The Matrix Revolutions - $9.99


7 (89%)
At Wherehouse Music, or in some areas Cocconuts, Stawberries, and FYE have the same deal, The Matrix Revolutions is $9.99 after a $10 MIR. Someone posted this in the Post your own Cheap Ass Gaming Deals, but I thought this deserved it's own topic in the proper forum.
[quote name='Requiem']is the rebate instant (taken at the register) of Mail In?[/quote]

It is mail in. The subject line should state that the $9.99 price is AR.
Ok...but its 10 dollars even at target and circuit city and there's no rebate involved at all. Much better deal to me.
[quote name='agapens']Ok...but its 10 dollars even at target and circuit city and there's no rebate involved at all. Much better deal to me.[/quote]

you sure? i see it as $15.99 at circuitcity and $19.99 at target. are you talking about matrix:reloaded?
[quote name='agapens']Ok...but its 10 dollars even at target and circuit city and there's no rebate involved at all. Much better deal to me.[/quote]

I think you are mistaken.
There's a deal at Best Buy where you can get Matrix Revolutions for $10 if you buy Matrix 1 or Matrix Reloaded for $10 as well.

So basically two DVD's for $10 each. (and the Revolutions DVD at Best Buy comes with a Bonus Disc)
i just saw this movie the other day


the first one was great
second one was OK
3rd one just sucked big time.
You all are some cynical folks. I thought the movie was decent the problem is the first made expectations too high the second and third movies to match them
You couldn't pay me 9.99 to sit through that trainwreck again. In my eyes the Matrix ended after the first one.
I liked the first one. I knew the second one sucked, but I'm REALLY easy to entertain, so I enjoyed it anyway. And then I didn't really like how Revolutions ended the trilogy, but all in all, I like that one, especially the robots with big guns!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
bread's done