The Macho Man Randy Savage Wrestling Memorial Thread

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[quote name='mykevermin']to whom? not the kids and families who buy his stuff now.[/QUOTE]
Yes, but like I said: those people would shift to rooting for Punk, no?

In the long run, a drastic drop in Cena merch is well worth reinvigorating their shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty product.
[quote name='mykevermin']Del Rio needs to be pushed a bit more to regain the credibility as a #1 contender/champion.

He was ready to beat Edge this year, and should have. He was hot following the Royal Rumble. They put a stop to his push so hard that he needs more time to get back there. They have to undo the damage they did to him.

I think we'll see "the summer of Punk" still, to be quite honest. He's signed a short term deal through the summer and will defend the belt, but we'll think he's off contract and still the champ. It'll be great.[/QUOTE]
I just can't take a guy seriously when his stage name is River in english. i know most wrestling fans aren't going to get that, but still.
I'm thinking that we may see a Daniel Bryan cashing in his newly won MitB on Punk immediately after Punk defeats Cena. Punk loses to Bryan in what could be considered a passing of the torch from one successful former ROH guy to the other. BUT... Bryan Daniel is on the wrong show, which kills this fan's pipe dream.
They often used the Wrestlemania MITB briefcases to move guys between shows. Have they actually said that the Blue case has to be used on SD and the red one on Raw?
The cases were brand-specific after last year MITB PPV, so that'll probably be the case this year as well. I see Alberto boycotting the MITB match since he's already number 1 contender, Punk winning, getting his giant hometown celebration, leading to Vince announcing that he HAS to defend it against the MITB case winner, he beats him, and then Alberto comes out and says that he is the true number 1 contender, Vince makes the match, and Alberto taps him out with the armbar. Then, over the next few weeks/months, you can create an ROH faction of the Kings and Danielson, leading to Punk's return possibly at the Rumble as a mystery entrant.
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What's the quickest way to get heel heat back on Del Rio? Take the guy who has said he's destined to be champion and give him the belt because Vince handpicked him as a new "corporate" champion. Vince and Del Rio get huge heat by stealing the title from an exhausted Punk in his hometown, and Cena remains megaface by chasing him.

There's far more money in a heel champion/face challenger than the other way around.
Alright guys I'm calling it right now. First match of the night, Raw MITB match. Either R-Truth or Alberto wins. Thus giving time to rest for the later in the show. Punk wins the belt, then one of the 2 heels come in to take the heat. It'd make no sense for a face to cash in on Punk in his hometown, but imagine the heat a heel would get tonight.

edit - just saw JJSP post /\ above, I was thinking the exact same thing.
I'm almost positive its gonna be the same vanilla solution we've all thrown around. ADR wins MitB, Punk wins belt, ADR cashes in and wins. Then ADR and Cena feud till Summer Slam where Cena wins the belt back because well we all know its his belt so ADR will just be keeping it warm for a while.

But then again...
Although WWE has billed Money in the Bank as CM Punk's final appearance for the organization, he is among those advertised for tomorrow's Monday Night Raw in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

So there is that but taking Occam's razor into account its more likely that advertisement for the show was produced many months ago and its just left over.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I'm almost positive its gonna be the same vanilla solution we've all thrown around. ADR wins MitB, Punk wins belt, ADR cashes in and wins. Then ADR and Cena feud till Summer Slam where Cena wins the belt back because well we all know its his belt so ADR will just be keeping it warm for a while.

But then again...

So there is that but taking Occam's razor into account its more likely that advertisement for the show was produced many months ago and its just left over.

Yeah, them things always say "Card subject to change"
[quote name='Brak']Yes, but like I said: those people would shift to rooting for Punk, no?[/quote]

Not automatically, no.

In the long run, a drastic drop in Cena merch is well worth reinvigorating their shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty product.

Sacrificing short-term gains for long-term growth makes sense to you, it makes sense to me - but it doesn't make sense to a company who is publicly traded. They've shown, time and again, that since they went public they are unwilling to take risks in their "core product." Keep the wheels turning to produce a profit, and use that profit to find additional revenue sources.

It seems foolish (as Punk pointed out, he's a millionaire who is a would-be billionaire, if he didn't surround himself with ass-kissing yes-men and wasn't embarrassed to be a wrestling promoter), yes. But on a purely fiscal level, it makes sense. As a fan of wrestling, I find it horrendous. As a capitalist, I sympathize. Look, it shows even McMahon knows everything else he touches or tries to do is a monumental failure - so he doesn't want to try to mess with his one sacred cow.

[quote name='JJSP']There's far more money in a heel champion/face challenger than the other way around.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. In-fucking-deed. Cena and Orton defeating everyone in sight was tiresome 5 years ago, let alone today. If WWE can turn this story into a successful Cena-chasing-ADR for the WWE belt, then I'll eat my hat. I don't think they'll try it. I think Cena will retain and eyes will roll. See what I said above about risk and WWE's sacred cow. They need to sell goofy red t-shirts so they can bankroll another failure of a motion picture.

I like that all of us are invigorated and interested in pro wrestling again from the perspective of being curious about how a storyline unfolds, but this is WWE we're talking about. Shit ain't different. Let Punk walk into ROH next weekend carrying the WWE Spinner and then I'll be a believer. But for tonight? Super Cena walks out to his RAPADOOOOOOO music, carrying that stupid fucking belt with him.
[quote name='JJSP']What's the quickest way to get heel heat back on Del Rio? Take the guy who has said he's destined to be champion and give him the belt because Vince handpicked him as a new "corporate" champion. Vince and Del Rio get huge heat by stealing the title from an exhausted Punk in his hometown, and Cena remains megaface by chasing him.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing. I could see Truth winning the MitB, just to cash in and run out to fight tired Punk, only to wind up losing, and then Vince's music hits and he ushers out his chosen champion - Del Rio who beats exhausted Punk for the WWE Pinwheel Championship®.

Truthfully, it doesn't matter who wins MitB, as whomever wins, will likely get shit on if not tonight by Summerslam/Survivor Series, cause Cena absolutely has to walk into Entertainamania with the belt.
I hope Punk cuts another heel promo before the match.. something about the script saying Cena is supposed to win but he won't let it happen, or something to that effect. That, or he no sells the AA. Something that's out of the norm.
[quote name='Scorch']I hope Punk cuts another heel promo before the match.. something about the script saying Cena is supposed to win but he won't let it happen, or something to that effect. That, or he no sells the AA. Something that's out of the norm.[/QUOTE]

While it would be funny I think Punk respects Cena and wrestling business too much to do something like that.
This is the most excited I've been for a Pay-per-view in years. Unfortunately, WWE's cockteased us so much and left us flacid...and then kicked us our in our balls...and then charged us for it, that I can't rationalize the $45 for it =/.
Del Rio wins MITB and is #1 contender? Mulligan champion for sure - watch him use his #1 contender match, lose, and immediately use MITB too.
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.

I'm so deliriously happy right now. What a match, what a fucking match. Such atmosphere, such a story. Holy fucking shit.

That was the best match I've seen live (on TV, not in person sadly) in fucking years and years. I didn't know if anything would top the UT/HBK Wrestlemania matches but that was amazing.
Yeah, this match certainly is right up there with Taker/HHH. Might even say that it beat it.

Cena's going to get "fired", Punk has the belt, the outcome we all thought was coming with ADR was not to be. Lots of happy wrestling fans tonight.

I'm certainly more than pleased with tonight.
The knee Cena took to the jaw was crazy. His knee definitely looked jacked.

Can't believe he was still standing.
[quote name='Regian']Yeah, this match certainly is right up there with Taker/HHH.[/QUOTE]
I liked Vince getting on the headset telling them to get Del Rio out there. Punk has to be helping book/write this. If only because this is light years above anything else they've done in a long time.
[quote name='Genocidal']I liked Vince getting on the headset telling them to get Del Rio out there.[/QUOTE]

They did a great job going through all the sensible motions while finding unique ways to get out of them (Punk going through the crowd; ADR not "using" his title shot, etc.).

Phenomenal writing. I'm excited to see where this goes. Would love to see WWE have the guts to let Punk run through the indies with the belt for a few months, showing up on Raw from time to time.

The intensity of this match was incredible, but it really exposed Cena as a fucking awful wrestler. He's fucking terrible, terrible, terrible in the ring.
My heart absolutely sank as ADR ran out, then he just got fucking levelled.

Punk going out through the crowd was beautiful.

They need to get that white shirt Punk wore tonight up on WWE Shopzone. They deserve to be rewarded for booking this.
[quote name='mykevermin']I want to see a pic of the white shirt they had for sale. did you get one?[/QUOTE]

No, I wasn't there in person. Dammit.

Google isn't telling me much. Apparently it has today's date on it, so it seems like it might've only been sold at tonight's show.
[quote name='Scorch']Figure 4 and PWTorch are all down due to traffic. This is huge.

/edit: PW's back on[/QUOTE]

Goddamn Punk singlehandedly crashed the internet. I can't wait to see RAW tomorrow.
[quote name='Halo05']No, I wasn't there in person. Dammit.

Google isn't telling me much. Apparently it has today's date on it, so it seems like it might've only been sold at tonight's show.[/QUOTE]

I saw the date and it said Chicago on it. I hope they sell that online.
[quote name='Halo05']My heart absolutely sank as ADR ran out, then he just got fucking levelled.[/QUOTE]

The entirety of the match was a very exciting back and forth, but that moment really finalized the joy of the writing. "Oh, fuck, they are going this route, aren't they?" I thought - realizing that, of course they would, it would be far too big a hole in logic to not have one MITB guy try to cash it in.

My heart sank as I thought ADR was going to become the new pushover "corporate champ," like Mick Foley as corporate Mankind (though I loved his bowtie).

Then BAM! Punk hits him with a "savat kick" (if you're gordon solie) and the moment is over like that. I'm elated now.

He's hopping into the crowd! He's hopping into the crowd! Holy fuck! Holy fuck!

I hope you felt that same sort of elation at the end of the show. That's why I watch pro wrestling.
the back of the shirt they sold is seen here - got it from here -

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