The idiocy that is Blu-ray, Sony To Release Hi-Def Movies With No Players


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Sony To Release Hi-Def Movies -- With No Players
In an announcement that left many analysts scratching their heads, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment President Benjamin Feingold announced Wednesday that the company will release its first batch of movies on high-definition Blu-ray discs on May 23 -- even though no players will be available at that time on which to play them. Sony has indicated that the first players may not be available until November. In an interview with Home Media Retailing, Feingold said, "We realize there may be some delays on the hardware side, but we are going to honor our commitment to release movies when we said we would." Questions immediately arose concerning what retailers will do with the disks when they receive them. Said Feingold: "There are two schools of thought: A dealer could have them for publicity purposes, to prime the market, or we can ship them later, when hardware is on the market. But the important point is, we can meet the date -- that's the key."

What the hell are they thinking?
They're going to flood the market with blu ray movies, and by the time the players come out every movie will already be in the bargain bin. Cheaper movies are the incentive for high priced blu ray players.

I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.
That makes sense :roll:

Why and who would buy the movies before they got a player. I could see if you were going to buy some movies this week then next week getting a player, thats fine I do that with consoles. I will buy a few games I want first then buy the console. That way I don't go off and buy a console and have to wait till next check to get some games.

Anyway my point is that you will have movies sitting on your shelf for 3 months or so before you might be able to play them. Does anyone else think that maybe they're releasing HD-DVD around the time that Blu-Ray comes out. SO people will make the mistake of buying a HD-DVD's for there Blu-ray players? Is this sony's sad way of trying to make money off Blu-ray?
This way pirated versions of everything will already be on the market when the player comes out, so people can afford to blow their life savings on the player and still watch movies.
pirating blu-ray discs? Wouldnt that mean either

a)Buying a blu-ray burner
b)Ripping it which would be massive, but would still require a BD player which doesnt exist?
Just proves my point that I'm not gonna go replace my 250+dvd collection with overpriced coasters only to see the sweat roll off some over paid actors nutsack all in the name of hi def...
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']Just proves my point that I'm not gonna go replace my 250+dvd collection with overpriced coasters only to see the sweat roll off some over paid actors nutsack all in the name of hi def...[/QUOTE]
That pretty much sums up my thoughts right there :)
Way to go Sony, You're winner!
No, see, they release Blue-Ray movies now to get people excited. Average Joe Jerk-face walks into best buy and sees a DVD copy of "Get Rich or Die Tryin' ". Suddenly, he notices a way more expensive version right next to it! What is this? Blue-Ray? What kind of awesome spaceman tech is that? He knows it's more expensive, and more expensive ALWAYS means better, so he asks an employee about Blue-Ray only to find out that he can't have a player yet. So, he's forced to sit and think about it, the idea gnashing at his brain, until Novermber comes around, and he needs one so bad he lines up for the $1000 player so he can FINALLY watch Curtis Jackson in one of his greatest thespian roles! See?
I have no idea what sony's doing, so here's a bunny with a pancake on its head:
I would like to know if they do ship, what are the retailers going to do with them. I can't imagine best buy/walmart etc...will take up floor space with them.
This is a failure waiting to happen. 1000 dollar hardware equipment to play the the DVD combined with the 4000 dollars to a buy a 1080P tv even capable of playing the potential spells failureee.
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']This is a failure waiting to happen. 1000 dollar hardware equipment to play the the DVD combined with the 4000 dollars to a buy a 1080P tv even capable of playing the potential spells failureee.[/QUOTE]
Then the addition of buying your entire DVD collection back at $25-$40 a pop.
From what I have read, this summer you should see a bunch of 1080p tv's released, and the price should be lower then it is currently.
God I can't wait until one of these formats dies. I used to be rooting for blu-ray because I definitely plan on buying a PS3 but I really don't give a crap now. I want to watch movies in HD and I want to do it sooner rather than later.

Sony is like that kid in highschool who was ugly as hell but since he played quarterback on the football team girls were all over him and he was really popular but you knew deep down that it wouldn't last forever because he was a stupid moron with an ugly face and big butt and his butt smelled and he liked to kiss his own butt and in 10 years he'd be a fat mess stuck in some low paying job and you'd be banging tons of hot chicks on the weekends because you were wicked successful and then you saw him in a bar one night and laughed behind his back at what a loser he'd become because if you did it to his face he'd still kick your ass... or something.
Remember how, a few years ago, everyone was saying that Sony would dominate with the PS3 and the PSP?

What happened to those people? ;)

It'd be stupid to assume that Sony's going to vanish entirely after all of this, but they've got a BIG hit coming to them financially. UMDs are a complete failure, the PSP doesn't seem like it's lived up to any of the hype it was getting, the PS3 was pushed back, giving Microsoft even more time to try and build a lead, and now this?

Really, it's looking like Nintendo could come out on top again in the gaming market. All they have to do is not have company-wide screwups, and they're set.
I'm a bit puzlled by this move. Although, it could be their way of showing investors and consumers that they are ready to get the ball rolling.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I'm a bit puzlled by this move. Although, it could be their way of showing investors and consumers that they are ready to get the ball rolling.[/QUOTE]
That's like a kid failing every test he takes in math class, and then at the end of the semester "Look, I did some extra credit!" "But there is no extra credit for this class..."
Chances are that the Sony executives in charge of making this decision spend their leisure time typing the word "blue" in Microsoft Word, then changing the color of the font to orange and giggling uncontrollably.
Whats the big deal? I think the point is that Sony will have them ready before players come out...and as they said, stores don't have to carry them until the players/ps3 do come out.
but isn't there bluray players available in japan, say the Sony BDZ-S77

not that this move becomes any more brilliant
[quote name='2poor']They're going to flood the market with blu ray movies, and by the time the players come out every movie will already be in the bargain bin. Cheaper movies are the incentive for high priced blu ray players.[/quote]

Barring the bargain market, that's an excellent idea. By the time the player is released it may already have an extensive library, helping to overcome the traditional lack of software at release.

Though if you want to see real idiocy wait until the dvd's are released and people start buying them on or near that date. Those are the real idiots.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Barring the bargain market, that's an excellent idea. By the time the player is released it may already have an extensive library, helping to overcome the traditional lack of software at release.

Though if you want to see real idiocy wait until the dvd's are released and people start buying them on or near that date. Those are the real idiots.[/QUOTE]

No the real idiots are the ones that will take it home, put it in their DVD player and expect it to work.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Barring the bargain market, that's an excellent idea. By the time the player is released it may already have an extensive library, helping to overcome the traditional lack of software at release.

Though if you want to see real idiocy wait until the dvd's are released and people start buying them on or near that date. Those are the real idiots.[/QUOTE]

But why would retailers stock them if they're not going to sell for months(if at all) later? That's just like throwing their money away.
Personally, I don't see what the problem is with current-gen DVD movies and players. Hasn't Sony learned its lesson from Beta Max, Mini Disc, the soon to be extinct UMD, now this?
Reality's Fringe said:
But why would retailers stock them if they're not going to sell for months(if at all) later? That's just like throwing their money away.
Maybe retailiers won't carry it? They aren't being forced to at all, its all their choice. I think Sony is just getting prepared early for when Blueray players/PS3 do launch so that there is more than enough to go around for the people that want them.
[quote name='javeryh']God I can't wait until one of these formats dies. I used to be rooting for blu-ray because I definitely plan on buying a PS3 but I really don't give a crap now. I want to watch movies in HD and I want to do it sooner rather than later.

Sony is like that kid in highschool who was ugly as hell but since he played quarterback on the football team girls were all over him and he was really popular but you knew deep down that it wouldn't last forever because he was a stupid moron with an ugly face and big butt and his butt smelled and he liked to kiss his own butt and in 10 years he'd be a fat mess stuck in some low paying job and you'd be banging tons of hot chicks on the weekends because you were wicked successful and then you saw him in a bar one night and laughed behind his back at what a loser he'd become because if you did it to his face he'd still kick your ass... or something.[/QUOTE]

First I would also like to say that was one awsome post.

And that sony is nuts to just release movies that will sit and collect dust. People will see the dvds and stores will not be able to demo them. And when that happens all they will see it the price tag and say "I don't need that, my dvds look fine". That's a bad idea to get into peopel's heads.
Blu-Ray players are being released on June 25. This was just announced yesterday, initial release was May 23 to coincide with mass release of the discs (although some are supposed to be released late April).

Not that idiotic if you ask me. Sony is just tyring to throw the first mass market punch in the HD-era.
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']Just proves my point that I'm not gonna go replace my 250+dvd collection with overpriced coasters only to see the sweat roll off some over paid actors nutsack all in the name of hi def...[/QUOTE]

Excactly. I feel replacing my 20 or so anime VHS was more than enough, I'm not rebuying 400 DVDs worth of viewing material.

I'm waiting for one of two thing to happen:

1- anime publishers to pick their next-gen format
2- a player that'll run normal DVD and chosen next-gen format to come out... possibly one with VHS too (i've got a couple videos I can't upgrade.)
bread's done