The Legend of Zelda for GameCube promises some 70 hours of gameplay...


20 (100%)
God dammit. Who the fuck has 70 hours to invest in one freaking video game? What's wrong with 15-20 hours? If this is true then my interest level for the new Zelda just went WAY down - even if this is an inflated number based on taking pictures of every fucking thing in the game 3 at a time. Jesus Christ.
[quote name='javeryh']God dammit. Who the fuck has 70 hours to invest in one freaking video game? What's wrong with 15-20 hours? If this is true then my interest level for the new Zelda just went WAY down - even if this is an inflated number based on taking pictures of every fucking thing in the game 3 at a time. Jesus Christ.[/QUOTE]

There are a lot of people on this site who will love to here it. Im with you though. I cant believe it when people say a game gets good after about 10-15 hours. It almost makes me not even want to try a game like Tales. But, if you have the time, have a blast.
I always cut those numbers in half, at the very least. I've never played a game that's given me more than half of the hours promised. Whether it be from reviews or PR.
I was expecting a different reaction. In most games, as I have said before, I like them shorter. But it's Zelda for Christ's sake. If there was ever a franchise that deserved a 70 hour game, it's Zelda.
Wow, this is a definite first for me. I've never heard of anyone complaining that a certifiably AAA title was going to be TOO LONG. That's kind of.... ridiculous lol. That news actually pleases me greatly, and I have an enormously busy schedule outside of gaming.

To each his own, though, and i don't mean any offense!
Haven't most Zelda games been in the 30-40 hour range(except Majora's Mask)? I'm sure the 70 hour assumes you finish every little sidequest and collect every little trinket.

I'm just excited to get a Zelda that doesn't look like it was designed by Warner Bros. for saturday mornings.
If I was younger, hearing 70 hours of gameplay in a Zelda game would've made me the happiest kid ever. But, I don't like to hear that anymore, since I don't have that much time (and I have a lot more money now, which means I can buy more games).
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I always cut those numbers in half, at the very least. I've never played a game that's given me more than half of the hours promised. Whether it be from reviews or PR.[/QUOTE]

Guess you havent played SMT: Nocturne, they estimate it has 50 hours of gameplay, but most ppl cant finish it in that amount of time.
It's both a good thing and a bad thing. Good that your going to get your moneys worth and bad cause of the time issue. Hopefully if the story is good it shouldn't be a problem.
[quote name='greendj27']That makes me want it more. I love when a good game keeps going. I don't want it to end!![/QUOTE]

At that point, I will never finish it. With my job and personal life, I play games maybe an average of 1-2 hours a day best.

Although it might just be 70 hours to do all the side quests and item searching. Didn't people estimate GTA to be 100+ hours for 100% completion?
heh...I'll believe 70 hours when I see it. That's definitely pretty hard to swallow. The game would have to be absolutely massive to spurn those kind of hours. But I'm not against it at all. So long as it doesn't suck ass.
[quote name='inosuk']Guess you havent played SMT: Nocturne, they estimate it has 50 hours of gameplay, but most ppl cant finish it in that amount of time.[/QUOTE]

I actually own Nocturne, and have beaten it in around 45. So yeah, that was an exception. But 70 hours? Highly doubt it. Though I won't be playing it anyway since I hate Zelda.
[quote name='greendj27']That makes me want it more. I love when a good game keeps going. I don't want it to end!![/QUOTE]

so true....if its good why do you need a quick end?
[quote name='evilmax17']If there was ever a franchise that deserved a 70 hour game, it's Zelda.[/QUOTE]


I understand the frustrations of people who don't have the time to finish a game that long, but this is a good move for Nintendo. There have been too many disappointingly short first party GCN titles (Wario World, Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion come to mind). A 15-20 hour Zelda would likely lead to huge disappointment and more people turning away from Nintendo due to it.
The longer the better with any Zelda game. Its not like you're doing pointless leveling or anything. Its going to be 70 hours of pure fun gameplay and awesome FMV sequences
Your paying $50 for great game.

You get 70 or so hours of great gameplay.

Just play an hour or 2 (or more) every day or every other day. Then in less then 2 months you beat the game. How is 70 hours even close to too much?
hopefully the game does not level off like other Zelda games seem to do. I always seem to get close to the end of the game and quit because I lack the desire to continue (in WW I collected all of the Tri-Force, and in LttP I was at the Turtle Rock castle)

with that said, I will probably pick it up at launch, since it looks so good
That is good It only took about 12hrs to beat WW 100%. I hope the big N bumps up the difficulty from WW, damn WW was waaaaayyyy to easy. But 70hrs :wall:
This Winter will be very short if Zelda, KH2, FFXII and DQVIII all come out from 10/05-2/06 :bouncy: How will I ever find the time?!?
I can't believe you guys actually want to play a 70 hour game. That's almost 3 full days of constant playing. There's so many other great games out there that I don't have the time to even start because I'm so busy. I love Zelda and will get it eventually but I just can't see myself finishing it. Seriously, what's wrong with a 15-20 hour game that kicks ass all the way through?
[quote name='ne2eire']The longer the better with any Zelda game. Its not like you're doing pointless leveling or anything. Its going to be 70 hours of pure fun gameplay and awesome FMV sequences[/QUOTE]

Actually, seeing the pictures, I imagine quite alot of the latter over the former will make up a bulk of that time. And let us not forget the multitude of irritating fetch quests to take up a goodly portion of our time.

I still appreciate getting my money's worth and having a good long game, although I also have almost no time to play game these days. However, don't start believing we have 70 hours of great gameplay in a Zelda game.

Don't take this as an anti-Zelda rant, I adore the series and own every one of the games.. I'm just saying, take 70 hours with a grain of salt.
[quote name='javeryh']I can't believe you guys actually want to play a 70 hour game. That's almost 3 full days of constant playing. There's so many other great games out there that I don't have the time to even start because I'm so busy. I love Zelda and will get it eventually but I just can't see myself finishing it. Seriously, what's wrong with a 15-20 hour game that kicks ass all the way through?[/QUOTE]

Nothing. But this is Zelda, it's supposed to be epic.

Your arguement is true, and one that I agree and sympathise with. I don't have time for any of my games anyway, but that doesn't mean they should change them because of that. I agree that platformers and such should be shorter, but I know that if I pick up an RPG, I can expect to spend alot more time with it.

Games that are supposed to be short should be short, and games that are supposed to be long should be long. Zelda is a story-filled epic, and 15-20 hours just wouldn't do this particular franchise justice.

Hell, why not just make an hour long game, but make it the BEST GOD DAMN HOUR you've ever experienced? You need to leave your userbase satisfied, and I would think that it would be better for a game to be too long and left unbeaten, than too short and beaten quickly. I would be madder if I paid $50 and beat it in a weekend, than if I paid $50 and got 40 hours through before giving up.

There's nothing wrong with not being able to beat a game in a few days. Play it over the course of a few months, there's nothing wrong with that. It's Zelda for crying out loud.
also... while some of us older cag's maynot have time..... plenty of kids out there that have nothing else to do but play video games. I personally enjoy games that last long.

Ex Resident evil, I would set like an hour everyday just to play that.. i didn't want the game to end.

And as evilmax said.... its freaking zelda..... that game has the most fanboys (raises hand) and 70 hours of game play will defintly keep them happy.
I like that it will be long. I do obviously love Zelda games. It probably won't be a full 70 hours but no need to have a memory card. It's not like you will need to sit down and play it all the way through on release day.
Apparently there aren't many role players in this thread. RPGs often go over 40 hours. But I expect Zelda to be more like 35 hours, tops.
At this point, I have more games than I can realistically play in the foreseeable future.

But 70 hours of Zelda goodness only gets me amped.

Thank God it's coming out after the Bar Exam.
A 70 hour Zelda game would be pretty sweet, but I'll believe it when I see it.
With so many games coming out for the current gen systems this fall I might not get an Xbox 360 until next summer.
[quote name='Kaijufan']A 70 hour Zelda game would be pretty sweet, but I'll believe it when I see it.
With so many games coming out for the current gen systems this fall I might not get an Xbox 360 until next summer.[/QUOTE]
I have no doubts that this game will shurely suceed, as its got one of the best game developers heading it, i looking at a perfect 10 at gamespot, making it the 6th evah
[quote name='BIG5']Apparently there aren't many role players in this thread. RPGs often go over 40 hours. But I expect Zelda to be more like 35 hours, tops.[/QUOTE]

A lot of us play RPG's, but if you read around, you see that most of us don't have the time (or patience) to finish one. I haven't played through an RPG in nearly two years!
[quote name='evilmax17']Hell, why not just make an hour long game, but make it the BEST GOD DAMN HOUR you've ever experienced? You need to leave your userbase satisfied, and I would think that it would be better for a game to be too long and left unbeaten, than too short and beaten quickly.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that the theory behind most puzzle games? I can sit down with something like Tetris and be done in a few minutes, but I keep going back to that because it's a very satisfying few minutes.
[quote name='evilmax17']I was expecting a different reaction. In most games, as I have said before, I like them shorter. But it's Zelda for Christ's sake. If there was ever a franchise that deserved a 70 hour game, it's Zelda.[/QUOTE]

i copmletely agree
I find it hard to comprehend how a Zelda game can possibly be that long and not become utterly boring. I love Zelda, but there's only so much variety of world and content limited to storage space, I fear a big chunk of the game will be something similar to triforce gathering in Windwaker ::Shudders::
I find it hard to believe this will be 70. If they can make a great game, with 70 hours of gameplay, I am all for it. But don't give me BS about its zelda, its epic and it needs to be 70 hours...I remeber wasting a bunch of time driving a boat in WW...If it is a great game at 30, or 40 hours then that is fine with me. I would even be fine with it at 10 - 15 hours, as long as it is solid game
Hopefully it will be 70hrs of open ended gameplay rather than 70 hours of mindless fetch quests. An unholy marriage of Zelda and Morrowind would be very interesting.
Good news: It's 70 hours.

Bad news: It's 70 hours.

Talk about bittersweet! I'm excited that there will be this much playtime out of one incredibly gorgeous looking Zelda, but I don't have this much free time to complete it!
[quote name='evilmax17']You need to leave your userbase satisfied, and I would think that it would be better for a game to be too long and left unbeaten, than too short and beaten quickly. I would be madder if I paid $50 and beat it in a weekend, than if I paid $50 and got 40 hours through before giving up.[/QUOTE]

Wow.... I have the exact opposite viewpoint. I'd much rather play a game that's an hour too short than an hour too long. If it's too short I'm disappointed when it is over but I am probably going to buy the sequel and tell everyone how great the game is because I enjoyed it from start to finish. If it is too long then I've gotten bored and that's not good.
[quote name='ryanbph']I find it hard to believe this will be 70. If they can make a great game, with 70 hours of gameplay, I am all for it. But don't give me BS about its zelda, its epic and it needs to be 70 hours...I remeber wasting a bunch of time driving a boat in WW...If it is a great game at 30, or 40 hours then that is fine with me. I would even be fine with it at 10 - 15 hours, as long as it is solid game[/QUOTE]

Maybe this one will be 70 hours because Link no longer has a boat and must swim.
Well I guess this thread confirms that 70 hour of gameplay I asked before since no one knew about it in the other thread.

I definatly didn't think people would repsond something like"why 70 hours" but of course these are reactions from those who have a job and families etc, unlike those whose living off of parents. Well I'm one of the lucky bunches that's still too young to go off on their own and I personally can't wait to play.

Even though it's 70 hours.. wouldn't it depend on people playing? What if this is 70 hours to kids that are beginning to play videog games and those who like to run around? or is this 70 hours really 40 hours to those experianced with years and skills of a typical gamer? or this to the mainstream bunch of people that really can't play?... IMO I think this game would be just as great or greater as OOT was to me. Can't wait for this to be out.
70 hours would be great. Especially since the game is coming out around Christmas time (the only time of year where I can a decent amount of time to play games).
Yeah.. 70 hours if you sit around in towns, do every sidequest possible, and go afk for a portion of that. I would guess it won't be any longer then 30-40. I can't even think of a game that took me that long without doing every possible thing I could in it. I'll believe it when I see it.
bread's done