The Mystery of a Boy's Money: Any ideas what deviations one would secretly blow cash?


Dick Tracy


My friend's brother, for the past 4 years, is constantly in debt -- he's usually three months behind on his car payment (which is repo territory), doesn't pay car insurance because he doesn't have the money (which doesn't go well with the banks), he has owed on credit cards, owed on many traffic tickets (but those are paid off), and is pretty much SHAQ-FU'ED.

(I spelled Shaq-Fu out so's I could make it bold, for emphasis)

As far as the credit cards go, his payments were so delinquent that the credit card companies were bartering with him, hacking off digits in hopes that he'd start paying. I mention that just to show how bad off he was; and we - my friend and I - think he's paid those off. We're not sure, though. It wasn't a huge amount of debt, but it was just that his payments were insanely delinquent.

As for how his bank account looks, we recall at one time that he had a bank balance of around -$600, or so. Just in case you missed it, that's a negative in front of that $600.

Now, that means that the only bill spending he has is on his car payment, which he can't pay because he never has money... yet he has a job -- a full-time job, and has always had one. His money literally disappears; we've been trying to figure out where it goes, having joking discussions about it.

Now, the following options we can safely rule out:

- Drugs

Now, the following options we can safely rule in:

- Sex-oriented
- "Spoiling" (where a guy "spoils" some online whore with money -- this is real stuff)
- Sex-oriented blackmale
- ???
- Ω

The likelyhood that it is sex-oriented is around 60%... but, we have no tangible proof or any type of secret wisdom as to what's going on.

However, my friend and I have various sacred tales of his brother, involving inept / destructive decision making, and other embarrassments. I'll only mention one, to give you an idea of how self-destructive he is with money, and how he's set to detonate at any given tick of the ol' 5th 3rd Bank clock tower.

A couple of years ago, my friend and his brother shared an apartment; rent, $550-ish a month, split. The brother was working a full-time job, making $9-ish an hour. He worked around 50 hours a week, so he was making pretty good, steady bread. Enough for rent, food and buying entertainment treasures, or whatever a twenty-something gent would blow his paycheck on... except for this kid, of course.

During this apartment stint, he purchased a haggard new-used car from a traveling car salesman troupe in a K-mart parking lot. I can't remember the make, but it was a few years old, and pretty shitty. I'd say it was worth $5,000, or so, Bluebook. He paid $14,000 for it, because car salesman take advantage of meek, monetarily-destructive lone children.

Now, for a couple months after the car, all was pretty well. He had some money to spend... This is where it gets worse -- Yahoo! Messenger, a fat woman with no job and a kid, a trailer in another city and the fat woman's jobless, manipulative mother. That's right, he ditched his brother with the apartment, who couldn't afford it on his own, to move out of town with a woman he met online... a woman who he engaged and gave money to -- to her, her bastard kid and her mother. He got a over full-time job in that city, to afford all of this.

It took her cheating on him with a few other dudes to realize that he was making a mistake -- but it took for her to break up with him. He moved back to out city, pockets empty. He found a new job, and has had a few since, but never has a dime.

Before he moved out of the apartment, he was talking to his new girlfriend on the phone, so I picked up the other line and listened in, to see what was going on. It was the girlfriend and her mom manipulating him.

The mom: I heard that your mother thinks that we're just trying to take advantage of us.

Brother: *nervous mumbling*

The mom: Well, we're not! Got that!?

Brother: ... yeah...

The mom: Say it!

Brother: ... you're not...

The mom: Say it all!

Brother: You're not trying to use me for money...

The mom: Louder!

And it goes on for a little longer. Pretty disturbing, I must say.

My friend was forced to leave the apartment, and the apartment complex took them to court for breaking the lease. So there's some more money down the fucking toilet.

Now, that's pretty bad right? I'd like you to keep in mind that the other tales, which I won't tell, are ten times worse.

Has anyone seen anything like this before? Do you have any ideas where he money could be going? Could it still be going to the girl he engaged? Sex? What? Any ideas on how we could find out?
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Child support? :lol:[/QUOTE]
That's one of the factors I've come up with, actually. They may have manipulated him into paying for a kid that clearly isn't his.

"Clearly" as in "Was born 4 years before they started dating".

I don't think he secretly had a kid with her... Apparently she was raped by a dildo, at a party, and it messed up her garbage.

But, again, that's another factor... she may have used that as a lie so he'd blow loads in her.
[quote name='2poor']Maybe he wastes all his money on his girl.[/QUOTE]
Him and that girl aren't together, anymore. Haven't been for two or three years now.

He currently has a girlfriend, and they've been together for a couple of months. She's pretty nice, and isn't a money grubber.

In fact, his monetary state is actually putting her in a bad position, as they live together now.
[quote name='2poor']What's a sex orientated black male? Some kind of fetish thing?[/QUOTE]

I meant "blackmail".
[quote name='Brak']
The mom: I heard that your mother thinks that we're just trying to take advantage of us.

Brother: *nervous mumbling*

The mom: Well, we're not! Got that!?

Brother: ... yeah...

The mom: Say it!

Brother: ... you're no...

The mom: Say it all!

Brother: You're not trying to use me for money...

The mom: Louder![/quote]

Wtf? I think you need to knock out your friend, tie him to a chair and interrogate him.

Even if you have to hurt him to get the truth, it's for his own good.
I meet, if not beat that.

My ex from HS is living with a 38 year old man. She was 18 when they met. She was interning at a fire station and he was one of the fire fighters there. He actually used to live at the fire house as he had no home of his own. She took pitty on him and invited him to live with her and her roommate. A little while later they were dating and then they got engaged. I got so disgusted I stopped talking to her.

Fast forward to now... He has to work 3 jobs to pay for a kid with another woman and meet rent. However, thats still not enough as he's always drinking their money away. To make things even better, he's suicidal and will eat any pills he can get his hands on.

"but hes still a good person"

[quote name='Kayden']I meet, if not beat that.

My ex from HS is living with a 38 year old man. She was 18 when they met. She was interning at a fire station and he was one of the fire fighters there. He actually used to live at the fire house as he had no home of his own. She took pitty on him and invited him to live with her and her roommate. A little while later they were dating and then they got engaged. I got so disgusted I stopped talking to her.

Fast forward to now... He has to work 3 jobs to pay for a kid with another woman and meet rent. However, thats still not enough as he's always drinking their money away. To make things even better, he's suicidal and will eat any pills he can get his hands on.

"but hes still a good person"


Have you tried you know, spelling it out on a piece of paper and shoving it in her face?
Well, he now owns the bank three months worth of back payment for the car loan he took out. I guess moving sloves that problem though. $600 plus and bad credit is a sure way to sucess.
As much as I hate the guy, your friend needs to go listen to some Tom Lykus(sp?) long enough to grow some balls. But not too long to turn into a total sh*thead. Definitely needs some QUIT BEING A fuckING PUSSY! coaching.
bread's done