying Sonic for Wii, but it is a much different, and if reviews are to believed, much better game than the 360/PS3 games.
[quote name='botticus']I don't think I'll end up buying Sonic for Wii, but it is a much different, and if reviews are to believed, much better game than the 360/PS3 games.[/QUOTE]
I didn't think so. The 360/PS3 one is more like the Adventure games while the Wii one reminded me of well...Sonic riders. Sounds kinda weird but that's what it reminded me of. I didn't really like the whole on rails thing.
Avoiding Rings of Death? Shitty onboard video? Fully functional dashboards/online components? There are numerous reasons to wait a year even if it stays the same price. And why pay 50-60 for new releases when I have games I paid
[quote name='KaneRobot']I don't think Tomb Raider or Top Spin were really launch/launch era games (correct me if I'm wrong), but the rest were all within the first 5 months of the console's life. I don't know if I'd include PDZ, Condemned, or NFS:MW in a "showoff" list, those are kind of the Trauma Centers of the 360 launch...they can be fun but they're not necessarily worth your $50. That's still 8 games though, which is about two times as many as the Wii has 6 months in. [/QUOTE]

Actually Condemned was a great game, I wouldn't put it in the same league as Perfect Dark Zero, which is one of the most overrated games I have played.

I will probably ask for the Wii as a gift for my birthday or this Christmas. I have wanted one since I tried it at E3, and I am excited about the games I have seen. But I am not going to wait in line early in the morning for a Wii, plus not many of the games I want have dropped in price yet. I can wait.
[quote name='Silent Assassin120']I'll pass on a Wii until I can get one for about $100. Nothing interests me for it that isn't a port. Zelda I have for the gamecube, and Sonic I can get for PS3. Those would be the only two games out for it that I still would rather get for another console. The only upcoming game that I have slight interest in is the new smash bros game but is that worth a console? I really don't think so. So the Wii has nothing I'm interested in, and honestly to me they aren't worth $250. I guess I must have "crazy taste" in games....[/quote]Tell me you didn't compare the travesty of a game in the PS3/360 Sonic game with the not-perfect-but-very-fun Sonic & the Secret Rings. The on-rails design for Sonic is the closest we've come to playing a Sonic game like the Genesis ones on a TV since, um, the Genesis. :)

Not saying it's not reason enough to buy a whole system, but don't lump those two games together, please. ;)
[quote name='daroga']Tell me you didn't compare the travesty of a game in the PS3/360 Sonic game with the not-perfect-but-very-fun Sonic & the Secret Rings. The on-rails design for Sonic is the closest we've come to playing a Sonic game like the Genesis ones on a TV since, um, the Genesis. :)

Not saying it's not reason enough to buy a whole system, but don't lump those two games together, please. ;)[/QUOTE]
I know we've argued about this before, but I still say the 360/PS3 game is better than the Wii one.

Then again I suppose it's all about personal taste. So you want to play a game like the Adventure games or do you want an on rails game.

That's pretty much what it comes down to.

(oh, and the homing attack in Secret Rings killed it for me :p )
[quote name='whoknows']I know we've argued about this before, but I still say the 360/PS3 game is better than the Wii one.

Then again I suppose it's all about personal taste. So you want to play a game like the Adventure games or do you want an on rails game.

That's pretty much what it comes down to.

(oh, and the homing attack in Secret Rings killed it for me :p )[/quote]I could've sworn we already agreed that your opinion was wrong and mine was right, didn't we? ;)

But you're right, if you're looking for another Sonic Adventure-esque game, you won't find it in Secret Rings. If you're looking for a "3D Genesis Sonic" game, you've got a better option in Secret Rings, I think. Only you don't have to hold Right (Up) to go!
Nope, I have no desire to get a Wii right now. Call me crazy, but I was never a fan of Nintendo's first party stuff. I don't like Mario, Zelda, Metroid or Smash Brothers. I have a Cube, but I bought that for RE4 and Tales of Symphonia. So I'm in no rush to get a Wii. Maybe when the new Fire Emblem comes out. Even then I'm not going to rush to do it.

Also I don't like moving a lot. Guitar Hero is about as much movement you're going to get out of me while I'm playing a game.
I actually saw a stack at Costco a week ago but after grabbing one and debating for 10 minutes I put it back. I think when a couple good games hit the budget title range I'll think about picking one up.
bread's done