The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

I remember when I ordered the Jungle Green controller they took more than 6 weeks to ship it. When I contacted them they offered a refund or a Black DS3. That's the only time I've had an issue with ordering. In the end, I lucked out and actually ended up getting both controllers lol

Well best of luck to all of us stuck in order limbo.
Ha, that's awesome. Maybe they sent both because of the hassle. I'm glad they didn't do that with the controller I ordered for Christmas last year. I ordered the Jungle Green controller along with the 320GB PS3 Move Bundle, and they came right on time.

Side note, they were people complaining that the update should happen on Friday because that's pay day out whatever. Just get a credit card; use it for the updates, pay it off when you get paid...pretty simple.
Side note, they were people complaining that the update should happen on Friday because that's pay day out whatever. Just get a credit card; use it for the updates, pay it off when you get paid...pretty simple.
Yeah I don't see why that would be a big deal. Not like we're paying MSRP for this stuff.

Sorry if this has been answered already but how much has the PS3 console sold for in the past? Just trying to get a sense of what the PS4 may cost.

I just had a chance to look at these posts to see what was in the update - I'm sad I missed Killzone Mercenary.  I tried to log in at a computer at work but the site wouldn't load past the first page of the catalog like a bunch of others mentioned in this thread.  I hope they put up Killzone again soon.

Sorry if this has been answered already but how much has the PS3 console sold for in the past? Just trying to get a sense of what the PS4 may cost.
Since I've been on the site, I saw two PS3 Bundles go up. The first was the 320GB that came with Uncharted 3 and a Blue DS3. I believe that one was $200-$220. The second PS3 bundle was the 320GB Move Bundle which was $170-$180. Hope that helps you out. Honestly though, I don't think the PS4's will be available on the site for a long time considering they want the systems ready for retail. Take the Vita for example. The only time the Vita was available was during the last auction, and they initially 30K in points so we'll see what happens. Hope that puts things into perspective for you.

Yeah I don't see why that would be a big deal. Not like we're paying MSRP for this stuff.
That's exactly what I was thinking. People are always going to complain. It's in our human nature to complain.

UPDATE: Checked the order status of Killzone Merc, and it went from entered to processed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed until it arrives. There's also a MLB The Show 14 Module up.

Kept getting errors so nothing for me this time around. I tried again around midnight and got in to see some black controllers were available. Everything else looked like the same stuff as usual.

Would be nice to see some Vitas available - especially since I have yet to hear anything about them going on sale during Black Friday.

UPDATE: Checked the order status of Killzone Merc, and it went from entered to processed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed until it arrives. There's also a MLB The Show 14 Module up.
Just checked mine as well and my order of TLOU and KZ Mercenary changed to processed :whee: No charges on my bank statement as of now as well.

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Same here. Orders have been changed to 'processed' but still haven't been charged. In the past, my orders were always charged immediately.

This is what I'm sitting at:


No email and no charge or hold showing on my credit card. *fingers crossed*

Decided to order a charging cradle for the vita.
It went from Entered to Processed just like the previous orders
No charge.. But I did get an email receipt for the cradle

I also heard nothing about the free PS4's. These prizes will just show up at our doors like my GTA prize. I only knew I won that because I randomly checked the contest page, otherwise the box of GTA items would have been a huge surprise. Communication is somewhat lacking, can't really complain considering its free.

Still no charge and still showing only "processed" on order history. Who knows at this point? I will say though that my last order back in September for Puppeteer also still shows only "processed" and I ended up receiving that game in the mail.
When they say send us an email, are they are talking about the "Contact Us" section on the website?

They take forever to respond to those lol.

I am going to wait this out. I have stuff that says processed from over a year ago that I have received... I don't want to start messing with things. Plus... Not everyone has their twitter (including me) and CAG is the only way I would know about this sort of thing and not everyone has this information. I put all my orders in really fast and enough people have said that their orders say processed. I am definitely holding off for awhile. If I don't receive my stuff within 3 weeks or in a timely matter after other Cags say they have received their stuff, then I will contact them.

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You might as well bring it up to their attention while waiting.

My friend and I wasn't charged for our GTA V order and in the end, he got his copy and I didn't but my points were still taken from me.

I sent them an email back in the beginning of October and have yet to hear from them.

Wow, I actually got an email reply back that didn't take weeks!


[SIZE=11pt]Good news!  We received both of your orders successfully and will be shipping this week.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]We apologize for any confusion.  The charges should show up in the near future.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Please let us know if you have any further questions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Thank you,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Jessica Taylor[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Account Coordinator[/SIZE]

I am going to wait this out. I have stuff that says processed from over a year ago that I have received... I don't want to start messing with things. Plus... Not everyone has their twitter (including me) and CAG is the only way I would know about this sort of thing and not everyone has this information. I put all my orders in really fast and enough people have said that their orders say processed. I am definitely holding off for awhile. If I don't receive my stuff within 3 weeks or in a timely matter after other Cags say they have received their stuff, then I will contact them.
I'm going to wait it out as well. The only thing I'm concerned with is the fact that we may not be able to order those items in the future. I know the first time around they offered the Wonderbook + Move Bundle for $20. I didn't get to order it so I placed an order the second time it was available. I thought it was the same bundle, but it turned out to be just the game. I instantly emailed them about, and they refunded me my points. It would suck if I didn't receive KZ Merc and I wasn't able to order it in the future. We'll see what happens though. The only email I didn't receive was the one for KZ Merc. To think about it, I wasn't charged for GTAV and I still received it. I'll keep you guys updated though.

I'm not happy. They shouldn't be able to charge my card a couple of weeks later. I've spent money and may not have the matching funds now. If any charges go through I think I'll be disputing them with my bank.

I'm not happy. They shouldn't be able to charge my card a couple of weeks later. I've spent money and may not have the matching funds now. If any charges go through I think I'll be disputing them with my bank.
I really don't mean this condescendingly, but that seems a bit...shoddy to me. Yes, I agree that it would be nice if the proverbial left hand seemed to know what the right hand was doing over there, but they're still providing a pretty awesome service to us.

If something like this is putting your available funds in jeopardy, perhaps you should reconsider the way you monitor your account. I have a ledger application on my GS3 and when I use my bank card for something, I punch the amount in, it deducts it from the available balance that displays on my home screen, and I forget about it.

I guess what I'm saying is, to be completely fair, it's not their fault that you placed an order with them and then seem to have (as per your statement) spent those funds on something else. I'd be thrilled if my order ends up going through. If I can get two controllers, Puppeteer, Beyond: Two Souls, and a chatpad for $50, they cam take the full 4-6 delivery weeks to charge me, for all I care.

In fact, the timeframe for order processing on the site is 7-10 days. Assuming they mean "business days," which they almost certainly do, they technically "have" until the 26th to meet their own allotted window.

I really don't mean this condescendingly, but that seems a bit...shoddy to me. Yes, I agree that it would be nice if the proverbial left hand seemed to know what the right hand was doing over there, but they're still providing a pretty awesome service to us.

If something like this is putting your available funds in jeopardy, perhaps you should reconsider the way you monitor your account. I have a ledger application on my GS3 and when I use my bank card for something, I punch the amount in, it deducts it from the available balance that displays on my home screen, and I forget about it.

I guess what I'm saying is, to be completely fair, it's not their fault that you placed an order with them and then seem to have (as per your statement) spent those funds on something else. I'd be thrilled if my order ends up going through. If I can get two controllers, Puppeteer, Beyond: Two Souls, and a chatpad for $50, they cam take the full 4-6 delivery weeks to charge me, for all I care.

In fact, the timeframe for order processing on the site is 7-10 days. Assuming they mean "business days," which they almost certainly do, they technically "have" until the 26th to meet their own allotted window.

I expect to be charged when I place an order not at some random moment weeks later but NM I'll just keep my opinions to myself.

Edit: Plus I'm doing Xmas shopping and its Black Friday week coming up and that throws everything up in the air. Do me a favor and don't assume everyone does things exactly like you do.

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I will be getting 4 out of the 5 items I ordered and will be charged soon. GTA V obviously not coming back in stock, I got it elsewhere for a good price so no big deal.

I'm not happy. They shouldn't be able to charge my card a couple of weeks later. I've spent money and may not have the matching funds now. If any charges go through I think I'll be disputing them with my bank.
I don't see how it's the RLS team's fault that you don't balance your checkbook. Either you're getting some free video games on the RLS Team's dollar or you're not, but you're not really in the position to demand them to give you free video games.

I just checked my bank account and it doesn't look like I was charged for my two orders. I sent them a note and made sure to let them know they need to flag my account that I haven't actually bought them so I can get them in the future.

Also a note, on twitter they said a future update would bring Knack, KZ Shadow Fall, Cameras, DS4 controllers. No idea when but it is on their mind.

I don't see how it's the RLS team's fault that you don't balance your checkbook. Either you're getting some free video games on the RLS Team's dollar or you're not, but you're not really in the position to demand them to give you free video games.
I'm not demanding anything. I'm not asking them to send the stuff. I even sent them an email letting them know I wasn't charged and that I'd like the stuff to not be sent now. Hopefully I get a response.

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It was a good idea to wait it out. I received Beyond Two Souls today. Was never charged and it still says processing on the site.
I hope I share in your fortune. I'll send them a check if I get my shit and don't get charged for it. It was my first Advocate order and I was pretty damn excited for what I was able to order.

I got my 2 controllers and killzone Mercenary today, still no Beyond. It's more then I wanted to spend, at the time I tried to order I was told the item was no longer available so I tried to order something else not knowing I would end up paying for all of it.

I don't know if you guys checked the site lately, but the catalog is inaccessible. When you click catalog rewards, you're greeted with the following message.

"Catalog Under Maintenance. We'll be back shortly."

Those that got their orders, what states are you guys in?
I'm in Louisiana wondering how long it will be before I get my stuff (if I do)

bread's done